Chapter 33 Departure Secret Realm

Fuyu Mountain, Nether Palace.

Deacon, who is responsible for guarding the teleportation array, is sitting on the steps boredly at this moment.

Suddenly, there was a violent shaking.

deacon:? ? ?

Then a group of disciples in Sect’s trial came out of the teleportation array.

“What are you guys?”

Deacon discovered that these people were disciples who participated in the Sect trial mission.

Rubbed his eyes and couldn’t believe it.

It’s only a few days now?

Why did they all come back?

Normally, the Sect trial mission takes one month to complete.

And the trial time this time didn’t even last for half a month.

Deacon counted the heads and found no more, no less.

How many disciples are there to participate in the Sect trial?

How many disciples returned to the Nether Palace.


Casualties will inevitably occur during the mission.

Good guy, I’m back intact this time.

When they left, these disciples were still quite ignorant.

After returning, he brought an iron Blood Qi that had experienced the baptism of battle.

His eyes were firm and fierce.

Worthy of being the Son!


On the other side, Mount Demon.

After sending away the disciples of the Nether Palace.

Li Yangping and Ye Qingmeng moved in the direction indicated by the map.

The two were silent all the way.

Li Yangping didn’t want to talk.

Ye Qingmeng didn’t know what to say.

Walk through the jungle.

Ye Qingmeng hesitated for a moment, and then said: “What you just said is more important than talent is faith, is it true?”

Li Yangping was taken aback and shook his head.

“Of course it’s fake, I lied to them.”

Ye Qingmeng:? ? ?

Ye Qingmeng, who was originally inspired, was stunned.

Li Yangping noticed her unrest, and smiled: “You won’t believe it, will you?”

Ye Qingmeng bowed his head in silence.

“You who don’t have a Cultivation Base dare to go to Demon Mountain alone, you must have faith in your heart.”

Ye Qingmeng nodded.

Li Yangping poured cold water: “But you still can’t stop the saber-toothed tiger.”

“So what’s the use of your faith?”

Ye Qingmeng was speechless and didn’t know how to refute.

“Actually, I am about the same age as them.”

“But Cultivation Base Realm hangs all of them.”

“Is it faith that I rely on?”

Li Yangping continued to move forward, “Many of them may not be able to reach the Gold Core in their lifetime.”

“And I was one step short of entering the Nascent Soul stage.”

“The gap in talent is like a chasm, and beliefs only apply to people of the same talent.”

Ye Qingmeng said, “Then why are you lying to them?”

Li Yangping sighed: “Reality is reality, ideal is ideal.”

“They are still young, and they recognize the facts too early, so what should they do if they lose their enthusiasm?”

“Faced with various setbacks in the future, with faith, they will at least not give up easily.”

“If one day they are in a desperate situation, they can remember this sentence and support them to keep going.”

Ye Qing dreamed of herself.

No one has said to himself that talent is not important, even if it is a white lie.

Heavenly Dao Zong regarded her as a treasure when her talent had not disappeared.

The one thing Elder who taught her said the most is that these things are easy with your talent.

After being expelled from the Heavenly Dao sect, what my father often said is that if your talent is still…

Ye Qingmeng glanced at Li Yangping seriously.

“Senior, you are a good person.”

Li Yangping: …

Li Yangping, who was given a good person card, twitched at the corner of his mouth.


after one day.

The two have been walking in the dense forest for a long time.

“Senior, the secret realm will be opened tomorrow.”

After calculating the distance from the secret realm, Ye Qingmeng was a little anxious.

It is possible to fly around the demon mountain, because the Demonic Beasts Cultivation Base is low, Li Yangping can easily clean up.

And the deeper it goes to the hinterland, the stronger the Cultivation Base of Demonic Beasts.

In order not to attract the attention of powerful Demonic Beasts, they cannot fly.

Ye Qingmeng is a mortal without a Cultivation Base.

With her foot strength, it is difficult to arrive within the stipulated time.

Li Yangping glanced at the map and nodded: “It’s really too late.”

So he stretched out a hand to put his arm around Ye Qingmeng’s waist.

Started to walk quickly on the ground.

Rushing all the way, encountering steep terrain, jump directly.

Keep running.

