Chapter 358 Reward the ancient book “The Great Dao Extinction Array”?

It was because of the incomparable doubt that Li Yangping would say the boiled dragon egg to test it.

As a result, the performance of the dragon egg proved that it really was pretending to be dead.

Looking at the struggling dragon egg, Li Yangping smiled: “You don’t look so honest with the dragon egg.”

“I also learned to pretend to be dead, who did I learn from?”

Li Yangping also shook his head and said, “I have not been born yet, so I have learnt badly from others.”


Its roar came from the dragon egg.

Even with the dragon egg, he began to sway wildly.

Obviously, Dragon Egg felt uncomfortable when Li Yangping said so.

Use roars and struggles to vent dissatisfaction.

Although I don’t know what nutritious protein means, I still know if I roast it.

Charcoal grilled dragon eggs?

It doesn’t sound like a good thing.

This man, like the woman before, had a bad conscience.

I want to eat it! ! !

Li Yangping felt the dragon egg’s dissatisfaction and smiled: “I’m just saying that, do you think I will really charcoal you?”

“If I really have such a mind, you can still live peacefully to the present?”

When these words came out, the dragon egg stopped swaying.

Li Yangping couldn’t help knocking on the dragon egg, and said, “How long will it take you to be born? If it’s too long, I can’t wait.”

If there are still eight years and ten years to be born.

Then he is still waiting for a fart.

The dragon egg snorted: “Roar.”

Li Yangping heard Long Dan’s answer and frowned: “You don’t even know how long you have been out?”

“Then how can you hatch quickly?”

“Should you sit on your egg like a hen?”

Li Yangping was a little puzzled, how did the dragon come out?

The dragon egg roared in grief and indignation: “Ho Ho Ho Ho.”

The tone was full of resentment.

The person in front of him actually compares him with a dignified dragon and a hen??

He is a dragon, what is a hen? ?

This is a shame for a dragon! ! !

Li Yangping was insulting him with lower creatures.

“You are not happy, then tell me how to make you speed up.”

Li Yang spread out his hands.

Even though he wanted a horse-drawn mount, he didn’t have the patience to wait for ten or eight years.

This is too far away.

What is the difference with the development? ?

And what he raised is still an egg…

I’m embarrassed to say it.

A Rou looked at the dialogue between Li Yangping and Longdan with a dazed expression.

Can’t help but ask aloud: “Holy Son, can you understand Dragon Egg??”

Seeing this person’s conversation in front of her, she felt very strange.

Can this person and the egg communicate without barriers?

Although this egg is different from the others, it is the dragon egg, it will not be so heaven-defying.


Hearing A Rou’s surprise, Li Yangping also frowned.

The atmosphere fell silent for a while.

In fact, Li Yangping is also very strange, why can he understand the words of Dragon Egg? ?

I don’t know if it is because of the dragon tattoo on the left hand, so I can communicate with the dragon egg without knowing the language of the dragon clan.

Not only can communicate, but also feel the emotions of the dragon egg.

It’s really weird.

Thinking of this, Li Yangping rubbed his brows.

Although he can communicate with the dragon egg, he doesn’t know how to hatch this dragon egg.

What’s worse is that Dragon Egg doesn’t know it himself.

As a dragon egg, it doesn’t even know how to get out of the egg shell earlier? !

It was a shame.

Li Yangping couldn’t help muttering.

“Does it mean to break the eggshell of the dragon egg?”

Li Yangping pinched his chin and thought for a while.

Hearing Li Yangping’s words, Long Dan subconsciously struck a clever.

Then quietly moved to the other side.

Started to learn to escape again.

It felt that if it stayed like this, it might die in Li Yangping’s hands.

Breaking the dragon egg into pieces, is this something that humans can do?

Seeing the trembling dragon, Li Yangping finally gave up this tempting idea.

What if the dragon egg is broken and the little dragon is stunted?

What he wanted was a majestic mount dragon, not a malnourished disabled dragon.

“Forget it, that’s it, see when you get out of the eggshell.”

Li Yangping thought for a long time but never thought of a better idea.

Only one formation can be left behind.

The dragon egg is buckled in the formation, and the province has the thought of running away.

He really wants to have a dragon as a mount.

Looking at the dragon egg being held on the ground, Li Yangping nodded in satisfaction.

Very good, so this dragon egg won’t even want to run away.

After all, this dragon egg is not an honest guy, thinking about running away.

Even the spiritual intelligence is not low, and he absolutely can’t let it go.

And A Rou took a careful look at the dragon egg, and then said in surprise: “Holy Son, is this dragon egg actually a real dragon? Where did you get it?”

Li Yangping nodded, “This dragon egg was given to me by Master, it is a real dragon.”

A Rou was stunned, “Given it to you by the head?”

Then nodded.

Sure enough, there is such a terrifying creature as the dragon, and only the head can give it away.

The dragon clan is spreading the legend of Shenzhou.

In particular, I can only see the legend, but no one has ever seen a dragon.

