Chapter 155

But can Li Yangping go up to Lingyun Temple that Zhang Zhidao has never been to?

Li Yangping is still the son of Devil Dao…

No matter how you look at it, I feel a little strange.

And as far as the inn has seen and heard, Feng Yijing doesn’t care about the balance between right and evil at all.

Must keep Li Yangping…

Outrageous, very outrageous.

Zhao Yuanyang was a little jealous of Li Yangping.

Behind them stood two great emperor-level supreme…

Especially Shi Feiyan and Feng Yijing are not ordinary emperor-level supreme.

Although they are all Emperors, they are the same as Realm, but their combat power is completely different.

Devil Dao recognized the strongest person as Shi Feiyan.

And the strongest recognized by Zhengdao is Feng Yijing.

Before the Nether Palace was besieged by the right way, Zhang Zhidao almost fell to Fuyu Mountain.

It was Feng Yijing who rushed to stop Shi Feiyan.

The two faced each other for five days.

In the end, the two ways of Zhengma took a step back.

Shi Feiyan and Nether Palace did not interfere in the Devil Dao dispute.

Feng Yijing and Lingyun Temple didn’t care about the right way any more.

No one knows how strong they are, but one thing is certain.

Definitely better than his Zhao Yuanyang!

The acacia pie is a sect that is not serious when you hear it.

He is the Sect Leader of the Acacia faction, and his fighting power is inferior to the two women.

This is also the reason why he admits counseling.

A Feng Yijing can blow him up, and another Shi Feiyan…

The Acacia faction can change to a Sect Leader.

“Forget it, the matter is over, so be it.”

Zhao Yuanyang shook his head, only to admit it.

“But Yu Chao died first. I’m afraid there will be turbulence inside Sect.”

Now Zhengmo’s warfare is getting more and more prosperous, and it may arouse others’ prying eyes.

“The waste thing, dare to hit the Holy Maiden’s attention, and it ended up in a deadly end…”

Just as he frowned, he suddenly remembered something.

“Hey, where is my apprentice?”



Inside the inn.

Zheng Ruchun has finished wearing and is looking around in the room.

“Li Shengzi, don’t hide.”

“Are you here, right?”

After speaking, he opened the cabinet beside him.

There is no figure of Li Yangping.

Going to the bed again, lying under the bed, wanting to see underneath.

No one.


Zheng Ruchun was a little puzzled: “Where did Shengzi Li hide?”

Obviously he had a nosebleed just now, but he disappeared in a blink of an eye?

The story has not yet begun, it ends directly…

“It’s really strange, Li Shengzi is not a person who sits still.”

Zheng Ruchun didn’t believe Li Yangping would escape.

“Are you scared away by me?”

Zheng Ruchun shook his head, “Definitely not for this reason.”

While thinking, suddenly a figure appeared in the void.

It was Zhao Yuanyang who came from the Hehuan faction.

After seeing Zheng Ruchun intact, Zhao Yuanyang let go of his heart.

“Fortunately, you are safe and sound. I thought you would be poisoned by Feng Yijing.”

Seeing Zhao Yuanyang who was coming by Shanshan, Zheng Ruchun couldn’t help but roll his eyes: “Do you always remember that you had an apprentice?”

Zhao Yuanyang scratched his head awkwardly: “Before the time was urgent, I left you as a teacher.”

Zheng Ruchun: …

Zheng Ruchun shook his head indifferently: “It’s okay, it’s not the first time anyway.”

Li Yangping is the only person in this world who really cares for her.

Even Zhao Yuanyang, the nominal master, couldn’t do it.

Zhao Yuanyang looked at the chaotic room, wondering: “What are you doing?”

Zheng Ruchun said, “I’m looking for someone.”


“Li Yangping.”

“Li Yangping?”

Zhao Yuanyang frowned, felt for a moment and said, “There is no longer Li Yangping’s breath for thousands of miles.”

Zheng Ruchun was a little nervous: “Then he is all right?”

Zhao Yuanyang smiled and said, “If Feng Yijing is here, who dares to move him?”

Zheng Ruchun breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this.

At this time, Zhao Yuanyang suddenly asked: “Do you care about Li Yangping?”

Zheng Ruchun replied: “Because the disciple likes him.”

Zhao Yuanyang:! ! !

“Are you interested in him?”

Zheng Ruchun frowned, “Can’t it?”

Zhao Yuanyang squeezed his chin: “It’s not impossible, does he like you?”

Zheng Ruchun shook his head, a little confused: “I don’t know.”

She didn’t know whether Li Yangping liked her or not.

If you like her, why did you disappear suddenly?

Zhao Yuanyang frowned and thought.

Zheng Ruchun wondered: “Master, what are you thinking?”

Zhao Yuanyang said: “As a teacher, I am thinking about how to help you catch Li Yangping.”

Zheng Ruchun:? ? ?

“But the Netherworld Palace has rules to prevent disciples from getting married. Are you afraid of Shi Feiyan?”

Zhao Yuanyang nodded, then shook his head: “Of course I’m afraid, but now there is Feng Yijing, Shi Feiyan can’t do anything wrong.”

“The head of the Nether Hall, the head of Lingyun Hall…Li Shengzi’s backstage is really too big.”

“Good apprentice, you have to work hard to catch Li Yangping firmly!”

Zheng Ruchun pouted, “Master, you are still the emperor-level supreme, can you not be like this?”

Zhao Yuanyang sighed: “If you don’t understand, there is a gap between the emperor ranks, and even the gap is comparable to the gap.”

