Chapter 116 Confrontation Transcends Tribulation Peak Power

Li Yangping walked to Zhang Wan and frowned, “Did you call me just now?”

Li Yangping’s voice was low and not irritable.

Zhang Wanli only felt his scalp numb, and he never expected this one to appear here.

Didn’t it mean that the son of the Nether Palace was far away on Mount Demon?

How would it appear here!

Seeing Zhang Wanli pondering, Li Yangping slapped him twice, “Pop, pop.”

“I’m asking you, didn’t you hear?”

Zhang Wanli suffered such humiliation, but he didn’t dare to make a statement.


Li Yangping frowned, stretched out his hand, and said, “Take it out and I’ll take a look.”

How dare Zhang Wanli refuse, and directly took out the paperwork from the storage ring and handed it to him.

Li Yangping opened it and glanced at it roughly, then crumpled it into a ball of paper and threw it in front of Zhang Wanli, saying, “What are you writing about?”

“Return to Sect? Heavenly Dao Zongzhen treats himself as a dish?”

Feeling the ball of paper hitting him, Zhang Wanli didn’t even dare to move.

“Eat it.”


Zhang Wanli was stunned when he heard this request suddenly.

Li Yangping frowned and said: “Why, really deaf?”

“I told you to eat it.”

Zhang Wanli’s face flushed with anger, and said, “Li Yangping, don’t be too arrogant!”

Before he could continue to speak, Li Yangping opened his mouth and stuffed the ball of paper abruptly.

“Are you disabled and need someone to feed you?”

The rest:…

Good guy, Zhang Wanli, who was still alive and well, is now held in Li Yangping’s hand like a little chicken…

This is too miserable.

Li Yangping said, “Didn’t swallow it?”

“Do you want me to help you?”

After speaking, he slammed Zhang Wan’s inner door with a fist, and his head was bled.



Fist after fist hit his face, blood dripped down along the temple.

Li Yangping wondered, “Why haven’t you swallowed it yet?”

Zhang Wanli opened his mouth in horror, pointed to his own mouth, and said, “Don’t fight, swallow it, look.”

“I really swallowed it.”

He is the chief elder brother of Heavenly Dao sect and the proud son of heaven.

But compared with Li Yangping, he couldn’t make it to the table.

Especially the difference between the two is a big Realm.

He only deserves to be beaten by Li Yangping.

Li Yangping glanced, and said with satisfaction: “Not bad.”

Just as Zhang Wanli breathed a sigh of relief, Li Yangping said again: “Now you spit it out and try.”


Zhang Wanli looked at Li Yangping in horror, and almost fainted.

Li Yangping frowned, “Why can’t you vomit?”

“Forget it, let me help you.”

So fists rang again in the reception hall, “Boom!”

From time to time, Zhang Wanli wailed in pain.

Everyone in the Ye family looked at this scene, staring at each other.

Holding his breath, he dared not speak.

This is really cruel.

The aggressive Senior Brother of Heavenly Dao Sect, at this moment, was paralyzed on the ground like a dog.

His face was full of black and blood.

The whole face can’t be seen in good condition.

At this time Zhang Wanli was lying on the ground, grabbing Li Yangping’s trouser legs, and begging for mercy: “Li Shengzi, I, I was wrong.”

“Even if you beat me to death, you can’t spit it out.”

Zhang Wanli’s desire to die is gone.

He is the chief elder brother of the Heavenly Dao sect.

Heir to Heavenly Dao sect with good talent, high status and exquisite all-round.

But when he encountered Li Yangping, the evildoer who did not play cards according to common sense, he suffered!

If he knew that Li Yangping would return to Weiyang City, he wouldn’t have stepped into Weiyang City even if he was killed.

How did you know that Li Yangping happened to appear at the Ye Family Mansion?

Li Yangping stepped out his leg disgustingly, stepped on his face, and sneered: “Aren’t you very proud before?”

“Isn’t it just one Li Yangping?”

“Why now I am here, so you changed your face?”

“You said my fiancee can rely on me?”

Zhang Wanli pleaded: “Reliable, reliable. It’s me who to have Eyes but fail to recognize Mount Tai, you just put me as a fart.”

Li Yangping smiled brightly: “Don’t be like this, as if I bullied you, am I that kind of person?”

The rest of the Ye family:…

Especially Ye Qingmeng couldn’t help covering his face.

You have beaten him like this, it’s not a bully.

Zhang Wanli nodded flatteringly: “Li Shengzi is magnanimous and will definitely not care about me.”

Li Yangping nodded, “That’s for sure.”

After speaking, he looked at everyone in the Ye family and asked, “What else did he say before I came?”

Everyone in the Ye family;…

At this time, Ye Jiasan Elder spoke: “Zhang Wanli said that if Qing Meng is unwilling to return to the Heavenly Dao sect, he must return everything in the Heavenly Dao sect, including the self-defeating Cultivation Base.”

“Self-use Cultivation Base?”

Li Yang Pingyuanben’s smile gradually faded, “Chief Zhang, would you like to say it again?”

Zhang Wanli’s heart sank, and he smirked: “Li Shengzi misunderstood. I just scared Sister Ye, how dare to abolish her Cultivation Base.”

“Don’t dare to lend me ten courage!”

Li Yangping smiled and said, “Do you dare.”

Zhang Wanli swallowed and shook his head hurriedly: “I really don’t dare.”

A silver light flashed, Li Yangping’s face became more and more gloomy, and he squinted his eyes and said: “Chief Zhang, guess what, dare I dare to destroy you?”

Looking at the cold blade, Zhang Wanli was almost peeing his pants in fright, begging for mercy: “Li Shengzi, don’t do this.”

