Sect Leader's Rise to the top!

Chapter 12 - Sudden Discovery And The World

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"business?..." Kai didn't know what to say. Why is this girl talking about going into business all of a sudden?.

Mina saw the confused look on Kai's face and decided to explain

"I know of a place that will buy these at a high price, I will also do the negotiations to get us an even better price. How about it? 50-50?"

Kai looked at the girl in disbelief. She was essentially asking for half the meat in exchange for finding a buyer. Couldn't he just sell the stuff himself once he got to their village?.

However, as Kai thought more about her offer, he found that it actually made sense. Kai was not knowledgeable of the world and its markets so he could end up striking a terrible deal if he did it by himself.

Also if he openly hawked his goods to random people, what's to stop them from just robbing him of everything he had?. Kai had no power or influence in this world so it might be better to take the 50% now than lose everything later.

These two siblings also did not seem ordinary. There were too many unknowns surrounding them that still made Kai doubt their identities. That's why he decided it would be better to stay on their good side lest they turn out to be crouching tigers and hidden dragons.

"60-40 and you have a deal".

Kai would at least try to get the bigger cut seeing as it was his hard-earned bounty after all.

"Sure you have a deal! let's head back right now then!"

Mina agreed so easily that Kai felt he had gotten ripped off, but a deal is a deal so simply gave a bitter smile and moved on.

Kai's legs had recovered enough mobility by this point, so he stood up shakily. Just as he felt he would fall over, [Twig] kept him balanced and standing straight despite the pain.

Walking would be painful, but compared to how he felt a few hours ago, this little bit of pain was bearable for Kai.

He would just have to avoid using Qi to enhance his body as he feared it would eventually result in permanent damage on his body.

"So you said half a day's walk to Yellow Crow Village?"

"Yup, come let's hurry back"

Mina was now raring to head back to their village which surprised Ryu.

"I thought you wanted to search for herbs? even forced me to come all the way out here with you..."

"Forget the herbs Ryu. Who knows if there are any out there. Plus it'll get dangerous soon so the quicker we leave this place the better. Now come little brother, make haste!".

Ryu just dropped his head as he started following her. Kai could faintly hear him mumbling profanities under his breath.

Kai was rather interested in the duo. They seemed a little too carefree in what they kept calling a "dangerous area" so he wondered what their powers were.

As he thought this, Kai remembered that [Qi Detection] worked on living beings and decided to give it a try.

He first looked at Ryu and asked the system to detect his Qi.

[Human Male [Qi 0] Mortal Grade 1]

Kai was surprised that he had no Qi within his body. Didn't this mean he was just a regular person with no Internal or Body cultivation?.

Kai had a feeling that things couldn't hide from the system's [Qi Detection] so there was no doubt about it. Ryu was just a regular mortal...

Kai then looked over at Mina before quickly activating the skill again.

Mina Human [Qi 0] Mortal Grade 3]

"This little girl has a Mortal Grade 3 body?!". Kai was couldn't keep his composure as his jaw dropped while staring at the girl from behind.

Normal human bodies were [Mortal Grade 1]. Getting to [Mortal Grade 2] needed countless years of special training to reach the human body's peak. As for [Mortal Grade 3] and above...A Body Cultivation Manual was a must since that was the only way to surpass a human body's limits in this world.

She must be a Body cultivator, and her manual is obviously better than mine if she were able to use it to reach Grade 3 at such a young age.

Kai's Body manual, the [10,000 Year Immortal Summit Law] could no longer improve his Body grade. [Mortal Grade 2] was its limit. However, what Kai didn't know what that if the Body cultivators of this world found out he had achieved the grade in less than one week, they would cough up blood at his unnaturally fast speed.

Sadly [10,000 Year Immortal Summit Law] could not take Kai to [Mortal Grade 3]. Yet this little girl was at that stage already. Kai could no longer hold back his curiosity

"Mina, Ryu. Are you both body cultivators by any chance?". To avoid raising suspicions, he decided to ask them both.

Ryu was the first to turn around with a look of pride on his face. "We study an ancient Body Cultivation Manual created by Lord Jurgen's ancestors. I cannot tell you the details however this technique is the reason why Yellow Crow Village has survived for generations."

Mina did not seem interested in the topic at hand and just continued to walk forward.

Kai asked Ryu since he seemed willing to talk this time.

"Does everyone in the village practice this special Body Manual then?"

"That..." Ryu hesitated before he continued

"I can't tell you much but I know that many practice it, however very few can actually make progress. Currently, only the village chief Jurgen has reached the 3rd rank of Body Cultivation"

"So he is the only person?..."

Kai glanced at Mina who was now far ahead of the two.

Does that mean Mina is hiding her strength?. Kai thought about it but decided not to ask. It was none of his business so there was no point.

The trio walked South together while making small talk. At this point, Ryu had gotten used to Kai and was actually starting to look at him favorably when he found out they were both around 14.

What surprised Kai the most was that Mina was actually 18!. She looked like the youngest when they were all together yet she was actually the oldest one there.

As they walked, Kai asked many more questions and finally felt that he had a decent grip on the basic structure of this world.

To summarize, the entire world was split into five massive continents. Each continent's size was so incomprehensibly large that based on their explanations, Kai assumed one continent would have to have been the size of all the continents on earth combined.

The continents are spread in the shape of a "+" sign. Each continent is at the end of a point and the last being right at the center.

