Sect Leader's Rise to the top!

Chapter 1 - Confusion And Clarification

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Kai woke up with a splitting headache. He looked at his surroundings and quickly realized that he was not in his little apartment.

This place both looked and smelled like a stable with mud and dirt everywhere. He also heard the sound of animals coming from outside.

"Was I kidnapped and sent to a farm?. I bet that despicable uncle of mine is finally trying to get rid of me!". Kai had all kinds of thoughts running through his mind as he tried to stand up but he immediately fell back to the ground in pain. He then noticed something odd as he looked at his arms and legs. "Why am I so skinny...and short?".

He struggled to stand up again and walked outside where he saw a small but clear-looking pond.

Kai hobbled over and looked down into it and what he saw shocked him and almost made him fall into the pond.

"What's with this face? what...what happened to my face?". The face he was looking at was that of an extremely malnourished young boy, aged probably 14 or 15 with dark brown hair hanging messily down to his skinny and prominent collarbones.

Just when Kai was at the edge of having a mental breakdown, he heard someone speak in a shocked tone "Kai, you're still alive?!". Kai looked over at the source of the voice and found a young girl around the same age as this..body. She was wearing ragged clothes similar to his and held a large staff with two water buckets tied on each end.

"After the last punishment the overseer had given you, I was sure you were already dead" the girl continued as she walked over to him.

"Excuse me but can you please tell me where I am right now?". Kai quickly said to the girl.

She looked at him with an expression full of pity and said; "You must have suffered a lot if you don't even know where you are".

"You are on Master Jiao's farm. He is our owner and bought you a few months ago. You have been working the fields during the day while the overseer took joy in punishing you for any little mistake. Your body finally gave out a few days ago and you were unable to do your daily work which resulted in continuous beatings and starvation from the overseer."

The last beating you got yesterday was so severe that everyone thought you had died and turned into fertilizer, it is good that you survived!".

Kai had actually calmed down as he listened to the girl's story. He finally realized why his body felt extreme hunger and pain to the point where he could barely stand.

His brain was firing on all cylinders which was actually painful when considering the state of his body, but he had no choice. He needed to figure this situation out.

"It seems I've transmigrated into this boy's body....wait, did I hear her correctly? I was bought?, am I a slave?... What era is this?"

He tried to ask the girl the follow-up questions but his body was finally giving out on him and he could barely utter any legible sounds.

The girl took out a moldy-looking rice ball and handed it over to him.

"Here, have this and rest for today. The overseer does not know that you are alive. Go continue resting in the stable, I will be back in the evening with some more food"

As disgusting as the moldy rice ball looked, to a starving Kai, it was the same as a bountiful feast. He carefully took it with both hands and said in a low and weak voice "Thank you..."

The girl turned around and collected the water from the pond, she gave some to Kai then hurried away. Kai did not stop her. He was too hungry to even talk so he just sat down where he was by the pond and slowly ate the rice ball and drank the water to fill the rest of his empty stomach.

Having avoided starvation, Kai crawled back to the stable trying to conserve as much energy as possible.

"How did I end up going to a parallel world and transmigrating into this boy's body?. Does it have something to do with the novel I was reading?". Kai had already dismissed the idea that he went back to the past. The odd language he was currently suddenly speaking told him that this couldn't have been on earth. Also, the two-headed chickens-goose creatures he saw running around proved that this definitely couldn't be Earth.

Now that he wasn't in extreme hunger anymore, he had the time to think about his situation. As he did so, he started getting random flashes of incomplete memories belonging to the body.

It seems the body belonged to a slave boy similarly named Kai. The boy had grown up as an empire peasant with his parents, however, their village was raided by bandits and his parents were slaughtered. He and the other survivors were then sold and that's how he ended up here.

The memories of this boy don't have much information seeing as he was simply a mortal peasant, however, it's general knowledge that the greatest noble families are built on the foundations of Martial Arts Cultivators. Yes, the Martial Arts cultivation of fantasies is the reality in this world. Those who are gifted enough can gain the power of gods and can become the rulers of entire nations.

"How amazing is this, my dream can finally become a reality!" Kai thought to himself full of excitement.

But just as he was thinking this, he remembered the situation he was in and sighed."This body is just that of an ordinary peasant boy, I don't have any talent in cultivation at all".

He remembered that his captors had tested his aptitude as they usually do and found he had no talent in either martial arts or cultivation so he was sold as an ordinary manual labor servant.

"No, I refuse to believe that!. I need to find some more information" Kai said to himself.

His dream had finally come true. He would hate to have it wasted by having to be a servant for the rest of his life.

"Hey bag of bones. You're still alive I see".. Kai heard these words from a condescending voice just as he had resolved to live this new fantasy life.

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