Li Yangping is the saint son of the Netherworld Hall. He is cruel and cruel. How can he get it right in his hands?

“I am the chief elder brother of Heavenly Dao Sect, Li Shengzi must think twice!”

“Once you move me, it will definitely cause opposition between Heavenly Dao Sect and Nether Hall!”

Li Yangping sneered, “As if it doesn’t move you, the Nether Hall and Heavenly Dao Sect are not opposites.”

“Chief Zhang wants to survive for a fresher excuse.”

Zhang Wanli was silent, and the righteous demon was opposed. The Netherworld Palace was originally the enemy of the Heavenly Dao Sect.

He had no choice but to say to the void: “Zhao Elder, save me!”

“Zhao Elder?”

Li Yangping frowned, suddenly feeling a little movement behind him.

Hastily turned around and looked behind him.

I saw the figure of an old man slowly appeared in the void.

Dressed in black, indifferent and ruthless.

At this moment, he waved his hand, and Zhang Wanli appeared behind him instantly.

The original injured part also slowly stopped the blood.

While Zhang Wanli breathed a sigh of relief, there was also a hint of complaint in his heart.

Zhao Elder is the protector who escorted him down the mountain.

I don’t know that Zhao Elder disappeared before reaching Weiyang City.

Originally, he didn’t take it seriously, and he could go to the Ye family to pass the order alone.

But no one thought that Li Yangping was also in Ye’s house.

Zhao Elder sighed, “Do you know we missed a great opportunity.”

Zhang Wanli is not a mediocre person, so he thought of the reason and said, “Are you trying to use me to draw Li Yangping into action?”

If Li Yangping really wants to abolish him, Zhao Elder can stand up and stop Li Yangping.

Easily can also make Li Yangping “accidentally” fall.

Zhao Elder shook his head and said, “Those who make big things should not stick to the trivial. You are the chief elder brother of my Heavenly Dao sect, so you naturally understand this truth.”

Zhang Wanli snorted without speaking.

He was extremely angry when he thought of Zhao Elder hiding in the void and watching him being slapped in the face.


Seeing the two communicating there, a dignified color flashed in Li Yangping’s eyes.

He can feel that Zhao Elder is very strong.

Just standing there and letting him hit will not necessarily hurt him.

At this time, he noticed the look of horror on Ye Qingmeng’s face.

Asked: “Qingmeng, do you know who she is?”

Ye Qingmeng said in a deep voice, “He is Zhao Ziji, the Cultivation Base of the Transcends Tribulation period…”

“And when I was expelled from Sect, he also played a role.”

Speaking of this, a trace of hatred flashed in Ye Qingmeng’s eyes.

“The peak of Transcends Tribulation?”

Li Yang’s plane color is solemn, and the peak of Transcends Tribulation can be said to be a half-step emperor.

Although on Mount Demon, he killed the corpse puppet of Transcends Tribulation, but this was an accident.

The true strength of the corpse puppet is not one, it is just a fluke.

But Zhao Ziji is different, this is the real peak of Transcends Tribulation alive.

His chances of winning are so small that it is negligible.

Even if you can fight across tiers, it cannot bridge the gap between Transcends Tribulation and Nascent Soul.

Zhao Ziji looked at Li Yangping and sighed: “Li Shengzi deserves to be the first genius in the history of the Chinese mainland. He entered the Nascent Soul stage at the age of only seventeen. It is really terrifying to be born later.”

“At your age, the old man is not as good as you.”

“Unfortunately, just a little bit.”

Speaking of this, a trace of killing intent flashed across Zhao Ziji’s eyes.

He wanted to kill Li Yangping very much, but Zhang Wanli was too uncomfortable.

Missed the opportunity to do it.

He couldn’t do anything with Li Yangping anymore, because Li Yangping was Shi Feiyan’s apprentice.

In front of Shi Feiyan, he is considered a bird…

Even the head of the Heavenly Dao sect cannot keep him.

Zhao Elder turned his gaze to Ye Qingmeng and said, “Ye Qingmeng, I didn’t expect you to even accept Sect’s paperwork.”

“It’s really getting more and more spine, and Sect’s orders dare to violate.”

Ye Qingmeng shook his head: “When my talent was still there, the Heavenly Dao Sect Elder robbed me of the entry wall. After my talent disappeared, he couldn’t wait to expel me from the clan.”

“And even if all my talents in Cultivation Base are restored, it’s not worth the Heavenly Dao Sect’s order to let me return to Sect.”

Zhao Elder sneered: “You know you are self-aware, and your talent is not unique. My Heavenly Dao sect naturally looks down upon me, but if you return to the road of cultivation, aren’t you hitting my Heavenly Dao sect in the face?”

“Your talent Cultivation Base has disappeared. If you don’t want to be a mortal for the rest of your life, you have to do the dream of returning to the path of cultivation, and the dream has come true. Do you think the world will laugh at my Heavenly Dao sect. Human power?”

“You must either accept your fate and be a mortal, or you must die in the Heavenly Dao Sect!”

These remarks were even more domineering and arrogant than Zhang Wanli.

Ye Qingmeng’s expression was ashen: “You!”


A dazzling golden light burst out of Li Yangping’s body, and instantly Blood Qi and Buddha’s shadow were mixed together.

The breath of the whole person directly reached the peak.

He stood in front of Ye Qingmeng and faced Zhao Ziji’s pressure.

A pair of eyes glowed blood red.

“Heavenly Dao’s sect is unknown, isn’t it a fact?”

“Heavenly Dao Sect thinks it can block the mouths of You You?”

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