Chapter 269

She looked at Li Yangping, her eyes gleaming with strange brilliance.

Unexpectedly, Li Yangping, who was not doing it right at all, would have such a side.

It’s enthusiastic.

“No wonder it’s my man…cough, apprentice.”

The picture in the air continues to show up.

The next scene is a dense forest.

Song Jianli and Wei Ziying stand proudly with swords, and beside them are wounded disciples.

But this time they faced Zhang Zidong of the Corpse Puppet Sect.

It is also the instigator of this demon mountain beast tide.

The gap between Realm is too big, so if the two of them work together, they can’t shake Zhang Zidong.

Just when they were about to fall, Li Yangping appeared.

The figure like a golden giant descended from the sky and took them away from the secret place.

Li Yangping asked Song Jianli and Wei Ziying to leave first, leaving him alone to face Zhang Zidong.

In the end, the distraction stage was brutally killed with the Nascent Soul stage.

The picture is gone here.

In an instant, Great Hall returned to normal.

But no one was talking this time, even the Elders of the Xuantian Sword Sect who disliked Li Yangping were silent.

It was the picture they had just seen that shocked them greatly.

Facing the beast tide, the first person to ask for retreat turned out to be the righteous disciple!

This subverted their three views.

What happened next made them even more ashamed.

The son of Devil Dao, who I can’t look down on, ran towards the beasts all by himself.

Obstructed by one’s own strength abruptly!

Under his leadership, he guarded millions of people in the city.

He even gave Song Jianli a life-saving grace.

This makes them wonder what to say.

Feng Yijing said indifferently: “Is this the righteous demon you are talking about? There are Devil Dao who stepped forward, and the right way of hypocritical retreat. It’s really different.”

“I also said that righteous and demons are not at the same time, but the one who saved your Sect sword head is the Son of Devil Dao.”

“Without Li Yangping, can your disciple Tianjiao survive?”

The Elders were ashamed of their hammerheads and dare not say anything.

Especially the two Elder and the fifth Elder, who had said the most before, looked ashamed at this moment, and couldn’t find any words to refute them.

What Li Yangping did was as if a slap was slapped on their faces.

What about Devil Dao?

Still a hero of the human race.

On the contrary, there are some righteous disciples who do not think about how to retreat when the beast tide comes, but instead retreat wholeheartedly.

They really lost their righteous face.

Feng Yijing sneered: “Since Zhao Lingchuan accepts Li Yangping as his disciple, it is the glory of your Xuantian Sword Sect.”

“Do you still dislike Li Yangping as the son of Devil Dao? Humph.”

“What have you done for Human Race? If you really think that you are the right way, you can despise Devil Dao?”

“There are no timid and stupid people in the right way, and Devil Dao has no righteous people?”

“I think you have lived for hundreds of years, but you don’t understand this simple truth.”

Feng Yijing became more and more angry, he was really angry.

It’s not worth it for Li Yangping.

If the single-round contribution to the human race, few people in Great Hall can compare with Li Yangping.

Still mocking Li Yangping’s birthplace Devil Dao here.

It’s ridiculous.

The Elders hung their heads, their faces flushed with shame.

The atmosphere just calmed down.

Three Elder came out suddenly.

He bowed deeply to Li Yangping, “Li Shengzi, thank you for your life-saving grace.”

“I misunderstood you before, sorry.”

“Thank Li Shengzi, I’m sorry.”

The rest of Elder also walked out, apologizing one by one.

“It’s our devil, please Duo Haihan.”


All Elder looked Chen Ken.

The tone was very serious and apologized, which changed from the previous disdain.

Although they are extremely rigid and cannot shake their belief that righteousness and evil are incompatible, they have to ask for it.

No matter how prejudiced Devil Dao is, it doesn’t seem to matter much about Li Yangping’s life-saving grace.

At this moment, the Elders’ resistance to Li Yangping becoming Zhao Lingchuan’s disciple dissipated.

Really willing to accept Li Yangping.

However, Feng Yijing hadn’t calmed down yet, she just held Li Yangping’s hand and said lightly: “Ping’er, Elder of Lingyun Palace has been talking about you, follow Pindao back to Lingyun Palace, so as not to get angry here.”


Looking at each other, I didn’t know how to stop it for a while.

At this time, one hand held Li Yangping’s sleeve, “Wait.”


Zhao Lingchuan frowned and looked at Feng Yijing, and asked, “Where do you take him?”

Feng Yijing replied: “Of course it is Lingyun Palace.”

Zhao Lingchuan was angry: “Li Yangping only needs to take it with Xuantian Sword Sect, what is going to your Lingyun Hall?”

“Hehe, why are you going to my Lingyun Hall? You are ashamed to ask.”

Feng Yijing hugged her shoulders and sneered: “If it weren’t for the poor road in this Great Hall, I’m afraid Ping’er would be bullied to death by you and your Sect Elder.”

Zhao Lingchuan was taken aback, not knowing how to refute.

After all, she was right.

If it hadn’t been for Feng Yijing to show Demon Mountain’s affairs, I am afraid that the attitude of these extremely rigid Elders towards Li Yangping would not change 180 degrees.

He glared at these Elders, success was more than failure.

All Elder dared not speak, all lowered their heads.

In the end, Zhao Lingchuan said: “This is indeed their fault, but knowing the wrong thing can improve it, and they also realize that they are biased.”

To be honest, she also wanted to scold these Elders.

But in order for Li Yangping to stay, he can only say so.

Feng Yijing refused; “If you apologize, you must forgive? Ping’er is not just your disciple. Where can’t you go to the Nether Hall and Lingyun Hall? I have to stay there and get angry at the Xuantian Sword Sect.”

