Chapter 425

“Holy Son hasn’t seen you for a few days now, your body has improved again!”

Zheng Ruchun stretched out his hand and scratched Li Yangping’s chest, as if I had been greedy for a long time.


Li Yangping responded casually, Dantian’s heat surged upwards, and he held Zheng Ruchun’s strength a little harder.

She took advantage of the situation and posted it on the body of Shengzi.

Days of longing turned into a fire, burning her delicate little face red.

Li Yangping was very satisfied that Zheng Ruchun saw the idol’s soft legs and took her into his arms.

Zheng Ruchun’s red lips fell on his neck…

Li Yangping thought of the two previous two Tianlei hooking the Earth Fire, and seeing a good deed was achieved.

As a result, all kinds of wonderful works were all messed up.

Today it happened to be the head of Closed Door Training, and she came again.

This shows that God is going to fulfill their fist “Dao heart”.

“Holy Son, the Nujia really loves you.”

Zheng Ruchun’s small voice is simply Hun and Po, and his little hands are still restlessly touching.

“Uh… Holy Maiden is serious!”

Li Shengzi was already possessed by this little fairy, and he looked as if he had reached the sky beyond the clouds, and he was still polite.

This woman is born a stunner and has cultivated dual cultivation Cultivation Technique for several years.

Just like the flowers in June are blooming.

Li Yangping is the one who picked flowers just in time for the flowering period.

The two are really a match made in heaven…

At this time, a white figure Yujian rushed into Shengzifeng.

When she reached the top of Li Yangping’s bedroom, she drew out the Qiuming Sword with one hand, and pinched the curse to release an infinite Sword intent.

Next second.

The roof of the bedroom was opened by Wan Jian with a big hole in the radius of five feet.

A cold wind hit.

A huge “skylight” appeared above Li Yangping’s head.

“court death!”

Li Yangping rose in anger and pushed away the jade in his arms. Just about to take a shot, he saw a pair of beautiful legs on the skylight.

The two delicate legs in the long skirt dancing are faintly looming.

Zheng Ruchun saw that there was another disruptor, new hatred and old hatred rushed into his heart, and the murderous intent appeared in his eyes, he called the long sword from the storage ring, and flew onto the roof.

Song Jianli glared at the untidy clothes, and Zheng Ruchun appeared with a charming face.

He smiled contemptuously: “Oh, you really are the bitch who brought you here.”

She received an unsigned secret letter stating that Zheng Ruchun of the Hehuan Sect will go to the Nether Palace today.

Thinking of the two being ambiguous before, she started from the heart, and rushed from Xuantian Jianzong to Fuyu Mountain day and night.

Raising the roof angrily is to make Li Yangping as far away as possible from this coquettish bitch.

“Li Yangping, come out and see me!”

Song Jianshou stood on the Qiu Ming sword against the wind and shouted.

Li Yangping was lying on the bed as if nothing had happened, looking at the four beautiful legs in the Luo skirt, without moving.

Song Jianli’s temper, he understands.

Going out at this time and helping one of them will offend the other.

Why not let them fight first.

Then he came forward to resolve the contradiction.

There are too many women, but they also love themselves.

The palms of the palms and the backs of the hands are all fleshy. As Li Shengzi, he will naturally not be biased against anyone.

“It seems that Shengzi doesn’t want to see you!”

Zheng Ruchun chuckled deliberately.

The man was in ecstasy, and the woman was furious.

Song Jianli was really angry. He raised his hand and urged a sound of breaking through the sky, and hurriedly pushed towards Zheng Ruchun.

The two wore white clothes together.

Song Jianli is conservative and elegant in a uniform, while Zheng Ruchun is full of warmth in a tulle.

The two fought together in an instant.

Li Yangping knew that Song Jianli was just jealous, so he categorically didn’t dare to hurt Zheng Ruchun.

after all.

People in China know about his friendship with Zheng Ruchun.

If Song Jianli really didn’t wince, and dared to touch his Li Yangping’s woman, it would be really not far from entering Leng Gong.


After a stick of incense, the two played a hundred tricks, but still no one was winning.

It can be seen that Song Jianli did not intend to kill.

With her name as the sword head of the Xuantian Sword Sect, if you want to kill Zheng Ruchun, you only need one move…

Seeing that the time was almost up, Song Jianli’s anger should have disappeared, Li Yangping shouted: “Song Jianshou is tired, can I come in for a cup of tea?”

This is a step Li Yangping gave her.

With Song Jianli’s intelligence, he can naturally receive his sign of good.

After a while.

Two stunning women floated down from the “skylight” at the same time.

“Song Jianli is so courageous to come to the Nether Hall to make trouble, to see how the holy son will deal with you.”

Zheng Ruchun smiled enchantingly, and said, pointing to Song Jianli.

“Hmph, you slut who has brought you here over and over again, you should expose the corpse wilderness!”

Song Jianli shouted in anger.

At this time, the quiet Fuyu Mountain was already full of life, and they were all curious.

Xuantian Sword Sect’s Song Jianshou has always been above the top.

Why did you suddenly rush to the Nether Hall to do something?

after all.

People all over China knew that Song Jianli liked Li Yangping, the son of the Nether Palace.

Seeing the acacia pie Holy Maiden Zheng Ruchun came to Fuyushan to “exchange and study”, I guess I was jealous.


The act of overturning the roof of the Son of God is too much to break the ground, right?

Everyone wanted to see how the scene of two women robbing the other man would end.

This wave of melons is really big!

In the inner room.

Zheng Ruchun deliberately walked to Li Yangping’s side with his head held high and smiled.

Then he attached it to his ear, blew a sigh, and whispered: “Holy Son…I won’t leave tonight.”


Zheng Ruchun danglingly sat on Li Yangping’s lap, and looked at Song Jianli provocatively.

She just wanted to be angry with this self-proclaimed righteous woman who still entangled with Li Yangping.

“Fox Meijing, I should chop you down to ten and eight yuan and send it to Ten Thousand Beast Mountain to feed the spirit beast!”

Song Jian turned away from his anger and didn’t look at them.

“Holy Maiden, you go shower and change clothes first, I’ll be there later.”

Li Yangping squeezed Zheng Ruchun’s pretty face and said.

“Yes. The Nujia obeys the destiny of the Son of God.”

After that, he left a wink and left happily.

Seeing the girl holding a sword, Song Jian, standing still hard, Li Yangping moved with pity and pity, and hugged her from behind.

Song Jianli moved just pretending to be struggling, and his body softened.


Li Yangping just hugged her, and the two of them sat on the bed, one on top of another.

Song Jianli resisted the teardrops in his eyes and deliberately ignored him.

“It seems that someone reported to you, confessed that person, and I will spare you…”

Li Yangping covered her lips as she spoke.

Song Jianli is soft but not hard.

He operated this one.

She was hypoxic in her brain, her consciousness was blurred, and her body became soft and a puddle of water.

After a long while.

After Song Jianli repeatedly told forgiveness, Li Yangping released his mouth.

The girl holding the sword was flushed and panting, she was no longer the shrew who lifted the roof just now.

“Let’s talk about it, who informed it.”

Li Yangping then asked.

He didn’t believe there was such a coincidence. Just as Zheng Ruchun arrived at Fuyu Mountain, Song Jianli suddenly appeared.

There must be someone in the middle who wants to fuck him.

If this person is found, Li Yangping will naturally not be merciless.

Song Jianli didn’t speak, he found a letter from his cuff and handed it to Li Yangping.

Li Yangping saw the familiar handwriting on the letter, and smiled instead.

It’s still the kind of crazy laughter.

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