Chapter 427

Li Yangping embraced Zheng Ruchun. As adults, they knew that parting was imminent, and the two were silent.

“Msang Gong, the slave will miss you…”

Sure enough, it was Zheng Ruchun, and Li Yangping, who was greasy and crooked, felt hot all over his body.

“You and I have come to Japan for a long time, so why are you in the morning and evening.”

Li Yangping said indifferently on the surface.

In fact.

He has begun to fall in love with the happiness of sitting on beautiful women.

Especially with Zheng Ruchun, there is a kind of fun of stealing.

The man.

A wife is worse than a concubine.

Zheng Ruchun has practiced dual cultivation Cultivation Technique since childhood.

If she survives in modern times, she is also the public enemy of all women.

Whenever a man touches her, he feels that all women have lost their color.

Li Yangping’s sensory experience reached an unprecedented level, and he naturally fell in love with the woman in his arms.

“Shanggong, today the world testifies, I am your woman… I don’t ask for anything else, just ask Xianggong to love me to the end of the world…”

Zheng Ruchun’s small voice is wonderful, and with tearful eyes on it, any man will “can’t help it.” Li Yangping couldn’t help but let go of her again.

“Miangong, you are so awesome…”

Zheng Ruchun’s complexion is crimson, and the whole person is bathed in holy light, just like Fairy.

The ultimate goal of dual cultivation for men and women is to make breakthroughs when they are in love.

Both of them are currently at the peak of Realm, and it is impossible to cross the border directly.

From the outside, it’s just radiant.

But because of this weekend trip, they have quickly approached the edge of the breach…

Zheng Ruchun finally got Li Shengzi as he wished, and was full of joy, forgetting all about cultivation.

He is the only one in my eyes.

“Uh, that’s natural.”

Li Yangping is quite confident in own “internal strength”, let alone one or two, three or four together, they can all satisfy them equally.

Zheng Ruchun is like a domestic cat, entangled with Li Yangping, as if Li Yangping would fly away as soon as she let go.

At this time, Li Yangping’s waist card lit up.

Although set up a high-level enchantment.

But the emperor-level supreme sent the letter, and the entire Shenzhou will definitely be able to receive it.

“Li Yangping, come back to me immediately!”

Li Yangping saw a line of big characters on the waist card, which flashed a red light.

Zheng Ruchun also saw this sentence, and his heart was unavoidable.

But she is also sober.

She stole the emperor-level supreme man.

A soul flies away from being beaten if he is not careful.

When the time comes, let alone the private meeting of Li Shengzi, even Hun and Po will go directly to the west.

Zheng Ruchun got up from Li Yangping’s arms quietly, but fell out because of his soft legs due to dual cultivation.

Li Yangping got up to help her, but she threw herself on Li Yangping and started crying.

“Msang Gong, Zheng Ruchun, as long as I have Hun and Po for one day, they will all be your women…”

She worshipped the Acacia Sect.

I have seen too many loveless male and female loves.

Most of the two sides use each other, and when they meet someone with a stronger skill, they immediately change players.

The reason why she guarded her virgin body all these years.

Just want to find a man who can love forever.

Li Yangping satisfies all the woman’s imagination, making her ignorant of the fact that there is more than one imperial supreme girlfriend behind Li Yangping, who is arrogant to the entire continent, and throws in her arms one after another.

This time she finally succeeded, which also means that her moths have extinguished the fire, and she is at risk of death at any time.

Emperor-level supreme crushing her is as simple as killing mosquitoes and flies.

“Your Sect Leader is really an asshole, kill him later, you can become a Sect Leader.”

Li Yangping suddenly changed the subject.

He can be said to be bored with what Liu Xun is doing.

This time, Liu Xun sent Zheng Ruchun to Yufu Mountain in the name of exchange and study, obviously to sell favor to Li Yangping. This practice has been shameless to the people in China.

In case someone likes Zheng Ruchun someday, Liu Xun will definitely give her to others without hesitation.

It’s better to get rid of him forever.

“Msang-gong, I know you cherish the slave family…this matter, let’s talk about it later.”

Speaking of Liu Xun, Zheng Ruchun’s rippling thoughts were taken back.

Think about what happened in Sect. If she hadn’t always wanted to find someone who was in love with her for dual cultivation, she might have been taken out for “fishing” by Liu Xun early.

The most common thing is to meet someone with excellent physique dual cultivation, try to get that person, and then force the other person to dual cultivation with oneself.

In terms of means, it can be said to be extremely versatile.

Liu Xun is a riffraff without a bottom line, and has today’s top Cultivation Base.

But Liu Xun is an emperor-level supreme after all, and wanting to move him is not a matter of overnight.

Want to come.

Li Yangping cares about own, and would rather take the risk of being wiped out by Liu Xun, but also choose War Great Emperor class supreme.

But she.

Worried about him, naturally he would not agree with Li Yangping’s proposal.

“Relax, I won’t let you wait too long.”

Li Yangping is quite confident of own strength.

Liu Xun’s life has been entered into the Death list by Li Yangping, and it will only be a matter of time to solve him.


Zheng Ruchun rushed into Li Yangping’s arms and cried again before calming down.

Li Yangping didn’t say anything to comfort him, but stayed with her silently.

Women always regard feelings as their king.

And men are proud of opening up their territory.

The two are not contradictory, but we must distinguish between primary and secondary.

He remembered Zheng Ruchun’s affection, and he would naturally give it back to her with hundreds of times the weight.

Motivate the enchantment.

The hole was wide open.

When Li Yangping thought, a huge carriage was suspended in the air not far from the entrance of the cave.

“so beautiful!”

Zheng Ruchun looked at the golden carriage and let out an exclamation.

Li Yangping looked calmly at the flying Magic Treasures sent by the system, and he was naturally in a good mood.

Now that she has become an own woman, it’s hard to let her go back alone with the sword.

Zheng Ruchun stared at the carved five-claw dragon and golden Phoenix pattern car body, eyes gleaming.

In the entire Shenzhou, she has never seen such a high-level flying Magic Treasures.

I was fortunate enough to sit with her and return to Sect today. This is a great honor, and it is also Li Yangping’s speechless confession to her…

Eight horses of gods and noble animals, their whole body shone with golden light, and they made bursts of neighing.

“Cultivation with peace of mind, find time to see you.”

Li Yangping kissed her smooth forehead and hugged her into the carriage.

Zheng Ruchun was so excited that he couldn’t speak anymore, just staring affectionately at his father-in-law, his eyes full of dismay.

Li Yangping urged the carriage to recite the three words Shenfushan silently, and the carriage immediately moved and galloped along the designated route.

The countless offensive and defensive formations engraved on the outside of the carriage suddenly gleamed, and then disappeared in Fuyu Mountain…

Li Yangping’s thoughts appeared in the inner chamber of Shengzi Peak.

The roof that was lifted by Song Jianli has been repaired and even replaced with jade tiles, which is several times more luxurious than before.

Bath water has been prepared in the room.

Even if you don’t know when the Son will return, some people will prepare moderate temperature water so that the Son can soak in a hot bath.

This is the rule set by Arou.

Thinking of A Rou, Li Yangping’s heart moved slightly.

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