Chapter 340 My Master Is Too Cute

The sun rises in the early morning, and the sun shines on the Nether Hall.

The disciples of the Nether Hall got up one after another and began to practice martial arts in the martial arts field.

For a while, the whole Sect became lively.

You Yuefeng at this time.

There are many deacons walking in the palace’s palace.

The deacons shuttled around Youyue Peak, preparing for today’s mission.

From time to time, he bowed his head and made a few noises.

Compared with the lively Youyue Peak, the room in the master bedroom is much quieter.

There was no movement at all in the head room.

Unlike the hustle and bustle outside, the atmosphere is quiet without any sound.

The candles on the table had already been extinguished, and the sun was shining in.

He was also stopped outside the curtain, and the three people outside the curtain were still asleep.

At this moment, Li Yangping was lying in the middle of the soft bed, his eyes closed obviously sleeping soundly.

Shi Feiyan lay beside him, curled up in Li Yangping’s arms like a kitten.

Li Yangping’s big hand was still holding Shi Feiyan’s waist.

The two of them slept in this ambiguous position.

And Zhao Ning was already squeezed at the end of the bed.

Zhao Ning lay on Li Yangping’s calf, sleeping positively.

Although the picture is weird, it looks very harmonious.

Even their heavy breathing can be heard in the room.

Boom boom.

At this time there was a knock on the door outside the room.

Then a female voice spoke, “Master, breakfast is ready.”

After the female voice had finished speaking, the room was still quiet.

No one responded.

The questioning Deacon did not hear the voice in the room, and hesitated.

Finally, I chose to leave quietly.

Maybe something happened to the head.

After deacon left, the sound of footsteps gradually disappeared.

Shi Feiyan opened her eyes suddenly and blinked.

In fact, she woke up a long time ago.

Just been pretending to sleep.

After all, she is an emperor-level supreme, and she has already transcended the level of life.

It doesn’t matter to him whether he sleeps or not.

Even if he doesn’t sleep, it’s no different from sleeping.

More importantly, in time she really wants to sleep.

But the consciousness will still wake up suddenly, this is his instinct.

“Hey, I don’t know what this rebel is sleeping all day long.”

Shi Feiyan glanced at Li Yangping beside her, with some doubts.

Especially seeing Li Yangping closing his eyes tightly, the expression on his face was extremely peaceful.

Just know that this guy slept soundly.

The way she was asleep was less cynical and even more cute.

Shi Feiyan looked at Li Yangping like this, Xinxiang: “Breakfast is ready, do you want this guy to get up for dinner?”

Shi Feiyan thought for a long time, but finally chose not to wake up.

By the way, I found an excuse for myself.

“Zhao Ning is still asleep, maybe they are not hungry yet, when they are hungry, they will naturally wake up.”

“In that case, it’s fine to lie down for a while.”

Shi Feiyan blinked and changed a more comfortable position to nestle in Li Yangping’s arms.

Shi Feiyan and Li Yangping have long been bigu and don’t need to eat.

But Zhao Ning is different. She is still practicing Qi in the middle stage, so she can’t do without eating.

So breakfast was prepared for Zhao Ning.

If Zhao Ning is hungry, she will wake up from her dream.

He was still asleep now, surely he was not hungry.

Shi Feiyan liked own wit.

Observe the finalists and know the details!

Yesterday he forgot that Zhao Ning did not have bigu, but Zhao Ning was hungry for a day.

From morning to night, Li Yangping cooked the big meal by himself.

This made her feel guilty as a teacher.

In this way, she forgot that the disciple had to eat, which made her hungry.

His master is a little irresponsible.

So she ordered deacon to cook three meals a day when she went out to spread last night.

It is convenient for Zhao Ning to eat, so as not to be hungry again.

“Well, it’s the same when Zhao Ning wakes up and eats.”

Shi Feiyan leaned in Li Yangping’s arms, thinking like this.

Then he rubbed Li Yangping’s chest comfortably.

Although they were still angry with each other yesterday, they have to say that Li Yangping’s chest is still so safe.

The feeling given to him is a sense of security that he has never experienced.

It would be great if he kept in Li Yangping’s arms like this.

When thinking like this, Shi Feiyan suddenly opened her eyes.

As if he noticed something, he just closed his eyes again.

It turned out that Deacon’s knock on the door awakened Li Yangping who was sleeping.

Li Yangping opened his dim eyes, and the sun was dazzling.

Can’t help but stretched, “Sleep well.”

Yesterday it was very late, and he even cooked for Zhao Ning and the others.

Arrive from Donghai City to the Nether Palace early in the morning again.

Exhausted long ago.

After a nap, recharged.

The whole person is much easier.

This is the bedroom of You Yuefeng’s head, and the unrelenting master around him.

It really makes him crooked.

I can’t wait to be like this forever.

“By the way, Master is also here.”

Suddenly, he thought of the Master who was lying beside him.

Turning his head and looking around, Shi Feiyan was lying in his arms like this.

The eyelashes trembled lightly, and even the fair and delicate cheeks looked so beautiful.

It’s like Fairy in the painting, which makes people feel extremely comfortable.

“Master is still sleeping?”

