Chapter 292 Don’t Know How Long It Takes These Big Brothers To Leave


Zhao Lingchuan almost squirted out, shocked.

The whole person was choked, coughing ceaselessly.

“You, you shut up! Talking nonsense again, what madam, I am Li Yangping’s master!”

He said so, but his face was actually flushed.

It seems very insincere.

Feng Yijing sneered, “Hmph, look at your face and you have written duplicity on your face.”

“Who, who is duplicity?”

Zhao Lingchuan hurriedly retorted, even touching his face subconsciously.

Only then did he realize something and hurriedly put his hands down, his face flushed.

Finally pouted and retorted: “You are so embarrassed to say me, well, why do you care about the word madam?”

“Even if Shi Yucheng misunderstood me as Li Yangping’s wife, what is all this about you? Do you need to care so much?”

Feng Yijing’s tone was stagnant, and then she said: “He is not just talking about you, but he also brought the poor road. Isn’t the poor road qualified to talk about Mrs. Li?”

He glanced at Zhao Lingchuan, who was blushing, and said lightly: “Besides, Pan Dao is Li Yangping’s master. As a master, is there any problem with the disciples?”

“Haha, all right.”

Zhao Lingchuan snorted, “Do you think I am blind? Everyone knows what happened last night…”

“What are you arguing with me for so long? I think you are feeling jealous, right?”

“Huh? Eat, jealous?”

The word jealous was suddenly thrown out, and Feng Yijing was dumbfounded.

Some were caught off guard, and even the cheeks behind the veil rose up with a blush.

But this is the case, but he still denies it: “Pan Dao is the head of the Lingyun Temple, and he is practicing the unfeeling Dao. How can you be jealous? Don’t be jealous just because the poor Dao pierced your thoughts. Maliciously slander Poor Dao.”

Zhao Lingchuan curled his lips and said, “Although I am not a disciple of the Lingyun Temple, and I don’t understand what the Unfeeling Dao is, but I am not invisible. You just look at all of your actions and think of Li Yangping.”

“You, you talk nonsense!”

Feng Yijing was too anxious to say a word.

But Zhao Lingchuan saw through your expression and said: “I’m talking nonsense? Then dare you say that you don’t like Li Yangping at all? You said that, I believe you are not jealous.”

Feng Yijing: …

Subconsciously turned his head and refused: “It’s too boring to treat you, so I don’t want to play such a naive game.”

“Cut, I don’t think you dare to say it?”

“…Pan Dao doesn’t want to say, anyway, whether you believe it or not has nothing to do with Pang Dao.”

“Humph, so the one who wanted to be Mrs. Li was you, stinky auntie!”

Feng Yijing: …

The two glared fiercely, rolled their sleeves, and started to fight if they didn’t agree.

But I thought about what I promised yesterday.

Said to Li Yangping that the two would not fight anymore.

In case Li Yangping gets angry again…

Thinking of this, the two women glared at each other again, then turned their heads, looking at no one, sulking in anger.

For a while, the room fell into silence.


In the end, Li Yangping broke the calm embarrassment, coughed a few times, and said: “The two masters should stop quarreling…”

“Don’t quarrel, otherwise, so be it, you are all disciples’ Mrs. Li.”

“Is this the head office? You are all, there is no need to fight for the title of Mrs. Li.”

“Shut up! Who is fighting for the title of Mrs. Li!!!”

“Rebels, talking nonsense again! What is Mrs. Li!”

“Fart!! Who said to be Mrs. Li?”

When the two women heard Li Yangping’s words, they blushed immediately.

Shaking their heads one after another, rushing to express rejection.

Feng Yijing threw a big eye to Li Yangping, and said in a deep tone: “Adversary, your courage is getting bigger and bigger, you dare to fight even the attention of the poor, and even Zhao Lingchuan will not let it go??”

Li Yangping was not afraid, and said seriously: “This is the sacrifice of one disciple, and everyone is happy.”

“In order to stop the two masters from quarreling, isn’t the disciple’s step back? For the sake of your future happiness, disciples should be obliged to raise the banner!”


“Not wanting face!”

Feng Yijing blushed and couldn’t help but make a loss.

Obviously, it’s lip service taking advantage of others, but in his own mouth, he has become the one who sacrificed heroically?

What a shameless rebel!

More and more shameless.

And Zhao Lingchuan on the side was too ashamed, with his head down, he didn’t dare to look at Feng Yijing and Li Yangping at all.

Just when the atmosphere of the room is getting more and more harmonious.

Suddenly Feng Yijing seemed to have thought of something and slapped her head suddenly.

“That’s not right, this rebel is so bold, how could he not have a good opinion of Shi Feiyan?”

“Although the female devil has a weird temperament, she has an extremely cold appearance…”

“The adversary is so romantic, and even Pindao and Zhao Lingchuan dare to hook up, how can you let Shi Feiyan go?”

“According to common sense, Shi Feiyan should be the first person to be hooked up by this rebel…”

“But it’s not right. Since she was the first, why didn’t she stop me from dating Li Yangping?”

“What the hell is this? This is too weird, is it because the rebels are out of the Nether Hall to act boldly?”

Feng Yijing couldn’t figure it out.