The continent are separated by large oceans that cover the rest of the known world along with countless islands dotted throughout.

Each continent is home to a single Empire which was named after its geographical location relative to the central continent and has at least one major Sect representing the entire continent on the world stage.

The Northern continent houses the Northern Empire, where the Heaven's Blade Sect reigns supreme.

The Western continent is home to the Western Empire ruled by the Purple Cloud Sect. An unorthodox Sect based entirely around poison cultivation techniques.

The Eastern continent called the Eastern Empire, is governed by the Plum blossom Sect. Another unorthodox sect that uses enchanting music to do battle against their foes

The Southern continent and the Southern Empire is controlled by the Golden Arhat Sect. This sect is both feared and admired by the people of the continent as being benevolent and powerful, yet they rarely meddle in the affairs of the mortal world, so not much is known about them.

Lastly, the continent located at the center is simply referred to at the Central Continent ruled by the Divine Law Sect, the de-facto rulers of the world.

While the collective is universally referred to as the Unified Empires. The unity is only in name as the sects continuously do battle both within their continents and abroad. Vying for valuable resources and unique heavenly treasures.

Kai was most surprised to find out that the sects were actually the ones in charge of these empires and not traditional Kings or Emperors. The respective Sect leaders become de-facto Emperors of their continents and were allowed to rule them as they please.

Each continent has hundreds if not thousands of less prominent sects. Each trying to expand their own spheres of influence while keeping on the good side of the continent's rulers with gifts and tributes.

However, this did not mean that the status quo could not be changed. A powerful sect could groom enough talented disciples in secret or perhaps run into an ancient godly cultivation manual that would allow them to challenge and even overthrow the ruling sect. However, such a thing has not happened in millennia.

Kai wondered how these knew all this information however It seemed this was general knowledge in this world. Even peasants who knew nothing about the world of cultivation still knew who their continent's rulers were at the very least.

Large power shifts would not happen often in the cultivation world, so the mortal world knew about the existing powers in the form of stories and legends passed down through generations.

The questions had made the time go by quickly and before he knew it, they had arrived at the periphery of the village.

The first thing Kai saw were endless fields of barren-looking land with one dirt road leading towards a small village surrounded by wooden walls. They looked sturdy but seemed quite old as well.

The group walked towards the village as the wooden gates slowly opened and a little girl ran towards them.

"Sister Mina, you're back!. Did you find anything interesting?"

The little girl grabbed Mina's sleeves as if looking for something, but Mina just patted her head away.

"Nana, be a good girl and go tell Jurgen we have brought a guest back with us. Do that and I'll give you this sweet peach I found", she pulled a small fruit from her sleeves and waved it in front of the girl's face.

"Ok!"The girl salivated while looking at the peach and quickly ran back to the village.

"Is this the Iron first Jurgen you spoke about?" Kai asked.

This time it was Ryu who answered. "Yes!, the village chief will always inspect any new arrivals personally. Just don't do anything and answer all his questions honestly and you'll be fine".

Kai was curious about this person; Jurgen. Apparently, his family's Body cultivation had allowed him to reach [Mortal Grade 3]. If the system could somehow absorb it, wouldn't Kai gain a powerful Body Cultivation manual?.

Kai had somewhat given up on the system's F-Rank manuals since the interesting objects would always come with a cost of [5 Qi] to create. Even after using his precious Qi, the F-Rank manuals were still not worth replacing what he currently had.

Kai decided to only try again when he could guarantee an E-Rank manual or better. For now, Kai would rather use the Qi to improve his Internal cultivation level using [Dragon Subduing Law] since those stages were at least permanent boosts to his power, Qi pool, and survivability.

Kai just needed to find an object with [100 Qi] or more to guaranteed an E-Rank manual. However, this proved easier said than done.

Most natural objects Kai observed like stones, leaves, and sticks had Qi values between 1 and 10. Only some of the man-made objects and Hare carcasses he found had higher Qi than this.

As for trees, mountains, and rivers, Kai could not detect them using his skill nor could he create manuals using them. He could only create manuals using small pieces from those large bodies. However, this made Kai think of something quite exciting. "If one small twig already contains [5 Qi], how much Qi would an entire 200m tall tree contain?!, or an entire mountain!".

Kai's cultivation level was still too low. He could only inspect objects that he could turn into manuals, meaning those massive entities were still far away from his level. But if his Qi was higher?....

Kai's train of thought was interrupted by the sound of the wooden gate opening again. This time a middle-aged man walked out of the wooden gates, followed by the young girl from before. The man had a short grey beard and no hair on his head. He was dressed in plain-looking robes similar in style to the ones worn by Ryu and Mina.

He had removed the left sleeve, exposing half of his chest and his entire left arm which was covered in intricate tattoos. The man reminded Kai of a typical Yakuza boss.

His left arm was powerfully packed with muscles that were brimming with explosive power.

"You two! not only do you ignore my orders, but you also bring a stranger to the village?!"

Before they could respond to him, the man leaped in Kai's direction and extended his arm towards Kai's chest. Kai had been battling the Hares non-stop for the last week and those were much faster than this, so his body instinctively moved back to dodge the arm

Jurgen was surprised when he saw this.

He withdrew his arm and changed his entire demeanor to a more cautious one.." Who are you? why have you come here?" he asked as he inspected the ordinary-looking boy before him.

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