Seeing that there was a real dragon egg in front of her, Arou felt a sense of dreaming.

This one is actually a dragon.

Still the legendary dragon.

It turns out that the records in the history books of China are all true, and the dragon clan really exists.

This made A Rou a little confused.

Li Yangping just wanted to say something, but the dragon egg shook suddenly.

Then a roar rang out: “Roar.”

It couldn’t help letting out a roar, and then there was a golden halo around the eggshell.

Soon, in Arou’s shocked eyes, the shadow of a small dragon slowly appeared on the outside of the eggshell.

It looks as long as a snake.

But the aura emanating from the eggshell is extremely terrifying.

Even people can’t help but worship.

Arou, who had just arrived in the Foundation Building, naturally couldn’t resist the coercion of the dragons, even though this was just a little dragon that hadn’t broken out of its shell.

Feeling this aura of horror, Arou shivered uncontrollably.

The eyes were wide, and it was obvious that such a terrifying aura could only be explained by this egg being a dragon egg.

It is a dragon! !

“All right.”

At this time, Li Yangping who saw this farce was speechless.

Coming over to hold A Rou’s wrist, a warm current poured into A Rou’s body from the wrist.

After circulating in the Meridians for a week, the icy breath dissipated.

A Rou breathed a sigh of relief, but her forehead was scared to sweat by the aura of the dragon egg.

Li Yangping said angrily to the dragon egg: “Isn’t it the dragon egg? If you dare to continue to put pressure on it, I will eat the charcoal grilled dragon egg tonight.”

“Roar roar.”

The dragon egg cried a few more times.

This time the voice was obviously mixed with grievances.

Even the terrifying aura also disappeared.

The whole room was quiet again.

A Rou couldn’t help taking the ropeway: “Holy Son, it really is a dragon… this momentum is too scary.”

“There is nothing to be afraid of.”

Li Yangping couldn’t help squeezing A Rou’s cheek, and said with a smile: “When this little dragon is born, let you try it on the ride.”

Dragon Egg:? ? ?

A Rou lowered her head shyly, “Forget it, I don’t want to ride a dragon, I’m going to ride it myself.”

Dragon Egg:? ? ?

There were violent yellow movements abruptly.

What do you think of it?

Riding a dragon?

Why is it so beautiful? ?

Even if the two of them flirted and cursed, they had to ride him.

He even pushed back and forth.

It is not willing to be ridden by people.

At this moment, A Rou seemed to have heard something, and asked quickly: “By the way, Shengzi, have you seen Zhao Ning at Youyue Peak?”

Li Yangping said, “You don’t have to worry about Zhao Ning’s comfort, she has been by Master’s side all the time.”

“Master also uses Taoism every night to help Zhao Ning expand Dantian and establish a foundation.”

“Is that so, then I’m relieved.”

A Rou breathed a sigh of relief.

It turns out that this is the case, the head is actually helping Zhao Ning expand Dantian.

She also relieved her heart. She hadn’t seen Zhao Ning for a long time since the Trial Fair was separated, and she was still quite worried.

Especially when she heard the news that Zhang Zhidao of the East China Sea had come to the Xuantian Sword Sect, she was frightened.

Now that Zhao Ning was safe and sound, she was relieved.

The two exchanged a few more words, and Arou walked out.

After A Rou left, Li Yangping yawned.

Before preaching in the martial arts field, there was a lot of noise.

She also talked about life with Wang Elder and corrected her goal.

A lot of time was wasted, and a lot of energy was wasted.

As a result, I feel a little sleepy now.

I couldn’t help but stretched my waist and shook my head, then I remembered the business.

“I almost forgot, the system’s preaching reward has not been redeemed yet.”

Li Yangping shook his head, this is the top priority.

System rewards! !

Li Yangping has spoken in the martial arts venue for so long, just for system rewards! !

I quickly opened the system panel, and the system’s icy and mechanical electronic sound instantly sounded.

【mission accomplished. 】

[Mission completion: perfect. 】

[Reward: Super treasure chest. 】

In the next second, the treasure chest appeared in front of him.

In accordance with the old rules, Li Yangping rubbed his hands and shouted: “Emperor Ou is in possession.”

A white light flashed by.

The treasure chest opens.

[Congratulations to the host, get the reward: the ancient book “The Great Avenue Extinction Array”]

Li Yangping was stunned, ancient book? ?

What is an ancient book.

The previous mission rewards were either peerless magical powers or invincible Dao Fa.

As a result, an ancient book actually came this time? ? ,

Li Yangping was very puzzled.

Quickly took out the reward from the box.

I saw a golden book in his hands.

And this booklet is very shabby.

Even the big characters on the cover have become extremely mottled.

It seems that countless years have passed, and there has been a lot of wind and sun.

I can barely recognize the word Dadao from the cover.

Li Yangping frowned and opened the pamphlet.

There are dense small prints inside, and a few pictures are attached to each page.

Li Yangping just glanced at it, and his whole body was dull.

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