Chapter 147

Zhao Zihuan whispered: “I saw Wang Elder beheaded by him… Hun and Po disappeared.”


The air instantly cooled down.

Wang Elder’s face was very gloomy, still with a trace of disbelief: “My Little Brother was really beheaded by him?”

Zhao Zihuan trembled and nodded.

Wang Elder looked at Li Yangping.

The tone was cold: “Did you behead my Little Brother?”

The majestic coercion appeared on his body to crush Li Yangping.

Even Zheng Ruchun, who was standing behind Li Yangping, felt short of breath.

Li Yangping looked calm: “If you are talking about the parallel distraction, then you are right.”


King Elder was furious.

Not only did his Little Brother die tragically at the hands of this person, but he was also insulted after death!

“Blood debts and blood, pay for life!”

Wang Elder’s face was cold, and he roared: “I will chop off your head and pay homage to my Little Brother!”


A huge and incomparable form emerged behind Wang Elder.

There are countless black mists lingering in the Faxiang, and you can’t see the true colors.

And Zheng Ruchun looked at him in shock.

Compared with the previous parallel distraction period, it is obvious that the king Elder’s combat power can beat him Little Brother countless back and forth.

This king Elder is simply outrageous.

“Li Shengzi, run away!”

Zheng Ruchun pushed Li Yangping anxiously.

Li Yangping smiled coldly: “Run? As long as he doesn’t make a breakthrough, I will cut it with one sword.”


Zhao Zihuan, who was hiding on the side, let out a sigh of relief.

Seeing such a brave and powerful king Elder, there was a flash of excitement in his eyes.

Although Wang Shiguang is dead, his Big Brother’s combat power is terrifying.

The pair of dogs and men can definitely be cut off at the same time.

“Zheng Ruchun, even if there is Li Yangping, your only ending is death…”

Before he finished speaking, the whole person was caught instantly.

I saw countless black chains drilled out from behind Wang Elder.

He actually locked the king Elder firmly.

Wang Elder frowned, unable to struggle no matter how much he struggled.

And this chain actually hurt his soul…

What the hell is this?

I saw Li Yangping standing proudly in the void, his hair flying, and his eyes flashed violently.

The majestic True Qi gushes out and condenses into a giant sword.

He slashed at the locked king Elder, who was unable to move.

It’s like Flying Sword.

Wang Elder stood there blankly, his figure showing no scars.

However, the eyes did not shine at all.

At this time, his soul had been nailed to death by a sword!

The whole dense forest fell silent.

King Elder’s spirit was stripped away, and his extremely pale face was full of shock.

“How could this happen??”

Li Yangping actually cut away his soul and body with a single sword, and he was suppressed at this time!

“His True Qi is so pure and he has magical powers…”

“Li Yangping is really just Nascent Soul?”

He is distracted and consummated, and he is only one step away from breakthrough.

However, she was actually nailed to the ground by Nascent Soul ants, making her unable to move at all.

Even if Li Yangping had a Nascent Soul better than him, he actually mastered such magical powers.

This is……

Is Li Yangping the son of the Chosen?


Li Yangping fell to the ground.

His face was pale, and he was a little swayed even when he walked.

Even if he has as many True Qi as lakes, he can’t stand the consumption like this.

After using this magical power to kill all the True Qi in his body has been exhausted.

Fortunately, the power of this magical power is far beyond his imagination.

Rao is the king. Elder is the pinnacle of distraction and has no resistance.

Li Yangping took out the Medicine Pill from the storage ring, and took it into his mouth.

This is the breath-returning pill given to him by the heads of Lingyun Palace.

True Qi can be restored instantly.

The entrance of Medicine Pill melts, and the consumed True Qi fills Dantian in a short while.

Li Yangping’s face was pale, and he became alive again.

Walked to the imprisoned King Elder and grabbed him with one hand.

Wang Elder struggled desperately, but he couldn’t break free at all. He had lost control of his physical body.

Wang Elder said in horror: “Li Yangping, do you want to provoke a battle between the Nether Palace and the Hehuan Sect?”

“I am Elder from the Acacia Sect. You are the Son of the Nether Palace, you can’t kill me.”

Li Yangping raised his eyebrows: “Didn’t you say it yourself? You are just an Elder of the Hehuan Sect, and I am the son of the Nether Palace. Do you think you can compare with me in your position? Just because you are a parallel importer. During the distraction period, the Hehuan Sect will go to war with my Nether Hall?”

“Do you think you are me?”

Wang Elder’s eyes darkened, he knew what Li Yangping said was the truth.

Although he is the Elder of the Acacia Sect, the most indispensable one of the Acacia Sect is Elder.

Compared with Sect’s interests, he is nothing…

The Acacia faction will not seek revenge on Li Yangping.

Now, Wang Elder can only move out of the backer behind him, trying to intimidate Li Yangping.

“I am from Elder, if you kill me, Elder will not let you go.”

Li Yangping curled his lips, “Big Elder?”

“Do you think Elder has the time to control you?”

Wang Elder was silent for a moment.

This operation is taking advantage of the Sect Leader Closed Door Training of the Acacia Sect, if Zheng Ruchun returns to Sect safely.

This incident was known by Sect Leader, and even the big Elder has to bear the anger of Sect Leader…

Li Yangping is not stupid, how could he let him go alive.

Wang Elder looked unwilling, he didn’t try his best at all.

As a result, he was so imprisoned here and became a fish on the cutting board!

