Chapter 438: Starry Sky Skin is Live

Xin said: “This system should be renamed, the God-level Injustice System.”

“The old zombies were forced to marry first, so don’t blame daddy for getting rid of it!”


After Li Yangping was ready, it turned into a cloud of smoke and drifted away.

Wen Rensheng found his trail and immediately chased him.

Li Pingzhi didn’t know what Li Yangping was going to do, but when he saw the old monster Wenren followed his grandson, he also hurried away.

But they are still a step late…

“Boom… rumbling”

There was a loud noise that shook the sky.

Wen Rensheng’s lost face finally had a touch of green.

Divine Sense detected that the Mantra Stove was destroyed in two.

Li Yangping was madly absorbing True Qi floating in the furnace in mid-air.

Wen Rensheng rushed to the crown, and his shot was a heavy attack…

Li Pingzhi floated and stopped him: “You move Li Yangping now to destroy the descendants of the dragon race together. You know who will trouble you, right?”

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the sky above the sky with great intent.

Is there any threat from Chi Guoguo?


Wen Rensheng must eat this set.

His erected beard suddenly drooped…

At the same time, Wen Rensheng calmed down.

The descendants of the dragon race are excellent things.

But if it is because he Wenren wins, even if it loses a single hair in Shenzhou, it can kill all Wenren royal family.


Wen Rensheng lost the palace wall and lost the Mantra Stove.

But watching Li Yangping, the perpetrator, couldn’t move half of his vellus hair…

Weiyang Palace is in chaos.

Wen Rensheng turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared.

Li Pingzhi bared his molars and laughed three times.

The emperor Wenren watched the emperor supreme appear in the distance, with a dazed expression on his face.

I thought it was Li Pingzhi who smashed the mantra furnace, and quickly told the people in the palace not to offend this old monster.

He quickly went to the secret room to find Wen Rensheng and ask for some understanding.

Li Pingzhi’s eyes watched Li Yangping get on the flying carriage and waved at him triumphantly.

This round.

Undoubtedly, the Li family completely defeated the Wenren royal family.

That day.

The Emperor Wenren decreed to “invite” the Li family to be a guest in the palace.

Li Daoyun rushed to find his ancestor to make an idea.

Li Pingzhi immediately realized the danger and hid in Li Daoyun’s Magical Item, mixing into Weiyang Palace.

It wasn’t until he realized that the guy Li Yangping was about to fall to death was a descendant of the dragon race, and he barely showed up.

He was thinking about getting married tomorrow and then jumping out to do something, and giving his grandson a chance to escape the marriage…

The emperor Wenren watched Li Pingzhi sway from the ruined palace wall with the Li family, and his heart exploded completely.

I think he heard that the royal family is a first-class family in China, but it appeared on the eve of marrying the princess, and the picture of the family and the husband disappearing together…

He could hear Rensheng’s words that made him even more mournful.

“Li Yangping carries the blood of the Dragon Clan on his body, so he can’t easily move him.”

For Li Yangping’s super good luck, Emperor Wenren had already begun to doubt his life.

Backed by the three supreme emperors, with the blood of immortals, he is extremely talented, and there are countless beauties. Now he adds a dragon descendant body guard.


From now on, Li Yangping will be the god of China. Who dares to move him?

“No hurry, Li Yangping is dying… It’s not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, so we look for an opportunity to take him again!”

When Wen Rensheng said this, he felt guilty.

The dragon Qi that Li Yangping sucked away today is equivalent to half of the True Qi of Shenzhou, which will speed up his cultivation. Once he breaks through the stage of distraction…

Wen Rensheng didn’t dare to think further.

At the same time, the emperor Wenren was downhearted, and felt distressed for his two princesses.

It’s not good to love someone, I just fell in love with such a strong and large diamond slag…

Li Pingzhi led the Li family directly to the back mountain of the Li family and set up a strong barrier.

In his eyes.

Li Yangping will soon be on an equal footing with Wenren’s royal family.

It even replaced the Wenren royal family’s position in Shenzhou, leading the Li family to aspire to the wealth of the family.

Li Yangping sat on the carriage and meditated in the Lotus Position.

At this time, the gurgling dragon gas that had been received turned into a purple dragon shape, hovering over Li Yangping’s head.

The system is online again:

[Congratulations to the host for successfully completing the mission and getting the reward Magic Treasures: a set of starry sky skins]


Is this really going to be black in the world of comprehension?

Thinking about it, my paws really itchy.

After crossing here, he has no games to play.

Play the live-action version with a bunch of crazy people every day, and you have to keep your eyes open when you sleep…

“If you want to be accompanied by a peerless beauty, daddy will go back for a lifetime!”

Li Yangping screamed in the sea of ​​consciousness.

After checking the description, I realized that it was he who had the wrong intention.

The starry sky skin is derived from the body of the ancient sea beast. In the case of True Qi bursting, the owner can fly in the wind.

“This thing is not practical!”

Li Yangping whispered to himself!

My current True Qi level has reached the top level.

Once you break through the stage of distraction, you can reach anywhere within the reach of God.

Starry sky skin.

Obviously a little low energy.

“Boss, this is a rare treasure. As long as you wear it, you can go up through the clouds and escape from the ground. Simply put, you can walk through the entire space at will!”

The system sensed his spit, and immediately explained it in a mechanical voice.

“Oh, I see.”

After listening to Li Yangping, he felt that the sound was a bit harsh, and he deliberately adjusted a better sound.

“Boss, what do you think of this voice?”

The system sensed his thoughts again, and Zhiling Big sis’s little babble came.

“what about this……”

The system changed to Bingbing’s voice again.


Li Yangping was speechless.

He has no privacy at all.

“Is there Nana’s voice?”

Li Yangping was really overwhelmed by the system and came to order for self-service.

“Boss, Nana is too much. Which one do you want, please name her.”

The system prompts helplessly.


Li Yangping is not a voice control, especially the beauties in Cultivation World, who are very good looking. He really doesn’t need any voice assistance.


The system uses the voice of an island beauty with a girlish accent.

“this is not bad.”

Li Yangping reluctantly ordered one.

I’m afraid that someday the system will pop up with a male version of Nana’s voice, disturbing own Yaxing.

at this time.

Wonderful sights appeared in various places along the route from Weiyang City to Fuyu Mountain.

The wispy purple “True Qi” descended from the sky.

Cultivators from all over the world are scrambling to follow Ziqi, and the Cultivation Base instantly skyrocketed.

Li Yangping looked at countless worshiping figures under his feet, rolled over lazily, and fell asleep…

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