Chapter 361 The Power of Frightening Faith!

Why is there such a light on the brows of the transparent villain in own Dantian.

And there is this light on A Rou’s eyebrows? ?

Suddenly appeared in own Dantian, and then appeared at the center of A Rou’s eyebrows.

What exactly is going on.

What’s more strange is that A Rou doesn’t know why this beam of light appears on the center of her eyebrows.

I don’t know anything about it.

Li Yangping was even more puzzled.

Can’t think about it, what exactly is this light, and why is it so weird.

Finally, I’m ready to try to solve it.

So he instructed Arou to sit in front of him, and then slowly put a little bit between his eyebrows.

When the finger touched Arou’s eyebrows, something horrified happened.

I saw my fingers pierced through the light and directly reached the skin of A Rou’s eyebrows.

Li Yangping felt even more dazed by the broken and elastic skin.

Strange, obviously this group of light can be seen with the naked eye.

Why can’t you touch it with your fingers? ?

“What exactly is this.”

At this time, Li Yangping seemed to have heard something, and hurriedly sank into Dantian.

See Dantian’s transparent villain again.

Seeing the light on the brows of the transparent villain, I tried to pull this light.

Soon, something miraculous happened.

I saw a special change in that group of light.

I saw that the light between A Rou’s eyebrows separated a little bit, and it penetrated into Dantian’s transparent villain’s eyebrows.

Seeing this, the light on Dantian’s brows became more and more dazzling.

“This is……”

Li Yangping was suddenly surprised, “Could the transparent villain in Dantian absorb the light from A Rou’s eyebrows to strengthen himself?”

Li Yangping frowned closer and closer.

How could this thing be so evil.

Can you still absorb Arou’s light to the center of your own eyebrows? ?

He looked surprised, and didn’t know what it meant.

After thinking for a long time, Li Yangping finally couldn’t help shaking his head and letting his mind out of Dantian.

But after he recovered, he was shocked when he saw the scene in front of him.

A Rou suddenly knelt on the ground, looking at her religiously.

His face was flushed, and his pretty face was flushed.

His eyes are full of admiration and fanaticism.

It seems that I can die for Li Yangping! !

Li Yangping was dumbfounded, and couldn’t help but said, “A Rou, what are you doing again?”

“The slave-maid pays respects to the master.”

A Rou’s voice was trembling, and she said respectfully.


Li Yangping was completely shocked.

What is this doing? ?

It seemed that she was not allowed to call herself that way since she asked Arou to call him Saint Son.

But why are you calling the master again now? ?

Before he recovered, Arou began to kneel and walk in front of him.

Then he looked at him with innocent eyes open, and his face was full of flattery and flattery.

Li Yangping:? ? ?

Seeing Arou like this, Li Yangping couldn’t help touching her head.

Then the tone was tentative: “A Rou, what’s the matter with you??”

A Rou did not speak, but rather enjoyed Li Yangping’s touch.

It rubbed against Li Yangping’s palm like a kitten.

Seeing this picture of A Rou in a weird state, Li Yangping was stunned.

It always feels like something happened to her.

How did it become so weird? ? ,

Although A Rou had been obedient to him before, she hadn’t managed to do so.

This is kneeling down, his face flushed! ! !

Looking at her enjoyment and fanaticism again, Li Yangping felt that something was not quite right.

Why is it so like seeing a god, just like a believer…

Wait, believers? ? ?

Li Yangping was stunned.


Looking at Arou like this again, isn’t he a believer? ?

At this time, Li Yangping seemed to have discovered something.

He quickly sank his mind into Dantian again.

Leaving cut off the traction on the brows of the transparent villain.

A Rou’s face suddenly changed.

Soon, Tuohong was removed, and the whole person appeared calm.

With the previous enthusiasm and reverence disappeared.


A Rou opened her eyes blankly, “Holy Son, why did I kneel down suddenly?”

Li Yangping: …..

Looking at A Rou who was bewildered, Li Yangping helplessly explained: “Have you forgotten what happened before?”

“What happened before?”

A Rou looked puzzled.

She tried to think back, but no matter how hard he tried, she couldn’t remember it.

“I saw the look in your eyes turned dark, and then I forgot what happened next.”

“Then there is a vaguely…that feeling.”

As he talked, Arou couldn’t speak anymore.

Blushing, he lowered his head and said no more.

Li Yangping was curious, “How does it feel?”


A Rou brows for a long time, her face is extremely shy.

He hesitated for a long time without saying anything.