After thinking about it for a long time, I didn’t come up with a decent reason.

In the end, this reason can only be attributed to Shi Feiyan herself.

That is Shi Feiyan’s indifferent nature, who hates men most in her life.

Otherwise, there would be no rules for disciples in the Palace of Netherworld not to marry or fall in love.

Isn’t this misogyny?


After half an hour.

The delicacies on the table have long been rolled out.

This feast is finally over.

The group of four finally nodded and bowed at Xiaoer, and left the restaurant vigorously.

Zhao Ning, who had only woke up a little languidly, became lively again after eating a full meal.

While holding Li Yangping’s hand, he looked at the various vendors on the street.

His eyes were full of expectant curiosity, and he was full of scrutiny about everything.

She has been staying at the Li Family Mansion in Weiyang City since she has a memory.

It wasn’t until Li Yangping took her away and flew towards Xuantian Jianzong that he saw many unusual scenery along the way.

I couldn’t even think of this before.

Therefore, she is full of curiosity about the bustling streets and the crowds of vendors.

Li Yangping noticed her curious look and rubbed her head.

Along the way, I scanned all the stalls I passed by.

Buy anything for Zhao Ning if you see it.

Almost every stall was patronized by them.

The vendors also smiled openly and kept saying flattering words.

“Little girl, your Big Brother is so kind to you.”

“Come on, taste this, it’s absolutely fresh.”

“It’s delicious, family handicraft.”

Zhao Ning took them one by one, but because she was too young, she couldn’t eat so much in her stomach.

In addition, I had a full meal in the restaurant, so I basically only took a bite of the snacks I bought.

In the end, these snacks were handed over to Li Shengzi to solve.

Feng Yijing and Zhao Lingchuan walked side by side behind them.

Seeing the two brothers and sisters who are very warm in front of them, the eyes of both of them became a little soft.

Whether it is Feng Yijing or Zhao Lingchuan, they are the heads of a top-tier group.

Since childhood, she has always been the proud girl of heaven.

The practice is smooth, and the status is extremely respectable.

Everyone is flattering and flattering when they see them.

There are countless followers behind him.

It can be said that when they sneezed, the whole China would shake.

But because of this, they have never experienced such a warm taste.

Feng Yijing moved away from Li Yangping and Zhao Ning, Yu Guang glanced at Zhao Lingchuan, and said lightly: “Zhao Zhangmen, you seem to have forgotten to teach Zhao Ning to cultivate.”

Zhao Lingchuan hugged his shoulders, “Zhao Ning is a super talent and supreme martial art, and he is very fast in practice, but I think Feng Master should understand it?”

Feng Yijing frowned suddenly.

Of course she understands the reason of hurriedness.

But this is obviously an excuse for Zhao Lingchuan’s prevarication.

It’s not that she is worried that Zhao Ning’s progress in her practice is too fast, and she can’t rush for success.

Instead, he took this opportunity to spend a few more days with Li Yangping.

Think carefully about this, and you can see it clearly without thinking about it.

But she didn’t say much.

After all, Zhao Ning is Zhao Lingchuan’s disciple…

He is responsible for teaching Zhao Ning’s practice.

As for how to practice, it has nothing to do with her.

The most important point is that she is worried that Li Yangping will be angry…

Just let it continue like this.

Anyway, she can stay with Li Yangping now.

I can still see that Zhao Lingchuan can’t move and think carefully.

Killed two birds with one stone, and no longer prevented it.

At this time, Li Yangping took Zhao Ning and suddenly turned his head and said, “By the way, two masters, where do you still want to go to play?”

“This street is from beginning to end.”

Feng Yijing thought about it seriously, and then said: “The most famous theater in East Sea City is probably the theater. I didn’t plan to watch the theater before, but I was interrupted…”

“Then we might as well go to the theater to watch a play, it is also considered to make up for the previous regrets.”


Li Yangping asked Zhao Lingchuan again: “How does Master Lingchuan feel? Do you want to go to the theater to watch a play?”

“Whatever you want, you can do it.” Zhao Lingchuan nodded in a gentle tone.

Feng Yijing: …

Hearing this, the corner of his eyes jumped wildly.

You are the head of the Xuantian Sword Sect.

What can you call the shots?

What’s the matter with such a well-behaved and obedient appearance?

Li Yangping said: “Then let’s go to the theater now.”

“But it may not be time yet, and I don’t know if the theater is open to welcome guests.”

A group of four turned and walked toward the theater.


Donghai City City Lord’s Mansion.

At the moment in the living room.

Shi Yucheng looked at Xiang Yize with a worried expression, and asked, “My brother Xiang, have they accepted the apologize?”

Xiang Yize hummed, “It’s closed.”


Shi Yucheng’s face was joyful, and he asked quickly, “How about the look of the head of Zhao?”

Xiang Yize thought for a while, and said, “Zhao Zhangmen was not very happy at first, but Li Shengzi spoke to persuade him, and she didn’t say more.”


The big stone in Shi Yucheng’s heart finally fell.

Then he thought of something, a little nervous: “I don’t know if these big guys have been staying in East Sea City, will something big happen to them.”

“If there is something that doesn’t have eyes…”

“Hey, if they don’t leave for a day, my heart is not at ease.”

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