Chapter 331 Who said this seat didn’t expand Dantian for you?


Shi Feiyan was stunned, “No, why do you ask if this seat is injured?”

Zhao Ning said gruffly: “Master does not have a master, so why let Big Brother hold you?”

Shi Feiyan:? ? ?

Only then did I remember that I was still in Li Yangping’s arms.

His face flushed immediately, and he quickly took off from Li Yangping’s arms.

He cleared his throat and said covertly: “This seat is just practicing.”

“This is a special way. You are still young and don’t understand.”

After speaking, he gave Li Yangping a white look.

All this rebel! !

Otherwise, she would be seen by Zhao Ning, a little girl, and it would be so difficult for her to step down.


Zhao Ning was blindfolded.

Although she was young, she had never heard of this special cultivation method.

How can there be a cultivation way to be held by others?

Seeing Zhao Ning’s doubts, Shi Feiyan’s face became even more red.

I’m so embarrassed to continue to explain something.

In case you make too many mistakes…

The air quieted down for a while.

Instead, Li Yangping didn’t care at all and explained, “It’s like this, as the cultivation deepens, you can cultivate whether you stand or hold it.”

“Do you remember when you were in the Xuantian Sword Sect in the East China Sea, sleeping was actually a way to cultivate?”

“That’s it.”

Zhao Ning suddenly realized that everything about the Xuantian Sword Sect in the East China Sea was heard.

Suddenly said ashamed: “It’s me Realm is too low, I can’t comprehend the deep meaning of it.”

Li Yangping smiled, “Cultivation, in addition to being serious and hardworking, it actually requires comprehension.”

“Only what you feel is own.”

“Things of sentiment?”

Zhao Ning was stunned.

This term is too far away for him.

Even with her, she couldn’t understand what sentiment was.

Shi Feiyan couldn’t help laughing when she heard Li Yangping’s forced explanation.

Glancing at Li Yangping, this guy knew the nonsense.

Unexpectedly, making up a reason can be said to be the most eloquent.

Look at the little girl who is fooling around…

It’s simply too ridiculous.

Fortunately, he is Zhao Ning’s Big Brother.

Just deceive him like this, and I’m not afraid of being upset.

Li Yangping found his sight and couldn’t help but also looked over.

The two of them were the same in an instant, and Li Yangping raised an eyebrow at her.

Shi Feiyan quickly retracted her gaze and lowered her head in a panic.

“Master, I have been able to run True Qi for a week.”

“But it’s still a bit hard and it can’t run smoothly.”

Shi Feiyan, who was still shy, didn’t care about being shy when she heard this.

Looking at Zhao Ning with a surprised look, she asked, “Have you been able to run True Qi for a week?”


Zhao Ning nodded.

Shi Feiyan frowned and flew to Zhao Ning’s side.

Grabbed her wrist and examined it carefully.

Spiritual Qi poured into it and circled Meridians all over his body.

I inspected everything inside the body.

It turns out that all Meridians have signs of True Qi functioning.

It’s even continuing to run slowly! !

The Meridians’ route is also all right.

Nothing is wrong.

Shi Feiyan was shocked: “It can actually circle Meridians for a week.”

He noticed Shi Feiyan’s surprised eyes.

Unknown Zhao Ning scratched her head, not knowing what to do.

Shi Feiyan was shocked.

The Netherworld Ceremony is very difficult to cultivate.

Even among all the major minds, the Netherworld Ceremony is the most difficult.

But how long has Zhao Ningcai been in contact with the Netherworld Ceremony?

It can run for a week, this kind of talent is simply amazing.

Although she was already in Li An’s middle stage, she still only came into contact with the Dao Nether Palace Ceremony this morning.

Can run for a week, I have to say that he is a peerless genius.

Even Li Yangping was not so enchanting back then.

It is too fast.

But on second thoughts, it seems that the speed of cultivation is justified.

Originally, Zhao Ning was a peerless genius with super talent and supreme martial arts.

In terms of cultivation talent, he was only as good as Li Yangping, who had the talent of Saint Grade.

What’s more, Zhao Lingchuan had already washed Zhao Ning’s marrow with Emperor Sword Qi before.

The expansion of Meridians is definitely better than Li Yangping.

The potential is also more advantageous than Li Yangping.

With the blessing of Emperor Sword Qi, his foundation can be said to be the most stable.

No matter how gray and difficult to cultivate the Netherworld Ceremony, the difficulty for her might be greatly reduced.

At least it will be reduced by more than half.

Especially the most difficult and precious thing about this little girl in front of me is to work hard.

Compared with Zhao Ning, Li Yangping is a waste.

It’s a salted fish that is too lazy to stand up.

“Well, since you are all like this, let’s cultivate here today.”

“It’s not time to play anymore, let’s destroy it and rest soon”

Shi Feiyan exhorted, “Don’t be too impatient. Cultivation still depends on stability, and the most important thing is to calm down.”

“Breaking through too quickly is not good, causing damage to subsequent cultivation.”

Although cultivation is not only a retreat.

But Zhao Ning’s super talent and supreme martial arts combined are geniuses.

For him, the cultivation of hard work without rest is bad for her.

Genius is not the same as mediocrity.

The mediocrity requires immense hard work.

And geniuses rely more on perceiving opportunities,

This is the most important thing for geniuses.

