Sect Leader's Rise to the top!

Chapter 118 - Twin Lions Sect (1)

Before Kai could celebrate his breakthrough, the spike piercing his through the abdomen suddenly crumbled, dropping Kai onto the hard ground. Kai got up and quickly noticed that the spire was slowly starting to fall apart. 

He tried to place the broken piece of Jie's heart into his spatial bag but was surprised when it wouldn't go in. "Is it still alive?...", Kai murmured but was interrupted by a large piece of the rock falling close to where he was standing.

'I have to get out of here...', Kai thought while pulling himself back to the moment at hand. He placed the fractured heart into his breast pocket then pulled out a superior grade [Beginner Healing Pill] from his spatial bag and immediately popped it into his mouth. It wouldn't fully heal his injuries, but it would at least reduce his fatigue and help increase his natural recovery rare for a while.

The holes on his abdomen were starting to close already which was a testament to its efficacy. 

Kai had absorbed large amounts of Qi from Jie, but none of it actually went into his core and instead went toward his breakthrough, so he didn't have any left to help him heal. Kai closed his eyes and concentrated on the surrounding Qi. However, to his utter astonishment, he could do more than just sense the Qi.

"I can see everything within a 1km radius...this is incredible!". Kai said in astonishment as he opened his eyes. 'Seeing' was just how he described it, but Kai knew that he was essentially feeling his surroundings through the Qi and then building an accurate picture of what he saw in his mind. 

Kai felt the presence of Hou Zhou, Song Wei, and even Wu Xianhai walking around on the surface. Kai also noted that he was not that far underground. After he had absorbed what little Qi was left in the area, Kai clenched his fist and jumped into the air. 

Using mostly physical strength, Kai punched at the tip of the already crumbling spire. When his fist connected, the ground shook, making the survivors on the surface panic.

"It's coming back?", yelled one of the survivors as he tried to get back onto one of the pillars. The ground next to the man exploded, sending chunks of rock flying in every direction.

Wu Xianhai pulled out her sword but was surprised to see a severely injured Kai pulling himself out of the ground.

"Mr. Kai?!" Hou Zhou yelled while running towards him. Behind him, Song Wei followed closely. They both helped pull Kai out of the hole and were horrified by his injuries.

"Mr. Kai. What happened?... Did you fight that thing by yourself?" Hou Zhou asked with sparkles in his eyes. He had seen Kai fight on numerous occasions and did not doubt his power, but he didn't know how Kai could have fought such a monster by himself.

Kai didn't respond and simply laid on his back while panting heavily. He was in no shape to be exerting himself. Even that one punch he used to escape the spire was already too much for him.

Song Wei noticed his shriveled right arm and gasped in fright, but Wu Xianhai walked up behind her with her arms crossed. 

"Don't worry about that. The Twin Lions Sect has some of the best medicines in this region, this much damage shouldn't be an issue...", She said confidently while walking closer to Kai, then kneeling to get a closer look at his shriveled up arm.

"You will be given all I promised once we leave. This I swear. So...will you consider joining the Sect?. I'm sure I can guarantee you a spot as an inner disciple!..." Wu Xianhai whispered.

Kai simply shook his head with his eyes closed but did not speak. Wu Xianhai sighed then turned back to the crowds who were inching closer to Kai.

"The portal will open any minute now. Find any survivors and rendezvous here!. I'll remind you one last time that the evaluation is still ongoing!". Wu Xianhai yelled.

The People were surprised by her announcement. Some simply ignored her and fell to the ground in relief while others went about fulfilling her orders.

"Mr. Kai, I would like to thank you for saving our lives!", Hou Zhou said to Kai while kowtowing.

Song Wei did the same with tears in her eyes. Others who were standing around also did the same, shocking the Twin Lions Sect's disciples.

"...", Wu Xianhai took in the scene then closed her eyes and walked away.

