Chapter 434 Li Shengzi is getting married!

“Do you think you dare not be the king?”

Emperor Wenren’s long-suppressed dissatisfaction was finally released.

He used Divine Sense to activate Sword intent.

Numerous scarlet swords faintly showed the shape of a dragon, and they flew straight on Li Yangping’s chest.

Li Yangping silently contended with heaven and earth profound arts.

I saw an overwhelming Sword intent, which suddenly stopped at the distance between Li Yangping’s fingers and his chest.

Li Yangping became a “hedgehog”.

Countless Sword intents wrapped him in it, but they couldn’t get close to him.

Emperor Wenren is also in the distracting stage, and he is equal to Li Yangping and fights.

Look now.

He lost in the first game to the “Fucky Son-in-law”…

After all, the Dragon Slashing Sword is the top of the Shenzhou Sword Ranking.

Even if the Emperor Wenren is still at the peak of the distraction phase and cannot activate all the Sword intents, he will not even be in a situation where Li Yangping is unscathed.

Emperor Wenren understood that the gap between him and Li Yangping was not just one point or two.

What the ancestor said is correct.

It still takes some time and means to break Li Yangping.

Thinking of this, he retracted the Dragon Slashing Sword in an instant.

“We are already a family, you wanted to start a little bit, so there is not so much trouble!”

Li Yangping obviously saw Emperor Wenren’s beard is already upside down, the corners of his eyes are cracked, and he is still angry with him.

“Hmph, if it weren’t for Chao Meng’s Face, I would surely make you utterly utterly uttered!”

Emperor Wenren deliberately used Divine Sense and let out a roar.

He wants the entire Weiyang Palace to hear his “strength”.

Wen Ren Chaodao also heard the anger of the old father, and quickly came to the door of Great Hall.

“Okay! Be with me at any time.”

Li Yangping replied with a smile.

From the small test just now, he defeated the old emperor several times back and forth.

Really fight.

Even if the emperor Wenren must be defeated, he may also be “broken.”

Thought of this.

Li Yangping started the soul torture “Wipe! This guy is already half of my father-in-law Mount Tai, if I interrupt him

“Forget it, just treat him as if he is leaning on the old to sell his old, anyway his two daughters are going to be taken by me, so I will give this old guy a face and pull his two mouths to calm down…”

“Since you and Chao Meng…cough cough, this king will play your marriage. You will get married in Weiyang Palace tomorrow.”

Emperor Wen Ren announced Wen Rensheng’s “cunning plan”.


This sentence “stinged” Li Yangping.

He stopped talking.

Looking up at the gloomy Wenren Emperor on the dragon chair, he wondered whether to take advantage of the present and quickly kill this guy…

Li Yangping is passionate.

But Neptune has the principles of Neptune.

What market is there for a married Sea King?

Then think about whether the master who is waiting for him will directly kill the wedding scene and blow up Weiyang Palace.

Feng Yijing will be a little more gentle, and directly accept Divine Sense from everyone, turning Weiyang Palace into a purgatory on earth…

Other women, it is estimated that Eight Immortals will also cross the sea, come up with all kinds of flower heads, “angry” the groom Li Yangping.

Li Yangping exploded.

But his face is very calm.

If we lose, we can’t lose the aura, isn’t it!

“I already have a fiancee, and I can’t have bigamy.”

Li Yangping thought of a trick to get out.

Just open your mouth.

“It’s easy, just divorce.”

The Emperor Wenren saw Li Yangping’s eyeballs wandering three times faster than usual, and knew that he had hit his sore spot, so he felt a lot of comfort and said that the old god was there.

“This is a marriage set by the matchmaker’s orders from my parents, how can I go back?”

Li Yangping understood that his “big fish” was missed by the Wenren royal family. He dug a huge pit and waited for him to jump. Right now he can only see tricks and tricks.

“I personally made an order to dissolve your marriage contract, without Li Shengzi worrying about it.”

The emperor Wenren said it was extremely ironic.

If Shi Feiyan knew that her holy son had married a royal princess, would she send a “gift”?

Li Yangping looked at Emperor Wenren’s unbearable happiness, and his heart ached.

In line with the principle of not being able to lose momentum, he still said loudly: “Since I am a disciple of the Nether Palace, the wedding must naturally be approved by the master.”

Mo Shang is like jade, the son of Li Shengzi who is unparalleled in the world.

Seeing to be forced to end his single career.

All excuses that can be used.

They must all be useful!

“Although you are mentors and apprentices, she can’t decide the important matter of your marriage. Tomorrow I will invite your parents to preside over the wedding.”

Wen Rensheng used his assassin.

You Li Shengzi is really good at driving the entire Shenzhou.

But your parents are still in Weiyang City. If you dare not agree, I will kill them.

This is trickery.

A huge game.

As long as you step in, there will be endless troubles for you to agree to unequal treaties…


Li Yangping was silent.

He originally intended to go back to Weiyang City to ask the ancestor Li Pingzhi to protect the safety of the Nether Hall. He and Shi Feiyan, his master, are at ease Closed Door Training.

He really just dropped in on the way to send Wenren Chaomeng back to the palace!

But halfway through the gun, the sky thunder shook the Earth Fire, and the fire surged.

He accepted this lovely princess…

“The marriage is so decided, you will stay in the palace to rest today.”

After the emperor Wenren made a mixed announcement, he got up and left.

Happily, he finally took the arrogant Li Yangping once.

Angrily, he traded his wife for a victory.


Someone rushed in and stopped him.

When the emperor Wenren heard the sound, his brows furrowed, leaving her a back.

“Father, I have been dating Li Shengzi for a long time, and I hope that my father will complete us!”

Wenren Chaodao has always been quick talk.

At this moment, she knelt to the ground and said without feeling shy about her hatred of marrying Li Yangping.

Emperor Wenren completely collapsed.

Both of his two palm jewels fell in love with Li Yangping.

One is cooked with Li Yangping’s raw rice.

One clamored to make him “complete”…

“Dao Dao, Father is tired, we will discuss something tomorrow.”

The emperor Wenren’s words fell and turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared on the spot.


The dignified emperor of Shenzhou ran away directly facing his daughter’s petition to marry Li Yangping.


Wenren got up and screamed.

Li Yangping looked at her with his hand held down and cried out without any shyness to marry herself.

Bubbles in my heart happily.

“Princess, long time no see.”

Li Yangping returned to his usual look, and his cupped hands greeted Wenren Chaodao.

He has been “trapped” by a princess.

Never marry two together.

That is double happiness and double punishment.

Really enjoyed the “Blessing of Qi People”.

How happy he is, how painful…


It is necessary to end the “ridiculous” idea of ​​marrying oneself.

“Hinata, I…”

Wenren Chaodao was resurrected from his passion, and when he saw Li Yangping alive, he blushed immediately.

She is a daughter’s family, and she voluntarily wants to marry him.

Even, I never asked Li Yangyang if she wanted her.

This kind of thing.


She was absolutely abrupt!

“It’s okay, I won’t show up at the wedding, please comfort Chaomeng.”

Li Yangping was already standing face to face with Wen Ren Chaodao at this time.

Each other can hear each other’s heartbeat.

He confessed his thoughts in a voice that only she could hear.

At the wedding.

The groom’s play disappeared.

This kind of thing is a strange headline in modern times. In the world of comprehension, it is enough to make a self-respecting girl commit suicide.

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