“Anyway, when I see Feng Yijing or Shi Feiyan, I have to walk around, otherwise…”

“Then what?”

“Since I can’t fight and fight, what else can I do? As a teacher, I can only get along with each other.”

Zheng Ruchun: …

Master is really unreliable.

I want to expel myself from the Hehuan Sect…


As the night faded, the morning light shone slightly.

In the early morning, the shining sun fell into the carriage along the window.

Li Yangping opened his eyes, sat up, stretched.

He actually had a dream yesterday.

And I dreamed of the scene where I was dating my master in Dongyuan City before.

Just when Master was smiling, he suddenly became Feng Yijing?

He shook his head, raised his head and looked around, but did not find Feng Yijing’s figure.

“Hey, where is Head Feng?”

Li Yangping just thought of standing up and calling Feng Yijing, but suddenly a voice rang beside him.

“Poor Dao is here.”

Li Yangping followed his reputation and saw Feng Yijing meditating behind him.

Pretty face is ruddy and clothes are disheveled.

Li Yangping wondered: “Head Feng, why are you here?”

Feng Yijing gritted his teeth and said, “Pan Dao was sleepwalking at night.”


In the carriage.

Feng Yijing was sitting on the chair with a flushed face, her head drooping.

Even the earlobes are blushing.

Thinking of what happened last night, I couldn’t help but blush.

I didn’t know what I thought, so I got into Li Yangping’s bed.

Still hugged by him…

She wanted to run, but the ghost and the gods didn’t move again…

Especially when the blood line throbbed again, let alone breaking away, even if he didn’t have the strength to speak.

So Li Yangping hugged him and slept all night!

If it weren’t for his shallow breathing, Feng Yijing suspected that he was pretending to be asleep.

And he didn’t know what dream this stinky boy had, and he actually did something to her.

“Sure enough, I like the flowers and the grass!”

Feng Yijing secretly sipped: “I can’t sleep peacefully!”

She feels ashamed.

Li Yangping, who was completely ignorant of all this, looked blank.


“Head Feng still has the habit of sleepwalking?”

Feng Yijing blushed and forcibly argued: “Why don’t you allow others to sleepwalk?”

Li Yangping scratched his head: “I just think that the emperor-level supreme can also sleepwalk.”

Feng Yijing glared at him, “Emperor-level Supreme is also a human.”

Li Yangping awkwardly changed the subject: “Why is the head Feng still in bed?”

Feng Yijing: …

Can’t help but whisper: “You cut off your perception first, or I won’t have the strength to get out of bed.”


Li Yangping raised his wrist in surprise, and glanced at the red blood line.

Doubtful: “I remember I cut it off before going to bed? How could it still be automatically linked?”

So cut off perception, and the red light gradually dissipated.

Feng Yijing got off the bed, but the throbbing in her heart still existed.

I can’t calm my mind at all.

Feng Yijing sighed: “Do you know how much trouble this bloodline has caused to An Dao?”

Li Yangping said embarrassedly: “It was indeed my fault, but it was an accident…”

“Besides, if I do it again, I will be bound to Feng Master.”

Feng Yijing said in a faint voice: “You are using the poor way at will.”

She doesn’t mind being a backer for Li Yangping and helping him.

But this blood line obviously bound two people, but she was the only one who was tortured.

Li Yangping is not affected at all!

It’s too unfair.

Li Yangping shook his head quickly, with a serious look: “I never wanted to call Feng’s head, I have always regarded you as a friend.”


Feng Yijing was taken aback, no one had ever said this word to her.

Since being the head of Lingyun Temple, not many people in the entire Shenzhou Continent have stood by her shoulders.

She is the supreme of the mainland.

There are disciples, Elder, enemies, but never friends.

Li Yangping is just a Nascent Soul, but he regards Emperor-level Supreme as his friend.

If it spreads out, everyone will laugh at Li Yangping and be affectionate.

But Feng Yijing took it seriously.

This is the first person to be friends with her.

Eyelashes trembled lightly, Feng Yijing whispered: “Then why do you want to bind the blood line with An Dao?”

For some reason, I was a little nervous waiting for Li Yangping’s answer.

Li Yangping thought for a while and said, “You are the head of the righteous way, and I am the son of Devil Dao. Originally, there would be no stories for the two of us in this life. ”

“But now I can sit opposite you, see the face under the veil, and spend so long with you.”

“For me, the bloodline made me know you.”

“I am very happy to meet you with cold face and warm face.”

Feng Yijing was stunned.

It didn’t seem that Li Yangping would say so.

His face was flushed, and even his neck was flushed with shame.

The heart beats quickly, and I just feel a touch of joy.

The so-called unfeeling Tao seems to have disappeared at this moment.

Can’t help but cover his throbbing heart, misting in his eyes.

“Hate brat, is this on purpose?”

Li Yangping said: “If you were asked to do it again, would you choose to bind?”

Looking at Li Yangping with a curious look, Feng Yijing turned her head, biting her lip and didn’t want to answer.

“Head Feng?”

“Do it again, poor Dao must have killed you, brat!”

Li Yangping: …

“That’s boring.”


Feng Yijing snorted.

She used to protect Li Yangping because Wei Ziying visualized him as Heavenly Dao. For the future of her apprentice, she could only pinch her nose to protect him.

But after the blood line was bound, she didn’t expect so many things to happen.

I also lost myself!

“If you knew it would be like this now, then you should kill this guy with a single sword!”

Having said that, Feng Yijing’s mouth curled up, how could there be any killing intent?

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