Li Yangping glanced at Shi Feiyan who was pretending to be asleep, and couldn’t help but smile, “Master, why are you pretending to be asleep?”

“Every morning, you have to pretend to sleep.”

His master is not only cute, but also shy.

When I slept with her on the big bed before, I pretended to sleep like this every morning.

He obviously woke up, but in the end he had to pretend to be asleep.

It’s not just Shi Feiyan.

Even Feng Yijing and Zhao Lingchuan are the same.

His three masters are too shy.

As if after pretending to sleep, there is no sleep.

Typical self-deception stingy.

When Li Yangping said this, Shi Feiyan was embarrassed to continue pretending to be asleep.

He opened his eyes and gave him a blank look, “Who is still pretending to be asleep, obviously he just woke up, but you still woke him up.”

Li Yangping smiled, “But the master is a supreme emperor, do you need to sleep too?”

“I’m afraid I can’t sleep even if I sleep.”

“To shut up.”

Shi Feiyan was angry and snorted coldly.

“Master, how was the disciple last night?”

Li Yangping suddenly thought of something, and couldn’t help but leaning into Shi Feiyan’s ear, whispering to the ground.

“How about it?”

Shi Feiyan was stunned.

His face flushed immediately afterwards.


How easy is this to say.

Thinking of those things yesterday, her face became irritable.

I don’t know where Li Yangping learned it.

All these messy things are in my head all day.

Let him not know how to do it.

Obviously, the two of them have been talking about the superstition of the ancient gods, which is still normal.

It can be regarded as telling Li Yangping some secrets.

Li Yangping is also willing to listen.

The two masters and apprentices just chatted like this.

But when Zhao Ning fell asleep, the atmosphere changed.

Somehow changed from telling secrets to massage? ?

Li Yangping insisted on giving her a massage.

No way to stop it.

If it’s just like this, it’s just a massage anyway.

Just massage the shoulders.

Not to mention it’s quite comfortable.

Li Yangping’s method is fine.

But I don’t know what he rang again, he must do some pedicures.

Even help him massage his feet.

How can this be tolerated.

I felt ashamed to think about it, and immediately rejected him.

But he still doesn’t make trouble…

In the end it became like this.

The two had been playing like this until the middle of the night before going to sleep.

Especially after Li Yangping made sure that she was not angry, he smirked…

“Bah, rebel, what’s in my mind all day.”

Shi Feiyan’s face flushed, and she couldn’t help but uttered, “What kind of pedicure does not sound like a good thing.”

“Bah, don’t you think you are a frequent visitor to Fengyue?”

Otherwise, how could the massage be so comfortable.

Also know some weird names.

What pedicure.

He has never heard of it!!

Li Yangping shook his head aggrievedly, “No.”

“The disciples are serious people and never go to such a place.”

“Furthermore, the disciples have only lived like this to the master.”

Hearing this, Shi Feiyan gave him a white glance, “Huh, who would believe that you only do this to me.”

With such a skillful technique, is it impossible to be self-taught?

That’s what I said, but Shi Feiyan was still a little happy.

The corners of the mouth are slightly raised, and the temperament is obviously pleasant.

Li Yangping obviously noticed this and couldn’t help asking: “Is it because Zun doesn’t like it?”

“Huh, a little bit over there.”

Shi Feiyan is still denying it.

But the expression on his face shows that he actually likes it.

It’s just a thin-skinned face, and I didn’t have time to say it at all.

Seeing this scene, the smile on Li Yangping’s mouth became brighter.

But there was no further questioning.

His master is too shy, what to do if he scares away later.

He knows Shi Feiyan very well.

Tsundere is cute.

What I said in my mouth was completely different from what I thought in my heart.

“Hey, I just like Master, disciple.”

Behind Li Yangping, he hugged Shi Feiyan firmly from behind.

Smelling Shi Feiyan’s body scent, Li Yangping felt peaceful.

Shi Feiyan noticed Li Yangping’s movements, her body remained slightly.

But there was no resistance.

Instead, he blushed slightly, “Rebel.”

Li Yangping buried his head on Shi Feiyan’s neck, and Nan Nan whispered, “Master, my disciple likes you so much.”

Shi Feiyan is an extremely special existence to him.

No one can replace it.

Even Feng Yijing, Zhao Lingchuan, Ye Qingmeng, and Song Jianli could not replace her in his heart.

This is a fact.

As long as Shi Feiyan is by his side, he feels very peaceful.

Shi Feiyan flushed when she heard Li Yangping’s almost confession, “Rebel, you are talking nonsense again.”

That’s what I said, but he reached out to stop Li Yangping’s embrace.

The eyes are full of joy.

After the encounter last night, the misunderstanding between them was also solved.

Even the anger dissipated.

The two masters and apprentices returned to the original close relationship.

Looking at Li Yangping like this, she couldn’t even get angry.

“Hey, rebel, sooner or later this seat will fall into your hands.”

Shi Feiyan glared at him and said a little coquettishly.

However, Li Yangping raised the corners of his mouth.

Slightly proud of the words.

Hearing Li Yangping say this, Shi Feiyan hummed arrogantly: “What about Zhao Lingchuan and Feng Yijing??”


Now it was Li Yangping’s turn to be embarrassed.

I’m stuck and don’t know what to say.

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