Chapter 413 What About Li Yangping’s Fate?

Although Li Pingzhi was sitting in Lotus Position, his supreme aura condensed around him.

It seems that the whole person is no longer in the secret place of the back mountain, and the figure is vague.

There are countless lights and shadows passing by in his eyes.

after a long time.

He just opened his eyes, and then a smile flashed in his eyes.

With a bit of mockery and exclamation.

“This dog hasn’t really been able to live long yet.”

After all, Wenrensheng is an emperor-level supreme, and his life is deeply hidden in Heavenly Dao.

Even the great power of the same emperor-level supreme can’t see through.

If it were replaced by Li Pingzhi’s previous level, he would not be able to understand it.

But now that he has Taiyi magical skill, he can see something from the mist.

Obviously, Wen Rensheng’s breath is low, and he obviously hasn’t lived for many years.

It’s just that Li Pingzhi has only mastered a small part of humanity, and the specifics have not been studied yet.

The ability is just like this, and it is still impossible to see the specifics clearly.

“Hey, it’s a pity, if the old man can see why he died, and when he died.”

“This way the old man can also profit from it…”

Li Pingzhi muttered dissatisfiedly.

I only know that Wenren won his fate soon, but I don’t know how or when he died.

How can you profit from it?

If this matter is heard by Rensheng knows, I am afraid I will jump up with anger.

This old guy has already got so many benefits, and in the end he still wants to continue earning.

The money is still dead.

This old guy is too not wanting face!

“Forget it, I’ll look at the brat again. I have been tossing for so long during this period and making such a big noise, I am afraid that all the forces in China are eyeing him.”

“I see if this kid is life-threatening.”

However, fortune-telling consumes a lot of brainpower, and he has just discovered Wenrensheng for fortune-telling.

Now is not the time to continue to divination Li Yangping.

Continue to meditate in the Lotus Position, Meditation conditioning.

Half a quarter of an hour later.

Li Pingzhi opened his eyes, and then fell into the chaos, looking for Li Yangping’s fate in the chaos.

But after two sticks of incense had passed, Li Pingzhi’s face was cold and sweaty.

An incredible look.

“Is this not?”

Can’t help but frown deeply, a little puzzled: “It’s impossible.”

“How could Li Yangping have no life.”

In the humane, there is no such person? !

What does this mean? ?

Li Pingzhi couldn’t help but exclaimed.

Impossible, this is too weird.

Even if it is an emperor-level supreme, as long as it is still deep in the Shenzhou, it is impossible to find a life.

Regardless of whether it is clear or not, they can feel their breath.

Even if it is dead, there will be a breath diffused!

But Li Yangping did well and completely disappeared into the humanity.

It’s as if it had never appeared before.

This is weird.

Even if it is a dead person, there will be corpses.

But Li Yangping completely disappeared.

This made Li Pingzhi numb.

I don’t know what to do, this is the first time he has encountered this kind of thing.

“Could it be that this kid is not in the human race, so he is not in the human race?”

“This kid, Li Daoyun, secretly played with the monster race?”

“Impossible, even the monster race appears in the humane.”

“Furthermore, he still has the blood of the Devil Emperor Li family, the blood of the Li family is absolutely flowing, the old man will never feel wrong, Li Yangping is the descendant of my Li family.”

Li Pingzhi frowned in thought, but couldn’t understand.

If it is said that the fate can be concealed by means of the sky, but at most it can’t be counted.

It can only be calculated out of chaos.

However, Li Yangping disappeared directly from the humanity for no reason.

Forgetting most of his life, he encountered this situation for the first time! !

In order to test whether there was a problem with his own divination ability, Li Pingzhi decided to count the others.

Forgetting a few more talents one after another.

“Obviously other people can feel the breath… But what is going on with Li Yangping?”

He was puzzled.

But after calming down, I thought about it carefully and thought there might be something wrong.

After all, Li Yangping must have a problem.

Others can sense it, but only Li Yangping can’t sense it. It’s not Li Yangping’s problem, but whose problem is it?

Besides, Wen Rensheng also said that Li Yangping can absorb dragon energy.

This Dragon Qi was originally meant to suppress the Qi Luck of Shenzhou, where the Human Race could easily control it.

The emperor-level supreme in the past could not do this kind of thing.

Yes, it is simply not something human can contend with.

If because of this, Li Yangping’s fate was covered up, it would not be without a problem.

The other reason is even simpler, and that is that Li Pingzhi has a problem.

After all, the Taiyi God Number is very obscure, and everything depends on Li Pingzhi’s perception.

Although there are ancient books of secret realm as the support of the argument, what if he understands it wrong?

Besides, he had just come into contact with Taiyi Divine Art, and it was normal for him to make a little mistake.

This is the only reason.

In addition, there is no other reason why Li Yangping’s fate has disappeared for no reason.

Li Pingzhi thought for a long time, but finally thought it should be the first reason.

After all, the Dragon Qi is beyond the control of the Human Race. This has been the consensus of China for thousands of years.

Countless emperor-level supreme eagerly tried, trying to control the dragon energy.