Moments later, a blue portal opened up in the middle of the enclosure. The panic-stricken survivors all ran towards the portal but were quickly stopped by the four disciples who had their swords unsheathed. 

Kai noticed this and looked angry. Just as he was about to stand up, Wu Xianhai stepped forward and pushed her fellow disciples aside. "The evaluation ends here. Everyone may leave...", She said in a tired voice. The four disciples seemed shocked but quietly sheathed their swords and stood aside.

Wu Xianhai nodded towards Kai. Hou Zhou and Song Wei help him stand and took him to the Portal. Kai had regained some strength at this point but still let them help him in the name of conserving as much energy as possible. He didn't know what the Twin Lions Sect was planning outside so he wanted to be ready for anything.

Wu Xianhai and the four disciples stepped in first, followed by Kai, Hou Zhou, and Song Wei. The bright light forced Kai to close his eyes. Once he opened them again, Kai was happy to find that they were back on the mountain range. Unlike when they first arrived, the fog had cleared up and Kai could see the magnificent landscape from this vantage point.

Far into the distance, Kai could see Huang City in all its magnificence as well as the almost endless plains surrounding the grand city.

Kai then heard a loud flapping sound as a gust of wind blew behind him. He turned around and saw a massive crane-like beast flapping its wings and hovering above them.

Standing on top of the creature's large head was the array master elder as well as the mysterious old man who had been there three days ago. 

Wu Xianhai and the four disciples cupped their fists respectfully and greeted the two elders. The old man seemed surprised when he saw Wu Xianhai and jumped down from the bird in delight.

"Miss Wu!, I'm glad you are safe. The Sect Leader will be glad to know that you have returned. He has been extremely worried for the past month, unable to cultivate at all!", The old man spoke in a way that seemed forced.

"Thank you, Elder...I will apologize to grandfather for worrying him...", Wu Xianhai responded with a low monotone.

"Good, good!", Responded the old man as he stroked his long beard, ignoring her hostile tone. Just as he was about to speak again, he saw more people exiting the portal and seemed surprised. He discreetly looked over to the four disciples who could only shake their heads. The old man seemed to understand and nodded his head sagely.

"To all those who assisted in the subjugation, I thank you. You will each be rewarded handsomely. And for the unfortunate deceased...Their families will be compensated accordingly". His tone seemed to carry a lot of weight, making the crowds hang on to his every word.

Most cheered when he finished, as if they were possessed or in some sort of a trance. 

"Elder Chen, this man contributed the most to the demon's subjugation. It won't be a stretch to say that he single-handedly defeated it...", Wu Xianhai said without blinking. This shocked both elders as they quickly looked towards the person that she was pointing at.

Kai was still being supported by Hou Zhou and Song Wei. His current state looked so pitiful that many would just assume he was a lucky survivor.

The elders looked at Kai skeptically but were surprised when they took a closer look at him.

The female elder still standing on the creature's head squinted her eyes, then quickly opened them with a shocked expression on her face. "Chen! do you feel it?. It's faint, but there is no doubt!", yelled the female Elder. 

Elder Chen's expression changed to a serious one after he also inspected Kai for a second. He dropped all pretense and quickly moved to Kai. He was so quick that those who weren't paying attention though he had teleported.

He arrived before Kai and looked him straight in the eyes. "I remember you...Yes, the interesting lad. However, you were not this powerful three days ago. Tell me, just how did you break through to the Foundation Establishment stage within a pocket dimension?".

"Foundation Establishment!?" Hou Zhou and Song Wei whispered in astonishment. They looked at Kai in unison, not understanding what was going on.

Wu Xianhai also turned back to Kai with a shocked expression. A Foundation Establishment expert would easily be offered a high position in any of the surrounding sects. Even the Twin Lions Sect would be willing to make such a person an honorary Deacon at the very least.

"I can't believe I offered a Foundation Establishment expert a disciple position...No wonder why he had no interest!". Wu Xianhai chastised herself quietly.

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