Obviously, Li Yangping is an example of this.

Even in the Nether Palace, disciples who worked harder than Li Yangping fell into public opinion.

But what about the cultivation speed?

Li Yangping is a sacred talent, and he still has no chance.

Even if she is too lazy to practice, Cultivation Realm will slap all the quilt disciples in the Nether Palace.

Efforts will not catch up with true genius.

God is inherently unfair.

Some people work hard for a lifetime to get something that some people think they are born with.

Whether you like it or not, this is destined.

Some people are born at the end and don’t have to work hard in this life.

Li Yangping is like this.

Zhao Ning is the same.

“All right.”

Zhao Ning nodded obediently.

Shi Feiyan glanced at Zhao Ning, and said: “By the way, you can stay in the bedroom of this seat tonight.”

“Zhao Lingchuan will use the Emperor Sword Qi to cleanse your marrow, and this seat will expand Dantian for you with Taoism.”

“Expand Dantian.”

Li Yangping was stunned, and asked with some doubts: “Can Dantian still extend am?”

“Should Dantian cultivate himself?”

Li Yangping was puzzled.

He only now knows that Dantian can still rely on others to expand?

He always thought that he could only cultivate by himself.

Shi Feiyan said a little bit amused: “Zhao Lingchuan can use the Emperor Sword Qi to wash his marrow, and this seat can naturally also use Taoism to expand Dantian.”

In fact, it was not needed.

After all, Zhao Ning is only practicing Qi in the middle stage.

But Zhao Ning is not only his disciple.

Still a disciple of Zhao Lingchuan.

Moreover, Zhao Ning, as the disciple of the two of them, is also a part of the competition.

That’s why he will be impatient.

Another important reason is Zhao Ning’s talent.

Can feel the essence of the Netherworld Ceremony in just one day.

It can be said that Zhao Ning’s talent is peerless.

Because of this, Shi Feiyan also became happy with talent.

Will choose to use Dao Fa to expand Dantian for her at night.

“It can be like this.”

Li Yangping was shocked.

Seeing him shocked and resentful, Shi Feiyan thought she was worried.

So explained: “You don’t have to worry, I know you can’t act too hastily.”

“It’s just that this can stimulate his potential, but it will not have the effect of uprooting the seedlings, and it will not do him any harm.”

“Only the boundless benefits can expand Dantian. It can be said that in the future, the foundation of the same rank invincibility will be laid.”

“Furthermore, this seat is also a netherworld ceremony of cultivation, and Zhao Ning will not be harmed by Taoism.”

When Li Yangping heard Shi Feiyan’s explanation, he shook his head and said: “The disciple is not worried about this, but the disciple has some…”


Shi Feiyan was stunned.

“Then what are you doing so angry?”

Li Yangping looked at Shi Feiyan faintly, and said in a grieved tone: “Before the disciples worshipped in the Nether Hall, Master did not use Dao Fa to expand Dantian for the disciples.”

Shi Feiyan:? ? ?

Boy, are you jealous?

Can’t help but smile; “How old are you, how can you even eat the jealousy of Little Sister.”

Li Yangping said indifferently; “Master can eat Zhao Ning’s vinegar, so what if my disciples eat Zhao Ning’s vinegar?”


Shi Feiyan turned red, and severely pinched the soft flesh on Li Yangping’s waist.

This rebellious dog can’t breathe good food.

Just know the nonsense.

“You rebel, shut up!”

“The base oil is not wrong…”

“To shut up!!!”


Zhao Ning looked ignorantly at the two people fighting.

What are Master and Big Brother doing?

Why did it suddenly start.

And he was still saying something he didn’t understand at all.

Why didn’t I understand a word when I heard what they said?

And she felt a little faintly, always feeling that the relationship between Master and Big Brother was very strange.

This feeling is deja vu.

She felt that way about Guo when she was in the Xuantian Sword Sect of the East China Sea before.

Only the object is Zhao Lingchuan.

This time it was Shi Feiyan.

“Okay, don’t be jealous.”

Shi Feiyan looked at Li Yangping, who was uncomfortable, and she couldn’t help but laugh.

This rebel is actually jealous.

No good air said: “Who told you that this seat didn’t expand Dantian for you?”


Li Yangping was stunned, “How long has the Master used Dao Fa to develop Dantian for his disciples?”

“Did the master expand when the disciple first worshipped Sect?”

Li Yangping was dumbfounded.

Why doesn’t he have this memory?

He didn’t even know that Shi Feiyan had also expanded Dantian for him.

Shi Feiyan shook her head, “Not that time.”

Although he is very concerned about the practice of his disciples, he does not need to use Taoism to expand Dantian for them.

Even Li Yangping as the Son of God did not enjoy this benefit.

Li Yangping became more curious when she heard Shi Feiya say that.

Can’t help but ask: “How long is that?”

Shi Feiyan’s face flushed, and she suddenly became a little shy, and said, “That’s right, just before.”

“Ahem, at that time you started to practice hard.”

“I’m so obsessed with Realm again, so I quietly helped you.”

At this point, Shi Feiyan was shy and couldn’t continue.

Li Yangping:? ? ?

Look dazed.

Although you have said so much.

But he didn’t understand it.

After thinking for a long time, he suddenly thought of something, and said dumbly; “Which thing is the master talking about?”

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