But for a long time, no one can control it.

No one knows what changes will happen to people after absorbing dragon energy.

This is the first time for Li Yangping.

Perhaps the absorption of dragon energy can really cover up the fate.

“This kid is actually okay… and can absorb dragon energy.”

Li Pingzhi shook his head.

Sure enough, it is his offspring, no matter how shocking things are, Li Yangping can do it.

Although Li Yangping can absorb dragon energy, Li Pingzhi still doesn’t worry much.

After all, this kid’s backing is too hard, and there are three emperor-level supreme standing behind him.

It was still the most powerful wave, even if China was turbulent, the three of them could protect Li Yangping safely.

That’s Shi Feiyan, Feng Yijing, and Zhao Lingchuan.

“Forget it, the old man should continue to study Taiyi Divine Art, and see if I can get a little more insight.”

Li Pingzhi still couldn’t believe it.

Li Yangping, this stinky boy can absorb dragon energy, what kind of life is he taking!

“The old man really wants to see what fate this stinky boy is.”



Nether Hall.

When the outside world of Shenzhou was shaken by Li Yangping’s vision of heaven and earth, the inside of the Nether Hall was very quiet, without any waves.

No matter it is cultivation or life, it has no effect on them.

After all, as a disciple of the Nether Palace, I have seen too many shocking things about my own saint.

The endurance has also been improved accordingly, instead of making a fuss like the outside world,

To tell the truth is numb.

Get used to it, and even more earth-shattering movements won’t cause them any discussion.

Just to be honest, now disciples admires Li Yangping more and more.

At this moment, Shengzifeng.

Li Yangping was meditating on the bed, then opened his eyes, a flash of light in his eyes.

However, he is not cultivating, but sinking into Dantian’s internal inspection once a day.

“Unexpectedly, the dragon’s qi has increased.”

Li Yangping frowned: ‘It seems that the speed of absorbing dragon energy is getting faster and faster. ’

When Dantian started to deploy the Aura of the Most Holy Array before, the speed was not as fast as it was. Now the speed of absorbing dragon energy is leaps and bounds.

Since breakthrough to the peak of the distraction period, a large group of dragon energy has poured into Dantian.

Soon the Dacheng Aura Holy Array was activated, causing it to absorb dragon energy faster and faster.

Almost every day during routine inspections, Dantian’s internal changes can be seen.

“Although the rate of absorption has become faster, it should be a good thing.”

He didn’t think too much about it, after all, Dragon Qi and Spirit Flame are the basic formation materials of the Great Aura of the Holy Array.

The more dragon energy, the stronger the formation.

Correspondingly, the speed of Cultivation Base will also be improved.

“Well, now I am at the peak of the Distraction Phase, and I am infinitely close to the Hedao Phase.”

“It’s possible to be in harmony in a while, hehe at that time.”

Li Yangping smiled, his face full of expectation.

Thinking of what will happen after arriving in the Hedao period…

Boom boom.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door outside the room.

Li Yangping immediately recovered from his thoughts, “Come in.”

Soon the door of the room opened, and Arou came in: “Holy Son, are you still cultivating?”


Li Yangping said: “How could I be cultivation, not cultivation today, not cultivation tomorrow, nor cultivation in this life.”

“It just relies solely on talent to improve the Cultivation Base.”


Hearing what Li Yangping said at Versailles, Arou chuckled, her eyes watery.

Shengzi always said something inconsequential, although he couldn’t understand the specific meaning, but he could also know a general idea, always making people want to laugh.

“Holy Son is amazing.”

A Rou admired the sigh.

Li Yangping smiled: “This son is telling the truth.”

A Rou remembered for a moment and nodded.

What Li Yangping said was really not a lie.

It is indeed the case.

Since serving Li Yangping, I have seen Li Yangping cultivation for a few days.

The rest of the time is playing.

But in this case, Cultivation Base Realm is still making great progress.

If Shengzi earnestly cultivate, I’m afraid it will be the Transcends Tribulation period.

As strong as this! !

Li Yangping stretched, yawned, remembered something, and asked: “By the way, what about Ning’er, why didn’t he come?”

A Rou said, “Ning’er went to cultivation after breakfast, and she should be in the cultivation room.”


Li Yangping was stunned: “Didn’t Master tell him to take a few days off training? How come he is so diligent and started tuition by himself?”

This is too hard.

Li Yangping felt ashamed.

A Rou smiled: “There is too much enthusiasm for Ning’er cultivation. She said that she has to cultivate hard so that she can be ascension Cultivation Base early and protect Big Brother well. ’

Li Yangping:! ! !

Was it for a long time to protect him?

Li Yangping smiled helplessly: “It seems that this little guy really likes cultivation.”

Zhao Ning has been a slave again under the fence of Li’s family since she was a child.

Li Yangping was the first person to treat him nicely after receiving indifference.

Dispelled the boundless darkness, let her experience the warmth of the sun for the first time.

So Zhao Ning decided very early, to cultivate hard to protect Big Brother well in the future.

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