Sect Leader's Rise to the top!

Chapter 111 - Illusion Demon (2)

The large group was following the four Twin-Lions sect disciples. The happy atmosphere made it seem like they were out sightseeing rather than wandering around an extremely dangerous pocket dimension.

"We've been walking for a whole day now, where do you think they're taking us?.". asked a man in a full set of armor.

"I don't know, but I'm starting to have a bad feeling about this whole thing...", Responded a woman wearing a similar set of armor.

"Why? things have been pretty easy since we got here. They kill all the beasts that show up and even let us keep the materials! what could be better than this?"

"I know, but that's the odd part. Why won't they let us do anything?. Aren't we the ones who should be proving ourselves?..."

"Hmm...that's a good point. Maybe...wait, what's that up there?"

They looked up and saw a strange carpet-like object flying in their direction.

"Elder brother...could that be?", Said one of the Twin Lions Sect disciples in a hushed tone.

"There's no doubt. That flying artifact...It must be Sister Wu!". Exclaimed the young man in front with a beaming smile. He pulled out a small silver disk from his spatial ring and threw it into the air. The disk grew in size until it was the radius of an arm, at which point, the young man jumped onto it and floated towards the incoming object.

The other three disciples produced similar disks and followed the young man. "You lot wait here, we'll be right back!". Yelled the young woman as she followed behind the other three.

"Looks like your friends are here", Kai said to Wu Xianhai while instructing her to fly closer to the ground. If a fight broke out, Kai wanted to be able to jump off the carpet with relative ease.

"Sister Wu, I'm glad you are safe!". The young man said as he approached. He had a friendly smile but that quickly changed into a frown when he noticed the other people sitting on the carpet.

When they were a few meters apart, both parties stopped and looked at each other. The young man noticed Kai's arms around Wu Xianhai's waist which sent his mind into a frenzy.

"S...sister Wu?. What have these low-lives done to you?!", He yelled while pulling his sword from its scabbard.

"Lu?...stand down.". Wu Xianhai said dismissively.

The young man named Lu could not accept the order as he starred at Kai with hostile eyes. He knew that Wu Xianhai hated when people stood too close to her, so he did not understand why she would allow them to ride with her unless she was being forced?. 

Not only that, but the strange man with hidden features was holding her in such an obscene way that Lu's blood was starting to boil.

"Don't worry sister Wu, I'll free you from his evil clutches immediately!".

The young man yelled as he concentrated his Qi into the tip of his sword and pierced the air at high speed aimed directly at Kai's temple. A sliver of Qi flew out of the sword and shot toward Kai. 

Wu Xianhai and Kai were both dumbfounded.

'Did he sense something?'. Kai thought as he jumped off the carpet. He did a flip midair and landed softly on the ground with ease.

"Oops...".Kai said when he noticed an embarrassed Wu Xianhai cradled princess style in his arms.

"You filth!, How dare you!". Yelled the young man. His eyes were now bloodshot and his body was shaking with rage. The other three disciples soon arrived and were also stunned by the scene.

"Is that really sister Wu?..."


"Hoho, What a lucky bastard!..."

"Get these guys under control before they get themselves killed". Kai whispered into Wu Xianhai's ear. "Oh, and as for your earlier proposal. I can accept, but I have a few conditions...". Kai said while he placed Wu Xianhai on the ground.

Wu Xianhai's eyes shone when she heard this. She quickly turned back to Kai with hopeful eyes. "Name your conditions. As long as they aren't too demanding, I will accept!", She said without blinking.

"...Can we continue this discussion after they've been dealt with?..." Kai said while turning his head turned towards the approaching four who were moving towards him with sinister-looking expressions.

Wu Xianhai noticed this and grabbed Kai's hand, further enraging the approaching four. At that moment, a sword appeared above Kai's hand which Wu Xianhai quickly grabbed and slowly swung toward the incoming group. 

Her movements were slow and easy to follow, but the results were spectacular to see. The surrounding air separating the two groups caved in creating a booming sound. In that instant, a massive shock-wave appeared, knocking the four disciples away. 

Kai whistled in admiration while watching the four disciples get knocked back. "Beauty, why didn't you use that in our fight?". Kai asked nonchalantly.

"Hump, you know full well that something like this is useless against your". Wu Xianhai mumbled the last part, but Kai still caught it. 

Kai chuckled but did not respond. The attack was indeed impressive but lacked destructive power.

"Now, back to our agreement". Wu Xianhai said while sheathing her sword.

"Well, I don't think they're done yet..." Kai said while pointing. The young man named Lu had gotten back up and now seemed even angrier.

"You dare use mind-control to turn the princess against us?!", He yelled in anger.

Kai was dumbfounded by the man's overactive imagination. "This guy must be insane. Are all disciples of the Twin-Lions sect like this?". Kai asked while placing his hands behind his back. He felt no real threat from any of them despite them seriously trying to kill him.

The source of his confidence was simple. Kai had long since reached the peak of Qi-Condensation during his closed-door training. Kai felt that he was now at the doorstep of entering the Foundation Establishment stage.

"Lu, Interfere in my business again, and I will kill you. Do you understand?. This goes for the rest of you as well...". Wu Xianhai said in an eerie monotone.

Her tone shook them awake as if being doused with ice-cold water. "Yes, Elder Sister!". They responded in unison. They knew all too well just how cruel Wu Xianhai could be. Whether she was controlled or not was irrelevant at this point. She meant what she said, so their lives were now on the line.

The four instantly quieted down and stood nearby in nervous silence. Wu Xianhai nodded her head and turned back to Kai. "Can we talk now?"

"Well, I'd love to say yes...but I think we have a bigger problem on our hands...". Kai said while pointing at the cracks on the ground. Small amounts of fog were slowly seeping through.

"This is bad...we need to go!" Wu Xianhai said as she summoned the carpet, but at that moment, the earth shook in the distance and a massive black spire pierced out of the ground and shot straight into the air.

"Oh!". Wu Xianhai yelled.. Kai didn't hesitate as he grabbed Wu Xianhai's arm and jumped back onto the carpet that quickly flew away, leaving the four disciples behind with shocked expressions.

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