Chapter 252 Poor Dao’s guess is indeed correct!

“The actions of Head Feng may bring them annihilation.”

“That’s it…”

Feng Yijing’s voice was low, “Pan Dao understands.”

In fact, this truth is easy to understand.

It’s just that Feng Yijing doesn’t understand, she has been cultivating in Lingyun Palace for almost a hundred years.

In addition, because of the cultivator, the four who understand mortals very well.

Seeing Feng Yijing’s depression, Li Yangping said, “If the master comes out to play, you should bring his disciples, so as not to be sold by others.”

Use four high rank Spirit Stones for two bunches of sugar Calabash.

He was shocked by this operation.

“Huh, are you stupid for abandoning poor ways?”

Feng Yijing was unhappy, and secretly pinched his waist with an angry expression.

“Pan Dao was fooled by your little thief.”

Li Yangping: …

His face became pale, this strength is really great.

In order to worry about others seeing it, he can only pretend not to be different at all.

Lest you see the difference.

The four walked to the top floor.

There are twelve rooms here.

They wrapped up this floor.

Li Yangping walked into a room casually: “I’ll sleep here.”

Feng Yijing immediately chose the room on the right hand side of Li Yangping.

Wei Ziying was a little puzzled: “Master, didn’t you just say that you don’t want someone next door?”


Feng Yijing was immediately embarrassed, “Did you say that again?”

“Yes, I have.”

Feng Yijing and Wei Ziying said in unison.

Feng Yijing: …

Feng Yijing finally changed the room opposite Feng Yijing under the gaze of the two of them.

There were only two people left in the hallway.

Wei Ziying said, “Why do you think Master is a little weird?”

So he looked around and asked, “Song Jianshou, you haven’t noticed it strange?”

Song Jianli nodded: “I thought there was something to provoke Feng Master…”

Wei Ziying shook her head, “No, although Master is a bit more indifferent, he is not an unreasonable person.”

“It won’t be so easy to get angry.”

“I see.”

Song Jianli let out a sigh of relief.

After all, it is an emperor-level supreme, if it makes her unhappy…

“Don’t worry, Song Jianshou, don’t think too much. By the way, will the theater you mentioned earlier be open at night?”

“Yes, it’s just time to play a little bit.”

The two of them chose their own rooms while chatting, and walked in.


Inside the room.

Li Yangping is closing his eyes, sitting in Lotus Position.

All thoughts are placed in Dantian.

Dantian was already dissatisfied with the starlight at this time.

It’s like a moon hanging in the starry sky.

The Emperor Sword Qi that he had absorbed in Jianchi before turned into a cloud of white mist.

It can still be supplemented continuously.

It is a renewable resource.

Sword Qi, which was previously consumed in the East China Sea Secret Realm, has also been refilled.

It is stored in Dantian.

Li Yangping nodded: “I didn’t expect this to happen…”

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly received a voice transmission in his ear,

“Little thief, what are you doing?”

I saw Feng Yijing suddenly appear in the room.

He was looking at her curiously.

Seeing Feng Yijing, Li Yangping was stunned: “Master?”


Inside the room.

Feng Yijing looked curious, “You are a lazy person, you are actually in cultivation?”


Li Yangping refused to accept it, “Is the disciple always working hard, okay?”

Feng Yijing said in a huff: “I don’t know about you yet? Except for the flowers and the grass, I haven’t done any business.”

Li Yangping: …

Touched his head awkwardly.

Unexpectedly, in Feng Yijing’s heart, he turned out to be a disciple.

Although it is true, Ke can’t be so obvious.

The subject changed: “Master, are you jealous today?”

Feng Yijing shook her head: “If I’m jealous, I can’t eat it. Sooner or later, I will hold myself to death.”

This little thief is bothered.

Three hooks and fours… provoke a lot of girls.

Song Jianli sounded close to him, especially in a room often.

But it made her sour.

Li Yangping got up, walked to Feng Yijing’s side, and put his hand around her waist.

“Can the disciple only provoke me in the future?”

Feng Yijing’s face flushed, and she whispered: “Huh, who, who wants you to provoke you.”

That’s what I said, but the whole person leaned in Li Yangping’s arms.

Putting his chin on Li Yangping’s shoulder, he told his heart: “Little thief, I miss you so much.”

At this moment, she didn’t want to leave Li Yangping’s arms at all.

The whole body was curled up in her arms.

Li Yangping’s eyes were gentle: “The disciple looks like a respect.”

“Hmph, I don’t believe the poor Dao, now you have a master…”

“I’m afraid I’ve forgotten Poor Dao a long time ago.”

Feng Yijing’s voice was sour.

She has been thinking about Li Yangping ever since the Fairy Trial Conference left.

As a result, this guy is not connected to the blood line.

Another man dressed as a woman ran to Donghai and entered the gate of Zhao Lingchuan…

“how come?”

Li Yangping tightened his ring, and his tone was sincere: “The disciple originally decided to wait for the Xuantian Sword Sect’s affairs to be processed, and then go to the Lingyun Palace to find you.”

“That poor Dao believes in you for the last time.”

After Feng Yijing said, she nodded Li Yangping’s eyebrows.