After speaking, he was ready to take Li Yangping away, “Ping’er, let’s go.”

Zhao Lingchuan quickly grabbed the other side, “No, Li Yangping must stay in Xuantian Sword Sect.”

“No, go back to Lingyun Hall.”

“I still want to teach him to practice.”

“Poor Dao can also teach him.”

“You are not Wu Xiu, how do you teach?”

“Lingyun Temple is unparalleled in Taoism, why can only be a martial artist?”

“You let go.”

The two grabbed one side and pulled the cart in the Great Hall.

Li Yangping caught in the middle was helpless, “Stop, stop, the two masters don’t fight.”


The two suddenly realized what they had done.

His face flushed, especially when he noticed the strange gaze around him, it was even more embarrassing.

But Zhao Lingchuan still looked at Feng Yijing with a vigilant face, for fear that she would take Li Yangping away.

“Well, let Li Yangping decide who to go with.”

Zhao Lingchuan thought for a while and made such a suggestion.


Feng Yijing naturally had no objections. She looked at Li Yangping and asked, “Should you follow the poor road back to Lingyun Palace?”

Zhao Lingchuan’s hand pulled his clothes and looked at him nervously.

Li Yangping said, “Thank you, Master Yi Jing, for fighting the injustice for the disciple, but the disciple agreed with Master Lingchuan when he came to Xuantian Sword Sect, and will not leave until Zhao Ning’s Cultivation Base reaches the middle stage of Qi training.”

“So now I still stay in Xuantian Sword Sect.”

Zhao Ning is still in Xuantian Sword Sect, it is impossible for him to leave early, right?

Zhao Lingchuan breathed a sigh of relief and couldn’t help jumping for joy.

Feng Yijing frowned without saying a word.

Li Yangping quickly persuaded him: “When Zhao Ning’s cultivation comes up, the disciple will go to Lingyun Hall to accompany Master…cough cough, follow Master’s cultivation.”

Feng Yijing rolled her eyes, and said out of anger: “Okay.”

“How long does it take?”

Li Yangping thought for a while and said, “It won’t take a few days.”

“Zhao Ning is now suitable for Cultivation Base?”

“Practicing Qi early stage.”

Hearing this, Feng Yijing sighed and said, “Well, let’s do it, I don’t want to say much.”

Zhao Lingchuan smiled and said, “Head Feng, then I won’t send you off.”

Feng Yijing frowned, “It is true that there is no need to send it, and the poor Dao didn’t say to leave.”

Zhao Lingchuan was stunned: “Huh?”

Feng Yijing shook her head and said, “Pan Dao was worried that someone would bully Ping’er, so he decided to stay in Xuantian Sword Sect.”

Zhao Lingchuan:…….

Feng Yijing said lightly: “Please prepare a guest room next to Ping’er.”

“Prepare a guest room for you?”

Zhao Lingchuan was itchy with hatred, “This clan has never treated other clan leaders in this way.”

Feng Yijing’s expression was indifferent: “Then the poor way is the first to start.”

Zhao Lingchuan:…….

Hurriedly said: “Head Feng can rest assured that I will not let people bully Li Yangping.”

Bullying Li Yangping?

Li Yangping has three emperor-level supreme in the background.

The people of Xuantian Sword Sect saw him and wanted to hide away, how could they hit the gun?

Feng Yijing shook her head, “I don’t believe it.”

Zhao Lingchuan: …

“What if you keep suppressing Zhao Ning’s Cultivation Base and prevent her from breaking through the middle stage of Qi training? Then, won’t Ping’er stay here forever?”

Zhao Lingchuan gritted his teeth secretly, furious.

It was actually seen through by this stinky lady.

But seeing Feng Yijing with a determined face, she couldn’t help it.

Had to admit his fate: “Okay, Feng Master can live for as many days as he wants, and stay in our Xuantian Sword Sect is no problem.”

After speaking, I ignored Feng Yijing, looked at the Elders in the Great Hall, and said, “Li Yangping is my disciple. As for whether you want it or not, it has nothing to do with you.”

“In addition, Li Daniu is Li Yangping’s discussion, and I don’t want to hear it inside Sect.”

The Elders nodded, “Yes.”

They already have a good impression of Li Yangping, so naturally they are no longer resisting this incident.

Zhao Lingchuan glanced at Feng Yijing again, and said helplessly: “As for Feng’s guest room, you are responsible for the third Elder.”


Feng Yijing on the side also nodded, “Then it will be troublesome.”

“By the way, Ping’er, it’s the first time Ping Dao has come to the East China Sea. Please wait for me to walk around.”


So the two left the Great Hall, and their backs looked very good.

You can’t see the shadow of mentor and apprentice at all, but like a couple.

“Smelly Daoist.”

Zhao Lingchuan was furious, and muttered silently in his heart.

Finally, looking at the two people who were walking away, struggling for a long time, they still raised their heels.

Separated the two of them.

“As the head of the Xuantian Sword Sect, let me introduce you to the East China Sea.”

Feng Yijing: …

She glanced for nothing and didn’t want to talk.

Li Yangping watched this scene, stretched out his hand to hold Feng Yijing’s little hand, and drew a circle on her palm.

Feng Yijing’s face flushed.

“This stinky boy… actually in front of Zhao Lingchuan.”

There is no guarantee that the three will not collide.

Suddenly, Zhao Lingchuan’s waist was soft, his body trembled, and his eyes were panic.

“This rebel dare… dare to touch my waist!”

Zhao Lingchuan lowered his head, with a shy expression on his face.

On the other side, Feng Yijing also had the same attitude as her youngest daughter.

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