Chapter 169 Shi Feiyan Who Doesn’t Follow the Routine?

Because of Li Yangping, countless people gathered in the Fairy Fair.

All Sects are eager for fresh blood to join.

Fresh blood is the foundation of every Sect.

As far as the Nether Palace was concerned, it was already well-known, but now it is a good time to recruit disciples.

Therefore, all Elders want to lead the team, bring the good seedlings of Xiuxian into Sect, and worship them.

Li Yangping squeezed his chin: “Master, why don’t you let the disciple lead the team this time?”

Shi Feiyan was stunned, “Why do you think of going to the Fairy Fair?”

After speaking, he thought of something and turned his head, “Couldn’t you take the opportunity to see your fiancee?”

The Fairy Trial Conference was held in Weiyang City, and Ye Qingmeng happened to be in Weiyang City.

Li Yangping: …

Li Yangping said helplessly: “Master, don’t think too much.”

“The disciple is to keep his promise.”

Then she told her about Zhao Ning.

Shi Feiyan suddenly turned out to be like this.

But still a little unhappy and said: “But do you have to go? Isn’t it enough to let the rest of Elder pay attention?”

Li Yangping finally got Sect, she wanted to stay with him all the time.

Li Yangping smiled bitterly: “Zhao Rou hasn’t seen her relatives for more than ten years. After taking care of me in the Nether Hall for so long, the disciple wants to take her back to meet her relatives.”

“Zhao Rou?”

Shi Feiyan thought of the maid, frowned and said, “So it’s like this…”

“Well then, you have to come back as soon as possible, and you can’t get in touch with flowers and grass outside!”

Shi Feiyan warned.

Li Yangping smiled and said, “I know Master is the most reasonable!”

After finishing speaking, she hugged Shi Feiyan in her arms and gave a hard kiss.

Shi Feiyan was shocked by Li Yangping’s sudden behavior: “Li Elder is still outside!”

“Rebel, let go!”


You Yuefeng.

Feng Yijing was a little puzzled at this moment.

Looking at Shi Feiyan who was sitting across from her, she was a little puzzled.

There is still a hint of tension in my heart.

“This demon suddenly came to find the poor road, is it because of Heping’er?”

Yesterday, she agreed with Li Yangping’s confession.

Now seeing Li Yangping’s master, she is a little uneasy.

Especially Shi Feiyan and her can’t see each other, as a result…

What is the relationship between her and Shi Feiyan now?

Thinking of this, Feng Yijing’s face flushed.

What she didn’t know was that Shi Feiyan, who was sitting across from her, was also nervous.

“She knows the relationship between this seat and Heping’er, and she may laugh at this seat in my heart…”

Both of them were thinking about their thoughts, and the reception hall instantly became quiet.

After a long time, the two men raised their heads.



The two stopped again in embarrassment, and the atmosphere was extremely embarrassing.

Finally, Feng Yijing coughed and said, “I don’t know why Shi Zhangmen suddenly came to find the poor road?”

Shi Feiyan rolled her eyes in her heart.

Obviously I know about this seat and Heping’er, but I’m still loading garlic here…”

So he said lightly: “Why this seat is here, I must know Feng Master in his heart.”

Feng Yijing’s body trembled, her heartbeat speeded up quickly, she stabilized her mind, frowned and said, “Pan Dao doesn’t know what Shizhangmen means, please make it clear.”

Shi Feiyan snorted coldly: “Of course it’s because of Ping’er.”

Master and disciple are in a romantic relationship, so it is too shame to say it.

Even with her temperament that doesn’t care about the words of the world, she can’t say it.

“Li Yangping?”

Feng Yijing’s heart jumped, pretending to be calm, and said: “What happened to Li Yangping, Peng Dao doesn’t know what you mean.”

Shi Feiyan curled her lips silently, “Forget it, don’t pretend.”

“This seat knows that it is indeed wrong for the master to fall in love with the disciple, but I have done everything, and this seat has long been psychologically prepared.”

“Master and disciple?”

Feng Yijing chuckled, it was over, she really knew about it.


The poor way is exposed!

Can’t help but ask: “You, do you know?”

Shi Feiyan sighed: “I know, but what I never expected is that that person is actually…”

Feng Yijing was stunned for a moment, always feeling that Shi Feiyan’s attitude was not quite right.

She thought that Shi Feiyan would jump like thunder, and she would call her sword and shout at the door.

Why is the reaction so plain?

She asked with some worry: “You will not punish Li Yangping… will you?”

The rules of the Nether Palace for not allowing the disciples to marry and love are set by her, and now Li Yangping has broken this rule…

Feng Yijing was a little worried about Li Yangping’s situation.

Shi Feiyan flushed, and whispered: “I’m here to look for you, I just want you to keep it secret.”

“Don’t talk about this matter spreading out, even though the demon’s name is outside, I don’t care about the eyes of the world…”

“But Li Yangping is different, he is still a young man…”

Feng Yijing’s mind was dumbfounded, “Pan Dao just needs to be kept secret?”

Shi Feiyan nodded, “Yes, you just need to keep it secret, so you can keep it secret.”

Feng Yijing:? ? ?

She looked at Shi Feiyan in amazement.

Is this still the magical Shi Feiyan…

So caring for this sake?

Let her wonder if Shi Feiyan took the wrong medicine.

In my impression, Shi Feiyan is not such a reasonable person.

His face flushed, and he said earnestly: “Don’t worry, the poor will keep it secret.”

Shi Feiyan breathed a sigh of relief and nodded: “That’s good, although I don’t like you very much, you are indeed a magnanimous person.”

Feng Yijing didn’t care about Shi Feiyan’s praise, but continued to ask: “You will not punish Li Yangping, do you?”

Shi Feiyan’s face flushed, and she whispered: “Why are you saying this? If you want to punish you, it’s me who punishes yourself. It has nothing to do with Li Yangping.”

Feng Yijing: …


Feng Yijing walked out of the discussion hall with a dazed expression.

Until now, her mind was blank.

Shi Feiyan knew about her and Li Yangping, but didn’t get angry, but praised her as a magnanimous person?

Are there any mistakes? How could this happen!

Although the matter was handled very well, she always felt that something was wrong.

This process is too easy, and it makes people wonder if it is true.

She was just about to leave when she heard a surprise voice around her.

“Master Yi Jing, why are you here?”

Feng Yijing looked back and saw Li Yangping looking at her in surprise.

There is still joy between the eyebrows.

Feng Yijing’s face flushed. This was the first time she looked at Li Yangping face to face since accepting the confession.

She didn’t dare to look up at him at all.

He kept his head down and loaded the ostrich.

And Li Yangping smiled and walked to her and said, “Master Yi Jing, why are you here?”

Feng Yijing replied in a low voice, “Well, Shizhangmen has something to ask for me, so I came.”

Li Yangping scratched his head, thinking of something, and asked embarrassedly: “Well, what I told you before…”

Feng Yijing quickly stopped what Li Yangping hadn’t finished.

He glanced around and said nervously, “Let’s go to the side and talk.”

After speaking, he pulled Li Yangping’s figure for a moment, and appeared on the rest of the mountain.

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