Chapter 363 Mysterious Dragon Egg

Li Yangping looked at the light on Dantian’s brows.

Fallen into thinking.

The cloud of light was so dim that it flickered even more at the center of the transparent villain’s eyebrows.

And the look of the transparent villain became clearer and clearer.

It’s just that I still don’t know the specific face clearly.

And he has a faint feeling that this transparent villain seems to be a bit more Spiritual Qi…

This is weird.

The previous Dantian transparent villain was just created by Cultivation Technique, and his daily job was to meditate and cultivate.

Then help him cultivate, but it is of no use other than that.

Just sit there like a sculpture.

But now it is different from before.

This Dantian villain is more spiritual.

It seems that there is more Spiritual Qi, and even the opaque face has begun to faintly become clearer.

Although still can’t see the specific face.

But it’s a bit clearer than before.

It seems to be more human.

It used to give him a sculptural feeling, but now it has a human taste.

Li Yangping didn’t think too much.

After all, the content of the previous sermons was from the content of the good fortune profound arts of heaven and earth.

And also with the help of the transparent villain in Dantian.

In addition, this villain is also a concrete representation of Cultivation Technique.

Maybe it is not impossible to have any connection with the power of faith.

Li Yangping perceives own Dantian.

Slightly stunned.

I saw more and more things in Dantian.

The lake is a circle larger than before.

There are still a few Spiritual Qi on top.

There are clouds made up of spirit power in the sky again.

There was a hazy feeling.

These are all the scenes in exchange after breakthrough.

It seems to be larger than the previous area.

According to his current concentration of Spiritual Qi in Dantian, I am afraid that even the cultivator at the peak of Hedao is not as pure as his.

Spiritual Qi’s storage is not as rich as his.

It can be said that across a large Realm, it can also be invincible at the same time.

In addition, there are two lines in the lake, one black and one white, entwining each other.

It’s like a game.

It is his bloodline power and the pure power that Ye Qingmeng’s dual cultivation exchanged for.

In the sky above the lake, there was a lavender dragon gas slowly rising, and the dragon gas jumped up to the sky from time to time.

Shuttle through the clouds.

This lavender dragon breath just appeared in Dantian, and he didn’t regard himself as an outsider.

Wander around.

I don’t like staying in the lake either, but soaring in the clouds.

Even since the lavender dragon energy entered Dantian, his Dantian has undergone some subtle changes.

It’s just that it hasn’t affected that much now.

The transparent villain still sits and meditates over the lake.

Year after year, day after day.

The light blue spirit flame and golden spirit flame jumped in the hands of the transparent villain.

Behind the little man was golden light flashing again, mixed with the breath of Mofo Dao.

It looks amazing.

Under these lights, the transparent villain is like a god.

Looking closer, there is also a dragon-shaped pattern on the villain’s chest.

Exudes an extremely sharp Sword Qi.

It is the Emperor Sword Qi obtained in Jianchi before.

And the center of the villain’s eyebrows is the dark light.

Looking at these things, Li Yangping was forced.

Even he himself didn’t know when his hole cards became so many.

He didn’t even have time to blink his eyes.

These are his hole cards.

And it didn’t count the peerless magical powers and invincible Dao law obtained from the system space.

If you add this, it basically hangs on the same class.

Just take out a magical power or Cultivation Technique and put it on Shenzhou, it can make people lose their heads.

And these various hole cards in Dantian.

Basically, it is the inheritance of the top bulk of China.

As a result, these treasures are all hidden in his Dantian.

“Hey, fortunately I don’t have the ambition to dominate Shenzhou, otherwise I’m afraid…”

Li Yangping sighed secretly.

I didn’t have the mind to dominate, and as a result, there were all these things in my hands.

Putting it in his hands is a waste.

Li Yangping who said this had long forgotten how he stepped on people.

Now his Dantian Minor World is getting more and more embryonic form of Youyu Zhou.

After the light purple Spiritual Qi and the power of dark faith became the master of Dantian, it brought vitality to the whole Dantian.

Li Yangping shook his head, “Dragon Qi should be the suppressive energy of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, and the power of faith is the original energy of living things…”

Li Yangping couldn’t help muttering in a low voice, “Could this Dantian still give birth to creatures?”

Thinking of this, Li Yangping was happy.

Although it’s just a thought to think about it, it doesn’t seem impossible.

After all, there is Dragon Qi and the power of faith, Spiritual Qi…

Already have what Minor World needs.

It is exactly the embryonic form of a universe.

As for what to check, only the law of the big road is left.

In addition to the laws of the Great Way, there are all that should be there, and so are the things that shouldn’t be.

And if his Cultivation Base improves, it might not be impossible to have a great rule.

Now when I think about it, why is it not like this in China?

Maybe Shenzhou is the Dantian of a certain tycoon.

Maybe the boss is also watching everything in He Shenzhou silently.

Li Yangping shook his head, the more he thought about it, the more outrageous he got.

He knew how incredible the thought he had just turned.

After all, even if you say it, no one will believe it.

Not to mention that it takes endless time to be able to give birth to creatures.

Even the emperor-level supreme can only walk to Shattering Void.

There is no impact on Dantian at all.

It may not be able to smash Dantian? ?

Although this idea is shocking, but Shenzhou may not exist.

You must know that the secrets of the ancient gods and Zhang Zhidao have not been solved yet.

There is even the existence of Samsara, which hides a big power.

And now Li Yangping has the key to the Samsara realm.

Have the capital to reveal the truth.

“Perhaps the dragon egg is not an accident?”

Li Yangping thought in his heart.

He had a faint feeling.

The ancient Protoss that disappeared in China may have something to do with these secrets.

Moreover, the memories of the dragons don’t have to be passed on by word of mouth at all, they are all memories from blood.

It just so happened that this dragon egg came from the Samsara realm.

Maybe you know the secret.

When he was meditating, he didn’t notice what was happening outside.

I saw Li Yangping’s whole body exuding lavender light.

And that light reflected on the eggshell of the dragon egg.

It was quickly absorbed by the dragon egg.

The creatures in the dragon eggs are upgrading more and more vigorously.

The sound of the dragon’s song that came out even more powerfully.

Even the frequency of dragon egg shaking has become much faster.

Li Yangping didn’t notice all this, and his mind was completely immersed in Dantian.

Don’t know the change of Dragon Egg at all.

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