Chapter 461: The Little Big Brother Is So Beautiful

“Sun… Ping’er, the old man is one step ahead.”

Li Pingzhi was not thinking about eating and drinking, and with a group of oirans, he got up to enter the private room.

“Do it yourself!”

Li Yangping gave his ancestor a knowing smile and waved his hand.

Li Pingzhi opened his eyes and smiled and walked away with a kind of harem mighty.

“You guys go down too!”

Li Yangping waved his hand.

None of the four women wanted to leave, looking at the two beautiful men eagerly, like a slave greedy you.

Wenren Chaodao has long been suffocated by the smell of inferior rouge powder.

Then he threw out a bunch of Spirit Stones: “Get out, all out!”

Seeing thousands of Spirit Stones, the woman rushed forward, grabbed a pot full of them, and walked away reluctantly.

“Li Yangping, you are really bad!”

Wenren pushed toward the road to the street window and gasped for a few breaths, and shouted in shame.

“You are the princess of Wenrenguo, so you should have a taste of the people’s sentiments.”

Li Yangping drank fine wine and looked at the beauty, very pleasant.


Wen Ren Chao Dao Qiao blushed and stared at him.

Li Yangping was too lazy to answer, and hooked his finger at her.

Wenren Chaodao obediently sat in his arms…

In the Cyclamen Inn.

As the leaders of the Demon Slashing Conference, Shi Jing and Wen Renbao have begun to plan how to catch the “monster” Li Yangping.

“Since they were in the Yuehua Tower, they bombed the building directly, and it was a hundred.”

Wen Renbao spoke first.

“No, my Buddha believes in the equality of all beings and must not hurt the innocent.”

Shi Jing objected immediately.

“Shi Jing, Elder, you don’t know how much that kid Li Yangping is…difficult, he is dead, I will have a prosperous life on the right path.”

Heavenly Dao Zongda Elder Yuan Huanzhi said in a dull voice.

Since the head of Zhang Zhidao’s accident, the Heavenly Dao sect has gradually declined.

The reason is all because of Li Yangping, Shi Feiyan cleaned up the Heavenly Dao Sect.

They must avenge this enmity.

“The creatures are not distinguished high or low, and can’t poison ordinary people just because of a demon.”

Shi Jingyuan rarely came to Middle-earth in the Southern Territory, and the news was relatively closed. Wenren’s emperor’s edict described Li Yangping as a demon that harmed the country and the people and hurt innocent people tens of thousands of lives.

Then Shi Jing and Elder were invited to lead the team.

Seeing Shi Jing’s resoluteness, everyone naturally did not dare to say much.

Buddhism is one level higher than the right way.

The prestige is as famous as the Wenren royal family. If Shi Jing refuses to agree, the plan will go bankrupt.

“Then who will lead Li Yangping?”

Yuan Huanzhi asked coldly.

All the martial arts who were still making a noise just now shut up.

Li Pingzhi, who was with Li Yangping, was of the supreme emperor level.

With any trick, Nascent Soul will burp…

Two unusually slender women in red walked into the darkness before they walked into the dark with purple smoke.

They came to this interface with tasks.

Ordinary people can recognize their identities, so they only use white sand to cover their faces.

Seeing that the action time was almost up, they disappeared and soared to the third floor of Yuehualou.

At this time, Li Yangping was drinking with Wenren.

The two of you have a drink and I have a drink, and they drank extremely happily.

Especially Wenren Chaodao, who is dressed in men’s clothing, had the opportunity to be alone with Li Yangping, and even drank one cup after another, without the meaning of being drunk at all.

In the top private room in Yuehualou, two men holding and drinking were surprised.

The girls in the building were heartbroken because they failed to serve the two masters in person…

“Dao Dao, have you ever thought about it, if Tianjiao’s prosperity comes, and the celestial dynasty changes hands, what will happen to you, Chao Meng, and your father?”

Li Yangping’s slightly drunken appearance adds a touch of unruly.

The Wenren who saw it turned towards Dao heart and threw directly into his arms and said: “If the destiny is not to be violated, I will be an advanced pill refining teacher to benefit martial arts.”

“As for Father Huang and Chao Meng, I just need to raise them.”

Wenren Chaodao is really big-hearted, and the plan he said is extremely naive.

Li Yangping was amused by her idealized thoughts.

As the saying goes.

No snowflake is innocent in an avalanche.

At the moment when the Wenren Dynasty changed hands, as members of the royal family, the country changed hands, and the new emperor could not let them survive.

“Jeren Big sis…what are they doing?”

“Ah… Linger, I’m ignorant of Big sis.”

A pair of women hidden in the purple smoke outside the private room, watching Wen Ren Chaodao, who was holding Li Yangping’s arm around the men’s clothing, was also trapped for a while.

Duan Mingyue followed Li Yangping all the way to Yuehualou.

Seeing him and Wenren Chaodao and all the beauties making a warm laugh, they passed out in anger.

But he has no right to interfere with Li Yangping.

After Li Yangping returned from the land of life and death.

The sea of ​​consciousness was extremely closed, and her Hun and Po could no longer be in charge.

Duan Mingyue became a lonely ghost, wandering near Li Yangping.

Hearing the voices of the two women, Duan Mingyue immediately became vigilant and floated onto the tiles of the building to observe the movement.

She hated Li Yangping like Feng Yijing, hoping that he would be a little troublesome and less proud.

But with Realm, she couldn’t see the true faces of the two women…

“Big sis, did we find the wrong person?”

“No, Ling’er, I’m sure that the picture sent by Emperor Wenren is correct.”

“He… is three points more handsome than Venerable, and he doesn’t look like a murderous evildoer at all.”

The dialogue between the two women came again.


Duan Mingyue frowned slightly at this appellation.

She has lived in China for thousands of years, and she has never heard of any school that has the seat of Venerable.

Who are these two women hiding in the dark?

Duan Mingyue became more confused.

Just now.

There was a sound of women’s crying and men’s teasing in the dark streets.

Li Yangping was about to talk to Wen Ren Chaodao about “business”, but he was naturally unhappy when he was disturbed by foreign objects.

Wen Ren hurried to close the window, but saw three martial artists in the Gold Core stage downstairs, surrounding a plain-clothed civilian woman.

The woman wanted to break free, but she couldn’t get rid of the entanglement of the three strong men at all.

“So annoying!”

Even after closing the window, Li Yangping still heard the women crying loudly, as well as the rampant laughter of the brawny.

Wen Ren sighed towards Dao, took out the sound transmission jade, and prepared to notify Murong Hao, the lord of Guangli City, to let him deal with the martial arts of the commoner woman.

But she thought about it and put the jade back.

“I gonna go see.”

Li Yangping said that he was hidden in the smoke and floated out of the window.

“Boom boom boom”

Li Yangping didn’t care about the three sevens and twenty one, and directly threw three punches.

I saw three people flying away in different directions at the same time, and at the same time they vomited bright red blood. They fainted and fell to the ground.

“Ah… the nice little Big Brother is here! It’s so nice!”

The woman in plain clothes ignored the enemy who flew out, but stared at Li Yangping and looked at it.

“It’s late, find an inn and go to sleep.”

Li Yangping smoothly took out two Spirit Stones from the sleeves of his robe and brought them in front of her.

“Sleep? I want to sleep with you!”

The woman in plain clothes lifted her cheeks slightly and stared at Li Yangping with a very important look.

“Go away, Hugh is going to break daddy’s interest, go with whoever you like to sleep with!”

Li Yangping looked at this silly nympho woman, feeling irritated.

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