And still died in the hands of juniors who only had the Nascent Soul stage…

Just think about it and know that this month’s Nether Palace Saint Child will step on his own head to achieve a brilliant record.

And he is his stepping stone. . . . . .

“Really unwilling!”

Wang Elder was full of regret, hatred and his own strength had not been shown at all.

And Li Yangping flipped his palm, and the black mist gushed out instantly, swallowing his Hun and Po.

Within a moment, the spirit of King Elder was dying.

“The family needs to be neat and tidy.”

The black mist flashed, and in an instant, King Elder’s Hun and Po disappeared like his Little Brother.

The breath disappeared in the dense forest!


Zhao Zihuan was stunned.

Wang Elder was killed directly?

He didn’t have time to make a single move.

The peak of the distraction stage was actually killed by Li Yangping in a Nascent Soul stage…

This is still the two powers of distraction that he killed one after another.

Zhao Zihuan wanted to escape, but his legs softened and he lay directly on the ground.

Shaking all over.

And Zheng Ruchun has become accustomed to Li Yangping’s evildoers.

Even if Li Yangping said he could kill Hedao, she would believe it.

This guy is an evil genius.

Tianjiao, who was in the same era with him, was too miserable.

Li Yangping asked, “What are you going to do with this woman?”

Zheng Ruchun glanced at Zhao Zihuan, who was trembling in the ground, and smiled: “If Li Shengzi is reluctant to kill, just leave it to you.”

Li Yangping:? ? ?

He wanted her to take Zhao Zihuan as evidence and bring it back to the Huhuan faction.

Why did it change a taste in this woman’s mouth?

He is not a hungry ghost who is hungry.

Zhao Zihuan’s eyes lit up, and he hurriedly begged for mercy: “Li Shengzi, the slave family will do everything. As long as you don’t kill the slave family, the slave family will take care of you and take care of you.”

“Although the slave house does not have spiritual seeds in the body like Holy Maiden, but it also cultivates Yin & Yang Dafa, which is good for your Cultivation Base improvement!”

She is a disciple of the Acacia Sect and naturally knows the method of dual cultivation.

Survival is the only way!

Zheng Ruchun raised her eyebrows, “Li Shengzi, is my junior sister good-looking?”

Li Yangping nodded: “It looks pretty good.”

Don’t say what the woman’s behavior is.

In terms of appearance alone, it is excellent.

The facial features are exquisite, which is a symbol of beauty.

The pleading with teardrops on his face at this time gave people a sense of pity that I saw.

Seeing him nodding, Zheng Ruchun suddenly regretted.

Regret asking him this question.

I thought to myself: “Isn’t it because I fell in love with her…”

But she was embarrassed to say more.

Li Yangping walked to Zhao Zihuan, turned his head to look at Zheng Ruchun and asked, “Is this person useless?”

Zheng Ruchun lowered his head and said in a low voice: “It’s no use, do whatever you like.”

Before the voice fell, I heard a sound of kaka.

Zheng Ruchun turned his head and looked around, only to see Zhao Zihuan lying on the ground, without a trace of breath.

Li Yangping stood up and nodded: “Since it’s useless, kill it.”

Zheng Ruchun watched this scene blankly.

Zhao Zihuan’s neck had been twisted to a ninety degree angle, and his face was still blank when he died.

“I didn’t expect you to kill her, I thought you were reluctant…”

Li Yangping pouted, “Not willing? Is she worthy too?”

Zheng Ruchun smiled and said, “I didn’t expect Li Shengzi to be very demanding.”

Li Yangping nodded: “If it’s Zheng Holy Maiden, it’s not impossible to consider it.”

Zheng Ruchun: …

“Just know that the mouth is sloppy, it really makes you really good at it, and you shrink again.”

Zheng Ruchun looked at Li Yangping in front of him with bright eyes.

“Li Shengzi saved my life again, and the slave family is grateful!”

Li Yangping shook his head: “You should thank Head Feng.”

“Head Feng?”

Zheng Ruchun wondered, what does it have to do with the head of Lingyun Palace?

Li Yangping shrugged, without explaining too much.

If Feng Yijing hadn’t just dumped him here, I’m afraid he would not have met Zheng Ruchun.

What you may receive in the future is news of Zheng Ruchun’s fall.

It can only be said that the time is also fate.

Seeing that Li Yangping didn’t mean to say much, Zheng Ruchun said, “Anyway, you saved me from them. I will keep this life-saving grace in my heart.”

Li Yangping waved his hand: “We are friends, it’s okay.”


Hearing the word friend again, Zheng Ruchun suddenly came to Li Yangping’s ear.

A warm breath hit Li Yangping’s ears: “There are many kinds of friends, then which kind are we?”

Li Yangping: “……”

Li Yangping pushed her away angrily.

“Can you communicate well, you are different from Zhao Zihuan.”

Zheng Ruchun suffocated her mouth: “Why don’t you know that I am different from her?”

“It’s different, don’t you know it in your heart?”

Obviously he is still a virgin, but he pretends to be profligate.

If it hadn’t been for the teacher to point out, he would have thought Zheng Ruchun was that kind of person.

Zheng Ruchun understood Li Yangping’s meaning in an instant, his face flushed, and he turned his head to speak but didn’t know how to say it.

At this time, there was a rustle of footsteps from the dense forest.

Li Yangping frowned: “Someone is here?”

“The enemy?”

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