Chapter 455


Li Yangping, who had been hanging in the air for a long time, fell into a softness from the void.

He just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief.

However, he was “caught” by another kind of terror.

The cry of hundreds of millions of children came from far and near…

If there are a hundred cats calling around, ordinary people must have an instant mental breakdown.

What’s more, this is howls all over, continuous ups and downs, endlessly lingering.

Li Yangping tried to activate True Qi to protect the Qiqiao and isolate the shocking sound.

But Dantian, who was originally warm, was dead, and he didn’t listen to his call at all.

“Damn it!”

Li Yangping cursed.


He just waited for the more ugly crying with the world’s grievances.

“Daddy is here, don’t cry if you have the ability, come out immediately and kill me!”

Li Yangping tried his best to stand up, patted his chest and shouted.


He only shouted loneliness.

The howl of ghosts faded away.

Countless ghosts of seven or eight feet high appeared next to him.

They were so shadowy, like pilgrims, that they came straight to Li Yangping…

Li Yangping shut his breath.

Want to avoid their silent invasion.

But they seemed to have eyes and could see him, and they still gathered quickly towards him.

The whip that has not fallen is the most scary.

For the first time, Li Yangping experienced the nausea of ​​all the goose bumps on the skin.

They are colorless and tasteless, and do not attack, just passing by your side endlessly.

“Death… This is death in the land of life and death!”

He called out loudly as if suddenly enlightened.

But the voice was only muffled, resounding around him.

He seemed to be covered by a lid, his body gradually stiffened…

The cry of the child came again and penetrated into his ears uninterruptedly.

Those big hands that disappeared fell from the top of Li Yangping’s head and grabbed his body fiercely.

The sound of the wind entangled him with countless ghosts.

“It’s still comfortable…”

Li Yangping murmured.

He gave up resisting and struggling, and his body softened.

Silently fell to the ground.

I have never experienced inhuman torture, so I definitely want to live well.

But at this moment Li Yangping has been defeated by this kind of sensory torment.

He wanted to die.

Death, for him now, is a kind of release and relief.

The body suddenly felt again at this moment.

Cold, bitterly cold.

Li Yangping couldn’t help shivering. He wanted to move his hands and feet, but his body was frozen and he didn’t respond.

Try to mobilize the True Qi in the body again.


Still silent.

“Damn! I can’t help it, Daddy doesn’t want to live anymore!”

at this time.

Li Yangping’s frosty face, like a stone that has been weathered for thousands of years, is stubborn.

He screamed hard.

But the sound seemed to fall on the cotton, and he was powerless…

Li Yangping stood upright in the cold wind, Bing Ling rubbed his body, making a harsh sound of metal colliding with each other.

Hair covered with ice, body covered by ice.

Look at it from a distance.

Li Yangping is more like an ice sculpture, blending into the vast expanse of whiteness.

Endless cold.

With a tingling sensation like the separation of flesh and blood, he lost consciousness again, and his body fell into a state of insensitivity…

There is no world in the alien space, only endless torture.

I don’t know how long it took, a gentle wind blew by.

A glimmer of hope came, and Li Yangping desperately incited his lips to take a deep breath.

If you haven’t struggled in Death, you can’t experience the joy of life.

Li Yangping tried his best to get himself moving.

Stretch out a little bit.


The wind became hot, and Li Yangping surrounded Li Yangping with the high temperature of the midday afternoon.

Li Yangping finally returned from the extreme cold, but was baptized by extreme heat again.

The anger of splitting eyes stirred every cell of Li Yangping.


He can do nothing.

He could only let the hot wind hover around him.

A scorching heat was engulfed in the distance.

Like the sun, more like a hot roulette.

Every time it got closer to Li Yangping, Li Yangping felt that he was a step closer to Death.

The skin was cracked and there was a slight crackling sound…

Li Yangping was furious.

Duan Mingyue’s words resounded in her mind: “A thousand ghosts possess a body, life is better than death.”

“Being roasted as a mummy to die is a whole body.”

Li Yangping simply thought of the last step.


Countless black clouds came straight to him.

The heavy rain fell sharply.

Whenever raindrops fall on the body, it is like a knife pierced into the skin.


Li Yangping frowned his painful brows, and he let out a beast neigh.

The world is dark.

He was caught in it, and he could only feel the tingling sensation of the dense rain on his body.

The legs became soft.

Li Yangping sat down.

Wait for death, wait for death.

I’ll die, if I really die, I won’t suffer the sins of the living dead…


All these ways to find death in his mind.

When people no longer fear and let fate destroy them, they really let go.

The rain condensed into a river, and Li Yangping floated on it, like a wandering corpse.

There is no space for time, endless torture.

Li Yangping has gone to death with peace of mind and enjoys this moment calmly.

A cry of birds rang in my ears.

“Sure enough, it’s dead and comfortable!”

Li Yangping muttered and opened his eyes.

The blue sky is like washing, the sky is high and the clouds are pale.

He is lying in the grass on the bank of the river, without any long objects, like a newborn baby.

The mind is more tranquil as water.

The smell of earth rushed into the nose.

Everything around is filled with the breath of life.

Sit up and look around.

A lonely hut is not far away.

Stomach grumbled a few times.

“Find something to eat.”

Li Yangping got up and walked towards the hut.


A creature that looked like a dog and became a fat ball rushed out from nowhere and blocked the way, barking at him with its head high and its teeth.

“It’s a sin to be so ugly and scary!”

As Li Yangping said, he chose to take a detour.

He doesn’t do things that hurt small animals.

As a result, the meat ball chased him, wailing all the way, and even biting Li Yangping’s feet.

“F*ck! You dare to bully daddy too!”

Li Yangping let out angrily, stooped to pick up a stone, and waved at it a few times.


This guy didn’t give up and screamed, but he withdrew for several steps.

One person and one dog fought all the way to the front of the hut.

Li Yangping stood still at the door.

Will his sudden appearance of “life or death” now scare others?

The door opened suddenly.

An old man wearing a gray Taoist robe with a crouched waist appeared with a Duster in his hand.

“Roar! You really have some fate with her…”

A smile flashed from the old eyes under the old man’s longevity eyebrows.

“Who? Has anyone been here?”

Li Yangping’s horrible memory just now is still there, and that is not the torment that ordinary people can bear.

He frowned and asked.

“Yes, the one who came last time was a beautiful woman.”

The old man took a look at Li Yangping, then turned around and entered the house.

Li Yangping stood still at the door.

Come on my own adventure, life or death is uncertain.

Everything seems to be fine in this world, maybe there is something tricky…

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