Ye Qingmeng, who was suddenly hugged by Li Yangping, flushed.

Feel his broad mind.

An unfamiliar emotion began to flow up.

In my heart, he said silently: “Li Yangping.”


Under Li Yangping’s violent and brutal rush, he was getting closer and closer to the emperor’s secret realm.

Surprisingly, the number of Demonic Beasts near the emperor’s secret realm gradually increased.

However, with two sticks of incense, Li Yangping and the two have already met Demonic Beasts in the three waves of Gold Core.

Although not Li Yangping’s opponent at all, it also slowed his speed.

Galloping all the way, behind him is the corpse of Demonic Beasts.

Suddenly, Li Yangping stopped.

Put Ye Qingmeng down.

Ye Qingmeng looked at Li Yangping with a serious expression, “What’s the matter?”


Li Yangping walked forward.

I saw a huge blood chasing a wolf from the big tree in front.

The saber-toothed tiger I encountered before is considered a huge outlier of Demonic Beasts.

However, when compared with it, it is nothing short of it.

And this blood chasing wolf has a trace of Blood Qi all over his body.

This is a Demonic Beasts that is about to break through the Nascent Soul period!

People are different from Demonic Beasts.

People are a natural race suitable for cultivation.

And Demonic Beasts rely on blood.

The blood of this blood chasing the wolf almost returned to its ancestors, and its combat power soared.

The humans of Gold Core Realm encountered Demonic Beasts of Gold Core Realm, only to be beaten.

“Senior, the land ahead should be where the blood chases the wolf.”

“It’s warning us.”

The eyes of Blood Chasing Wolf scanned the two humans who broke into its territory without authorization.

The scarlet eyes showed a killing intent to the bone.

Ye Qingmeng was a little worried.

“Senior, why don’t we change paths.”

Li Yangping shook his head. Demonic Beasts, which have not yet made a breakthrough in the Nascent Soul period, are not qualified to change lanes.

“Give you a chance, make way…”

Although Blood Chasing Wolf does not have an IQ equal to that of human beings, it has already developed its wisdom.

You can see his contempt from Li Yangping’s demeanor and movement.

The blood chasing wolf was angry, and violent blood red steam gushed out of his body.

Boiling with a strong killing intent.

Charged towards Li Yangping.

Li Yangping frowned, “Stubbornly stubborn.”

Ye Qingmeng hurriedly said: “Senior…”

Before she finished speaking, she saw a scene that shocked her.

I saw a vague phantom gradually rising behind Li Yangping.

Exudes enormous coercion.

Xu Ying walked towards the blood chasing the wolf.

With each step, the phantom grows by one point.

When he walked in front of the blood chasing wolf, the phantom’s aura had completely suppressed the violent blood chasing wolf.

The phantom gradually solidified.

Ye Qingmeng looked intently, and it turned out that this was a giant.

There is a dragon on his left arm.

There was Phoenix on his shoulders.

Behind is the endless universe of stars.

Blood Chasing Wolf was suppressed and trembling on the ground.

Not only is it terrifying, it also exudes a strong breath of blood.

It was like a trembling in the depths of the soul.

The blood chased the wolf and bowed his head, lying on the ground like a courtier meeting the emperor.

Li Yangping was surprised.

In fact, this phantom was summoned for the first time.

Never expected it to be so powerful.

Without doing anything, he crushed the blood chasing wolf like a grandson.

Xu Ying stomped on the blood chasing wolf who had completely lost his fighting spirit below.


The blood chasing the wolf has no bones under the giant feet of the phantom.

The blood chasing wolf that has dominated this place for a hundred years is now annihilated!


Li Yangping couldn’t help applauding, this giant phantom is too awesome!

The phantom that exploded Blood Chasing Wolf’s foot gradually shrank until it was annihilated.


Ye Qingmeng hid behind the big tree, staring blankly at what happened.


A phantom appeared behind Li Yangping.

Then the phantom gradually grew larger.

The last foot stepped to death for half a step Nascent Soul’s blood chasing the wolf.

The phantom slowly shrank again.

The battle is over.


It went so well.

Ye Qingmeng couldn’t help squeezing his own thigh.


Ye Qingmeng was a bit lost.

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