Chapter 367 Does Li Yangping still need others to teach?

Even if Li Yangping’s talent is very high, he only has a middle stage distraction.

A small cultivator with a distracted middle stage actually caused a vision of heaven and earth? ?

Preach to others, and even make them feel? ?

This is ridiculous.

Zhao Lingchuan couldn’t believe it.

Can Li Yangping’s talent also determine his perception of Dao? ?

The understanding of Dao is actually deeper than that of the emperor-level supreme…

It is incredible.

After Zhao Lingchuan reacted, he looked at Feng Yijing again, and said, “Head Feng, your disciple is too outrageous.”

Feng Yijing:? ? ?

He glanced at Zhao Lingchuan for nothing, and said, “Li Yangping is not yet your disciple.”

Zhao Lingchuan shook his head, and said seriously: “Although I am a master and apprentice, I can’t hand over such a powerful disciple.”

These words are serious.

Although she was Li Yangping’s master, she didn’t teach him how to understand the Dao.

At best, he can cleanse his marrow with the Emperor Sword Qi, but nothing else.

But Li Yangping’s deep understanding of Dadao clearly has nothing to do with her.

Feng Yijing seemed to understand what he meant, and sighed, “According to you, he is not taught by the poor Tao.”

Zhao Lingchuan was silent for a while and asked, “Is it because Shi Feiyan taught it?”

“Is that demon’s perception of Dao already so strong?”

“A distracted middle stage disciple can also attract such a vision?”

Li Yangping is just a distracting middle stage cultivator.

Under Shi Feiyan’s teaching, can he be so awesome? ?

That’s true, Shi Feiyan’s strength is terrifying.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yijing shook her head and said, “It should not be. Although Shi Feiyan is strong, but…”

“But that avenue is extremely powerful and domineering, and it doesn’t match Shi Feiyan’s avenue.”

“Especially the ambition revealed by the golden Daomen, which points straight to the road.”

“It seems to replace the avenue with the body…”

If you have my way, you can enter the door.

The level of confidence in these remarks is shocking.

It’s so arrogant.

When Zhao Lingchuan heard this, he was stunned and wondered: “You said that, Li Yangping’s avenue was not taught by Shi Feiyan?”

Feng Yijing nodded, “Surely not, because Ping’er had heard similar things before.”

“There is no need for Shi Feiyan to teach at all.”


Zhao Lingchuan was completely stunned, then said: “So you mean…”


Feng Yijing saw what Zhao Lingchuan was thinking, and nodded and said, “This is the avenue that Ping’er came up with.”

Some words fell in Zhao Lingchuan’s ears, but they were like thunder.

Suddenly it exploded, making her stunned.

A distracted middle-stage cultivator actually realized such an arrogant way to replace Heavenly Dao? ?

Who can believe it?

The distracting cultivator can comprehend that the avenue is the best among them.

In the end, Li Yangping fell well, but the road he realized was his own? ?

And it is such a powerful and domineering avenue! !

Zhao Lingchuan didn’t know what to say.

What kind of talent and opportunity is needed to do this step? ?

Li Yangping is known as the first genius in China.

Coupled with this vision of heaven and earth, I am afraid that even some emperor-level supreme are inferior to him in comprehension of Dao Dao.

For a moment, Zhao Lingchuan was silent.

His expression changed, obviously shocked.

“Although this rebel is lazy and absurd… but his talent is too terrifying.”

“It’s really the first genius since Shenzhou, and the other geniuses are not as heaven-defying as him.”

Zhao Lingchuan thought of his own past.

Also known as the peerless genius of China.

But she was not as good as Li Yangping at Li Yangping’s age.

Thinking of this, Zhao Lingchuan sighed.

The genius who was born in the same era as Li Yangping was too untimely.

Even Li Yangping has surpassed the scope of genius and can bring the gods to earth.

Only the gods can be as outrageous as Li Yangping.

As I thought about it, a smile flew across his face.

“Huh, it’s worthy of my love…cough cough, this kind of talent is indeed Bufan.”

At this time, suddenly realizing something, Zhao Lingchuan said: “Now Li Yangping can draw dragon energy, which means that Suolong is already very weak, and then…”

Zhao Lingchuan’s words have not been finished yet.

But Shi Feiyan knew what he meant.

In the prosperous age of Tianjiao, countless geniuses will be born.

And every time, in addition to the human genius, there is also the demon genius.

Although there will be many geniuses, there is always such a peerless genius.

Step on the shoulders of other geniuses! !

Become the supreme emperor-level supreme.

Prove the throne! !

The last time the lucky and peerless genius was Shi Feiyan.

This time of prosperity…

As expected, it was Li Yangping.

For this kind of peerless arrogant that can consolidate the Shenzhou people for tens of thousands of years.

No matter how cultivated it is, it cannot be overstated.

Even the rest of the human races will come to train Li Yangping.

I hope Li Yangping will become a peerless person in the prosperous age! !

Lead the human race to flourish! !

This time the Suolong is getting weaker and weaker, which means that the footsteps of the prosperous age are getting closer and closer.

