Chapter 171 Is Heart’s Demon illusion Really Real?

Although she had confirmed the relationship with Li Yangping, Feng Yijing was still a little nervous.

The moment Li Yangping stretched out his hand to embrace him, his body became slightly stiff.

“Why are you sorry for being poor?”

Li Yangping said softly: “The disciple confessed to you through the blood line too hasty.”

“I should tell you in front of you.”

Feng Yijing was stunned, excited in her heart, and whispered: “It seems that the poor road does not like the wrong person…”

The two were standing on the top of the mountain, snuggling together quietly.

It seems that time has stopped at this moment.

Especially leaning on Li Yangping’s strong chest, Feng Yijing felt that this moment was too happy.

Can’t help but whisper: “Pan Dao never thought it would become what it is now.”

“Pan Dao doesn’t know what will happen to the two of us in the future, but Pang Dao doesn’t regret it now.”

Li Yangping looked warm, and said seriously: “Master Yi Jing will not regret it in the future.”

“The disciples will not give you a chance to regret.”

Feng Yijing’s face flushed, and she whispered: “You still don’t call the poor master master, we…sounds wrong.”

The two are now lovers, and then I heard Li Yangping call her Master, I always felt something weird.

There is a feeling of shame.

Li Yangping was taken aback for a moment, and asked, “Did that disciple call you Yi Jing?”

Feng Yijing became more shy, and shook her head quickly: “No.”

“Then Jinger?”


“Little baby? Little sweetheart?”

Feng Yijing’s face flushed, and she quickly stopped Li Yangping’s nonchalant words, “Stop, don’t say anything.”

I only felt that the goose bumps all over my body were coming out, and said in a panic: “This is too numb, how can you say it!”

Li Yangping shrugged, “What should the disciple call you?”

Feng Yijing thought for a while, and finally sighed, and said as if to admit his fate: “Forget it, you should call me Master Yi Jing.”

Master Yi Jing is better than any little baby or sweetheart, right?


Li Yangping took a funny look at Feng Yijing, who was shy, “By the way, Master, please remove your veil. The disciple wants to see you.”

“What catches your eyes?”

Having said that, Feng Yijing raised her hand to take off the veil.

There was a pretty face that was flushed with dissatisfaction, the bridge of the nose was erect, and the cherry mouth was small.

There is also Chuchen’s temperament, no matter how many times she sees it, she will be amazed by her.

Li Yangping was stunned, “Master, can my disciple give you a kiss?”

It’s so cute, he has never resisted cute ones.

Feng Yijing rolled her head shyly, retreated a short step, and said hurriedly: “No bites!”

Seeing Feng Yijing’s panic, Li Yangping smiled and couldn’t help touching Feng Yijing’s head.

He smiled and said: “Look at what you are afraid of, the disciple is just joking.”

Feeling the temperature above her head, Feng Yijing snorted: “You rebel is the most absurd. You may bite Pang Dao. Pang Dao doesn’t believe you are just joking.”

Seeing Feng Yijing’s cute and coquettish appearance, Li Yangping was about to move.

I have two masters, one is indifferent on the outside, the heart is actually like fire, the other has dusty temperament, and is actually innocent and lovely…

At this moment, suddenly remembering something, Li Yangping asked, “Master Yi Jing, the disciple has always been curious about one thing.”

Feng Yijing asked: “What’s the matter?”

Li Yangping put his arms around her waist and leaned to her ears and whispered: “The disciple has always been curious, is there really a scar on the back of Master?”

Feng Yijing:? ? ?

His face quickly turned red, even his earlobes were dyed red, and he stammered, “You, what are you asking about this?”

Li Yangping smiled and said, “The disciple has always been curious.”

Feng Yijing pouted, “Poor Dao doesn’t allow you to be curious.”

“If you don’t deny it, it means there is something?”

Feng Yijing shook her head vigorously: “No.”

Li Yangping was dubious, “Well, Master, you can prove it.”

Feng Yijing was stunned, “How to prove?”

Li Yangping coughed, “Ahem, it means that the master turned around and let the disciple see…”

“You are ridiculous assassin!”

Feng Yijing nervously retreated for a half step, pulled the collar upwards, and said angrily: “What do you keep in your mind all day!”

Li Yangping said solemnly: “What’s wrong with the disciple looking at his girlfriend’s body?”

Feng Yijing: …

Although this ridiculous little thief is her dao companion, the level of ridiculousness is also too outrageous.

She had never seen such a shameless little thief!

“Don’t be poor…”

Feng Yijing just wanted to talk, but saw Li Yangping look lonely.

“The disciple knows that Master is the supreme emperor who rules the Divine State. Although the two of us are dao companions, in the eyes of Master, we cannot be as close as others. We…”

“and many more!”

Feng Yijing cast a blank glance at Li Yangping who was pretending to be poor, and was ashamed and angry: “You are pretending to be stupid again!”

She also wants to be close to Li Yangping, but the two talents have just confirmed the relationship.

She couldn’t even do such an intimate thing in less than a day.

I feel embarrassed to think about it.

But looking at Li Yangping’s frustrated expression, he couldn’t help being amused.

Although he knew that Li Yangping had deliberately pretended to be pitiful, he still couldn’t help but care.

“This ridiculous little thief! Pindao really fell into his hands…”

Finally, he hesitated for a while, looked around, and came to his ears, his voice sounded like a mosquito, “Pan, Pang Dao does have a scar on his back.”

After speaking, he lowered his head shyly, completely afraid to look at Li Yangping.

“really have?”

Li Yangping was stunned.

Is it true that the illusion that I saw in the back mountain before is true?

Recalling that graceful posture, and the waist gripped Yingying…

Didn’t expect to hide so deeply under the seemingly ordinary Taoist robe?

Li Yangping shook his head and said regretfully: “I knew this before, so I should have watched it for a while.”

Feng Yijing’s face was hot and flustered.

“Rebel, really too shameful…”

This affectionate look made Li Yangping unable to hold back again.

At this time, Li Yangping suddenly asked: “But the disciple hasn’t seen the inside of Master, why did he see it in Heart’s Demon illusion?”

Feng Yijing replied: “Pan Dao also thought about it, maybe it’s because of Ziying.”

Except for herself, only Wei Ziying had seen her body.

When Wei Ziying was a child, the two took a bath together.

Therefore, in Wei Ziying’s memory, I have seen Feng Yijing undressed.

And Li Yangping rescued Wei Ziying from Heart’s Demon, Heart’s Demon must have been in this part of the memory.

That’s why Li Yangping saw it in illusion.

Li Yangping thoughtfully, “It turns out to be like this, no wonder it looks like the real thing…”

Seeing Li Yangping still remembering, Feng Yijing was a little annoyed: “Don’t think about it.”

“Quickly forget it!”

Feng Yijing felt a little flustered at the thought of Li Yangping seeing her wearing clothes.

As if the Taoist robe on his body is worthy of existence.

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