But seeing Li Yangping look expectant, said: “It’s the kind of feeling that you can give everything for the Son…”

“If the Son wants my life, it can be…”


Li Yangping was stunned.

Seeing his shy look with his head down again, he couldn’t help holding his forehead.

“God, what are these things.”

A Rou explained seriously, “It’s true, I can give everything for the Son of God.”

Li Yangping:? ? ?

A Rou continued: “Although I can always give everything for the Son of God, the feeling that I just gave me doesn’t feel like… it’s a kind of glory instead.”

A Rou was puzzled, he didn’t know why this happened.

Li Yangping did not speak.

Looking at A Rou also very confused, couldn’t help the corners of her mouth split.

After Ah Rou said that, he knew what was on the brows of the transparent villain in Dantian.

Why does it appear at the center of A Rou’s eyebrows.

In order to test what he was thinking, Li Yangping threw it out of the room.

Then I made a big circle in the martial arts field.

After a stick of incense, he returned to the room.

The expression was already a little dazed.

“It turned out to be like this…”

Just now Li Yangping went outside and found something.

That was the inner disciple that he had preached, and there was a gloomy light on the center of his eyebrows.

A glance at the center of the brows of the transparent villain in Arou and Dantian.

However, he observed for a while and found that except for the light between his brows.

The rest can’t see it.

And only the inner disciple that has heard him preach, and there is no such dark light on the eyebrows of other disciples.

Obviously preaching is the reason for this dark light.

“It’s no wonder that the light on A Rou’s eyebrows is a bit familiar. It turned out to be the inner disciple I felt when I was preaching in the martial arts field.”

“The dark light of feeling is given from those disciples.”

This should be the so-called power of faith.

When believers see the true god, they will have this kind of faith.

When Li Yangping was preaching in the martial arts field before, he made the disciples all gain insights.

With all breakthrough to the next Realm.

Therefore, those inner disciple became his followers.

Want to come to this dark silver light is the so-called power of faith.

The size of the light also depends on the piety of disciples.

Originally, belief is a vain thing.

Even if it exists, it will not be realized.

But with the help of the heaven and earth good fortune profound arts, all these powers of faith turned into dark rays of light that could only be seen by him.

It can even affect the minds of believers.


Obviously, it is to make these believers become more and more enthusiastic and convinced of him.

When the enthusiasm reaches a certain level, you can actively give him all, and even his life.

But at this time, Li Yangping remembered another important thing.

That is, Arou did not go to the martial arts field to listen to his preaching.

Why is there such a dark halo on the center of the eyebrows? ? ?

Li Yangping looked confused, what is going on? ?

After thinking about it carefully, I felt something faintly wrong.

I want to be sure that it has something to do with A Rou’s identity.

Li Yangping’s woman is either a Tianjiao or a head.

Or a princess of the royal family.

But Arou is different.

A Rou is his maid.

Serve by his side since childhood.

The two are in a master-servant relationship, which is different from other women.

The relationship is special.

He was the master of Arou from the beginning.

And A Rou was obedient to him, even admiring him.

It seems that even if there is no power to believe, it seems to be developing towards believers.

After figuring it out, Li Yangping suddenly came across.

“The question is what can this power of faith be used for?”

“Why do I need them to do everything for me?”

“I am not a big villain, what do you want them to do?”

Li Yangping was speechless.

This power of faith did not help him in any way.

He doesn’t need them, believers, to contribute their lives to him.

There is no need for memorials at all.

And looking at the dark light, I always feel that this thing is weird.

It seems that it still carries evil, which is not a reliable good thing at first glance.

If he continued to preach several times in the martial arts field, wouldn’t all the disciples of the Nether Palace become his believers? ? ?

Good guy, all the disciples are his believers.

This Nether Palace is completely surnamed Li.

“Why don’t you just rebel directly and become the head?”

Li Yangping thought suddenly, and he didn’t know what Master Master would look like when he heard the news.

But what she was even more puzzled was that this power of faith was originally something illusory.

Why did it become a dark light? ?

Even only he can see it.

This is too outrageous.

What exactly happened? ? ?

“It stands to reason that this kind of thing requires a god to be able to handle it. I’m just a small cultivator with distraction.”

Li Yangping scratched his head, feeling that this was too unreliable.

Is this all caused by the good fortune profound arts of heaven and earth? ? ?

In retrospect, this seems to be the case.

After all, the good fortune mystery of heaven and earth pays attention to my way, Heavenly Dao.

My meaning is providence.

This proper substitute for Heavenly Dao…

“and many more.”

“This world of good fortune profound art, shouldn’t there be a god at the end?”

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