Chapter 345 Nether Palace, the first in China!

“Our Netherworld Palace must be the largest in China in the near future!!!”

Wang Elder’s voice was very excited, echoing throughout the martial arts field.

At the same time, it echoed in the hearts of all the disciples.

The disciples looked excited.

They were just when they were young, and everyone’s heart was full of enthusiasm.

His face was a little ruddy with excitement.

As the disciples of one of the top sects, Nether Hall, they have a strong sense of honor for Sect.

Hearing Wang Elder’s exhilarating voice, he was infected a long time ago; uh.

Emotions are aroused.

I wish Sect would unify Shenzhou immediately and become the opposite of Shenzhou.

At this time, I don’t know which disciple suddenly spoke.

“Nether Palace, the number one Sect in China!”

This sound resounded in the ears of all the disciples.

Disciples was excited for a moment.

Emotions burned, and couldn’t help but roar: “Nether Palace, the number one Sect in China!!”

“Our Nether Palace must not only be the No. 1 Sect of Devil Dao, but also the No. 1 Sect of China!!”

“Netherworld Palace is number one in the world, number one in eternity!!”

“With the head and the saint son, we are the number one in China. Sect.”

“Unify Shenzhou, Nether Palace is invincible!!”


The disciples were exposed with excitement. ,

Can’t help but say a shout.

These shouts resounded throughout the martial arts field, and even heard these voices around.

Li Yangping:? ? ?

Seeing the excited disciples around, Li Yangping was a little hungry and swallowed.

This is too…

She said, no wonder King Elder insisted on hearing it in the martial arts field.

Feelings are to brainwash him.

“What a big Elder, don’t go to MLM.”

Li Yangping couldn’t help muttering in a low voice.

The king Elder was very bad-hearted.

Although Wang Elder didn’t use Dao Fa at all, it didn’t affect the disciples’ inner desire to fight.

But when such an atmosphere was set off, the emotions in the disciples’ hearts were also aroused.

At the beginning, it was said that the rest of the Nether Palace was Mo, with a bitter history.

Let disciples be brought into it, and couldn’t help being angry.

Then began to talk about the honor behind.

Let disciples feel more belonging.

In the end, he smashed the blood crazily, let the disciples burn fighting spirit.

If Li Yangping was also a young man, I’m afraid he would have been tempted to give everything for the Nether Palace.

Dedicated to realize the hegemony of the Nether Palace.

But it’s a pity.

She is not a young man, and these can’t affect him at all.

Especially after now knowing Wang Elder’s intentions.

He suddenly realized.

Just listen to it yesterday and release the bait.

Anyway, just don’t take it to heart.

There is no wave in the ancient well in Neiping, no waves.

“Unify China?”

Li Yangping shook his head and sighed: ‘I’m sorry, I have no interest in this. ’

“I just want to conquer Master.”

And on the high platform.

Seeing the emotional disciples underneath, Wang Elder nodded in satisfaction.

The blood is surging, very good,

“It seems that my approach is quite good.”

At this time, Wang Elder put his eyes on Li Yangping.

Li Yangping scratched his head and even yawned.

He looked lazy, as if he was almost asleep.

There is no expression of anger.

Wang Elder was dumbfounded.

how so. ,?

What was the excitement of the other disciples’ faces? He told so much history for Li Yangping to hear.

There is no change in Li Yangping, so what’s the use? ?

He tells the past history of the Nether Palace in order to arouse Li Yangping’s fighting spirit! !

As a result, good guy, inner disciple’s fighting spirit ignited.

But Li Yangping was not affected in any way.

This is numb.

The Nether Palace wants to unify China, only relying on two people,

One is Shi Feiyan and the other is Li Yangping.

Shi Feiyan is the head, and there is an emperor-level supreme.

No matter how you persuade you, you can’t persuade you.

Then only Li Yangping is left.

But Li Yangping is also a salted fish like Shi Feiyan.

This is very embarrassing.

But behind Li Yangping stood three emperor-level supreme.

In addition to Shi Feiyan, there are two top masters of the right way.

It can be said that he has stood on the top of China.

If you don’t make good use of this identity, it would be too inappropriate.

But it seems that there is still a long way to go to inspire Li Yangping’s fighting spirit.


Thinking of this, Wang Elder coughed a few times.

Reach out his hand and press it slightly.

Soon the martial arts field returned to calm.

At this time, Wang Elder looked at Li Yangping and said, “Shengzi, as the heir of the Nether Palace, what do you think?”

As soon as the voice fell, all the disciples all looked at Li Yangping.

I want to know Li Yangping’s answer.

Li Yangping gave a hitch and said lazily: “Come on, I support you.”

The corner of Wang Elder’s mouth raised slightly, “Then what?”

Li Yangping spread his hands, “It’s over.”

Wang Elder asked unwillingly: “Just support it?”

Li Yangping was stunned, and said, “Come on?”

Wang Elder:? ? ?

Stubbornly suppressed the urge to kill Li Yangping.

This guy really deserves to be the Son of God.

Just as she was thinking about what to say, Li Yangping finally spoke up.

“Wang Elder, you have talked about the history of the Nether Palace for so long, how long is there to preach? I’m really curious.”

King Elder;? ? ?

The brow furrowed.


Feeling the avenue is easier said than done.

Even these inner disciples are the top ones in the Nether Palace.

But May Day, who can feel that Dao Dao is not a true peerless genius.

Among these disciples, no more than one in 10,000 can be successfully comprehended.

And being able to enter the Nether Palace is already considered a cultivation genius.

Let alone enter Inner Sect.

It’s that they are all like this, but they can realize how difficult the road is.

Originally, it was a coincidence to feel the avenue.

It all depends on luck and talent.

Compared with preaching, it is obvious that Sect’s battle for hegemony in China is more important.

But Li Yangping’s hob meat made him helpless.

Nothing can be heard, the left ear goes in and the right ear comes out.

Just when he hesitated, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed.

It sounded like something, “By the way, the old man can’t persuade him, but disciples may be okay.”

“If the disciples have great hopes for him, he would not be embarrassed to refuse, right?”

No matter how lazy, you have to work hard.

Thinking of this, Wang Elder said, “Just now the old man said so much, and his voice was dumb. It happens that the Son is here, or else the Son will preach.”

Li Yangping;? ? ?

Li Yangping was stunned, how did he become himself down.

Li Yangping frowned slightly, “But I’m just a clone of the middle stage cultivator, and the Dao hasn’t even entered the co-dao period, how can I preach to them?”

Isn’t this a joke?

Moreover, Wang Elder is a cultivator in Transcends Tribulation period, so there is no reason for his voice to be dumb.

This reason is too bad.

The corner of Li Yangping’s mouth twitched slightly.

Wang Elder waved his hand, “It’s wrong for the saint son to think so. Dadao’s sentiment is not compared with Realm. It’s all about comprehension.”

“The Son of God can awaken several Dharmakayas in the stage of distraction, and he must have his own understanding of the Great Dao.”

“Early preaching is also a process of sharing, but also a process that allows you to discover your own doubts.”

Speaking of this, Wang Elder looked at the disciples on the side and asked, “Do you want to listen to the preaching of the Son?”


The disciples said in unison.

Li Yangping is the object of their worship.

Being able to step into the middle stage of distraction at the age of twenty, one can imagine that the perception of Dadao must be extraordinary!

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