Even and before, there may be unknowing changes…

In short everything must be careful.

Feng Yijing was not as surprised as Zhao Lingchuan. Instead, she shook her head and said, “That’s what I said.”

“But now Ping’er can trigger such a terrifying vision of the world, does he still need us to teach?”

Zhao Lingchuan:? ? ?

He also fell silent.

The tone couldn’t help but stagnate.

If you think about it carefully, that’s really the case.

Li Yangping is just a cultivator of the distracting middle stage, and he has not yet reached the stage of harmony.

You can teach the Dao to others, not to mention it, but it can also help others understand the Dao.

It even attracted the arrival of the Golden Gate…

What kind of thing is this.

Li Yangping is destined to break through to the supreme emperor.

I am afraid that for him, Zhengdi is just a matter of time.

Who is qualified to teach him now? ?

Thinking of this, Zhao Lingchuan also began to ponder.

Think about what else I can teach Li Yangping.

He can perceive the Dao himself and preach to others.

And he is a martial artist, and he doesn’t know how to teach it, nor can it be taught to him.

Oh, Li Yangping also realized Wu Xiu’s Cultivation Technique…

Even the long-lost sword-drawing technique…

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhao Lingchuan hadn’t thought of what he could teach Li Yangping.

Can not help but lower his head, a look of disappointment.

“I racked my brains and never thought of what I could teach him.”

“I’m still his master at the loss, is there a master who is as useless as me?”

“I’m too trash…”

Zhao Lingchuan sighed and even doubted himself.

Although she is lazy, she doesn’t like dealing with Sect affairs.

But she was very good to own disciples, and she would take time to teach Song Jianli before.

However, accepting Li Yangping as a disciple this time, although it was only an accident at first.

But then he slowly became serious.

He also fulfilled his master’s responsibility, and even allowed Li Yangping to absorb the emperor Sword Qi in Jianchi.

In the evening, I helped him cleanse his marrow with Emperor Sword Qi.

Even the Wu Xiu Cultivation Technique of Xuantian Sword Sect also taught him.

Although… all of these reasons are also related to her feeling of favor with Li Yangping.

But now she thought that she had nothing to teach Li Yangping.

She is a waste wood master…

Even with the perception of Dadao, Li Yangping far surpassed her.

Li Yangping is just a distracting middle stage cultivator, so he has his own way.

It can also teach others to understand the own way.

This… is embarrassing.

Besides, she is just a martial artist, and she doesn’t even know how to teach it. ?

Let’s talk about tempering the flesh.

Li Yangping was originally the blood of the Devil Emperor, and his blood was infinite, and he was a sacred talent.

Peerless roots and unobstructed Meridians.

She used the Emperor Sword Qi to help Li Yangping cleanse the marrow, and now she is even more accessible.

There is nothing else to teach Li Yangping.

Besides, with Li Yangping’s own talent, he didn’t need any external help.

What she can do is just icing on the cake to strengthen Li Yangping’s foundation.

Except for Cultivation Technique, only magical powers are left.

But although she is good at magical powers, Li Yangping is also good at it.

She has learned about Li Yangping’s magical powers.

It is so powerful that it can slay the enemy across a large Realm.

And he also mastered the sword-drawing skills lost in ancient times.

Excuse me, a peerless genius who can comprehend ancient magical powers.

Do you still need her to teach any magical powers? ?

Especially Li Yangping suddenly realized it while taking a bath.

She herself did not comprehend the ancient art of drawing swords…

Does this terrible understanding still need others to teach magical powers? ?


Zhao Lingchuan sighed.

Can’t help complaining: “You said that we two are also emperor-level supreme anyhow, but in the end we were stumped by a small cultivator who was distracted by the middle stage.”

“Even a distraction can’t be taught, and it will be laughable and generous if it is spread out.”

Zhao Lingchuan looked very depressed.

The thought of not being able to teach Li Yangping makes me feel frustrated.

“All right.”

Seeing the frustrated Zhao Lingchuan, Feng Yijing gave him a white look: “You can’t teach Li Yangping by yourself, don’t pull on the poor road, the poor road is different from you.”

Zhao Lingchuan:? ? ?

Asked: “Then tell me, what can you teach Li Yangping?”

“Poor Dao Neng…”

Feng Yijing fell silent for a moment.

She really didn’t know how to answer.

If it is Cultivation Base, there is really nothing to teach Li Yangping.

Because everyone’s cultivation path is different.

Moreover, she is the head of Lingyun Hall, and Li Yangping is the son of Nether Hall.

One right way and one Devil Dao, the path of cultivation is definitely different.

Forced teaching can lead to something wrong.

On the avenue, Li Yangping was so arrogant that he even wanted to replace Heavenly Dao.

This also made her helpless, not knowing where to teach.

After all, the way Li Yangping walks is unique.

There is no way forward.

Feng Yijing is also not clear.

But the difference is that she is not only Li Yangping’s master, but also a dao companion to him.

Thinking of this, Feng Yijing’s face blushed, and she couldn’t help but mutter in a low voice: “Pan Dao can sleep with him, can you?”

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