Li Yangping was a little puzzled: “Master, what are you doing?”

At this moment, he felt something was wrong.

Looking to one side of the mirror, I suddenly found that Illusion Art was missing.

Some have reverted to the original state.


Feng Yijing said: “It’s better as it is, but it looks awkward under Illusion Art.”

Although Illusion Art is almost nothing in the eyes of the emperor-level supreme.

But it still exists.

It’s better to get rid of Illusion Art directly.

Otherwise, I always feel that something is wrong.

“All right.”

Looking at the handsome face in the mirror, “He is still handsome.”


Seeing this scene, Feng Yijing couldn’t help laughing.

“You little thief is so narcissistic.”

Feeling his strong muscles and strong heartbeat, Feng Yijing felt relieved.

The original sour mood has improved.

The room fell into warmth.

After a while, Feng Yijing said, “By the way, did you absorb the Emperor Sword Qi from Jianchi? Or is it the body of the Sword God?”

Li Yangping smiled and said, “It was an accident…”

So simply recounted what happened in Jianchi.

“That’s it.”

Feng Yijing suddenly said, “Chen Beihe is so bold? Zhao Lingchuan is not bad, acting impartially, and venting his anger for you.”

Li Yangping shook his head.

After such punishment, Chen Beihe has barely been alive for a few years.

He had to guard the tomb for another fifty years, and basically died on the cemetery.

This punishment is quite serious.

“The head is still very fair, and I can be considered to have benefited. Not only was I not injured, but I also got the Emperor Sword Qi.”

“Emperor Sword Qi,”

Feng Yijing frowned, “Shenzhou Biography is full of uproar. You have absorbed all the Emperor Sword Qi in Jianchi. Is this true?”


Li Yangping nodded and stretched out his right hand.

I saw a dragon pattern on the palm, exuding endless Sword Qi.

The sword light flickered, as if to pierce the air.

Feng Yijing glanced at it and nodded: “It’s so pure, there is no tie.”

The Emperor Sword Qi is derived from the Emperor Supreme.

Extremely pure and refined to the extreme.

Almost pressed to the limit, there was no trace of leakage at all.

What is Dijing Supreme? It is because of the emperor.

There are the laws of the big way.

Sword Qi is the carrying tool.

An ordinary wooden sword, in the hands of a mortal and in the hands of a cultivator, the power is the difference between heaven and earth.

Feng Yijing nodded: “It seems that it is not bad for you to recognize Zhao Lingchuan as a master. With this Sword Qi, you can look down upon the younger generation in the world.”

Li Yangping shook his head: “The disciple has never put the younger generation to put in one’s eyes.”

“The goal of the disciple is to become a Hedao cultivator.”

“Hedao cultivator?”

Feng Yijing was stunned, “Should you not prove the emperor?”

“Why do you want to be so obsessed with the Realm of Hedao?”

She had heard Li Yangping said before that she should cultivate to Hedao Realm as soon as possible.


The corner of Li Yangping’s mouth raised, and he leaned in beside Feng Yijing, whispering in a low voice.

Feng Yijing’s face flushed after listening, and she stammered: “You, what are you talking about? I, I won’t tell you…”

No wonder this little thief suddenly became interested in cultivation.

Is the relationship for this reason?

It’s ridiculous.

Li Yangping said: “Well, if the master is not willing, the disciple will find someone else.”

“you dare!”

Feng Yijing nervously took her hand: “Don’t look for someone else.”

Li Yangping smirked at the corner of his mouth: “Then Master agreed?”

Feng Yijing’s face flushed, and she whispered, “Poor Dao and Poor Dao did not agree.”

He was flustered.

“Anyway, you can cultivate first, then talk about it then.”

Hearing this, Li Yangping’s eyes flashed a smile, and he was about to say something.

As a result, the knock on the door suddenly remembered,

“Sister Li, have you rested?”

It was Song Jianli’s voice.

Li Yangping and Feng Yijing looked at each other.

Finally, Feng Yijing came out of Li Yangping’s arms in a panic, and said: “The poor way is going first, you are not allowed to do bad things.”

After being told carefully, he disappeared in place.

Li Yangping shook his head: “Master Yi Jing is too shy.”

“Boom boom boom.”

The knock on the door continued.

Li Yangping went to open the door.

I saw Song Jianli standing in place.

“Sister Li, why haven’t you been there for a long time…”

As a result, the words were not finished yet, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

“Sister Li, you…”

Seeing Song Jianli with a panic on his face, Li Yangping was a little confused, “What’s the matter?”

“Why have you changed back again.”


At this time, Li Yangping suddenly realized.

I remembered that Feng Yijing had lifted Illusion Art before.

The current self is the original one.

He was about to say something, but Song Jianli threw himself into his arms.

“I miss you so much.”

Although it was only Li Daniu and Li Yangping, until I saw this familiar face.

Then there was an excited application.

At this time, in the room opposite Li Yangping.

Feng Yijing was full of anger at the moment, and said angrily: “It seems that the premonition of the poor Dao is not wrong, and the little thief is really related to Song Jianli.”

“Little thief is so annoying…”

There was a sudden irritation in her heart, and finally rushed into the bed.

Bury your head in the quilt.

I don’t want to think about anything.

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