Sect Leader's Rise to the top!

Chapter 3 - 10,000 Year Immortal Summit Law

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Kai thought about opening the cultivation manual

==[Cultivation manual]==

[Internal Cultivation Manuals]


[Body Cultivation Manuals]


[Martial Arts Manuals]


[Create Manual]

"Create Manual?, does this mean I'll be able to create my own cultivation manuals. Haha, it seems everything I've faced up to this point has been worth it. This dreadful life in both words is finally taking a turn for the better". Kai was ecstatic. He quickly willed it to open and read the new screen.

[Create manual]

=[Please input the base material]=

"base material?, system what is this base material required"

==[Create Manual]==

[Allows the User to randomly generate a cultivation manual based on input materials]

[base materials can be any non-living material]

"Non-living, so could I add dead bodies in there?, they're technically non-living"...


The system again did not respond to him. "Seems like it'll only answer questions based on it's menu options, I wonder if this system is alive or just a machine..."

"Anyway, the system said any non-living entity, let's try this rock". Kai picked up a random rock close to where he was lying down. His body was starting to feel stiff from being on the hard ground for this long, but he just had to endure it. Kai knew that he wasn't safe, and seeing as he didn't know who or what dragged him into that death pit... He needed power, and quickly.

[System]: [would the host like to use item [Grade 1 rock] as the base material?, this will require [0 Qi] to perform]

"Yes!", he thought. The rock in his hand began to slowly glow and then broken down into small particles of light. These particles drifted in a strange pattern then began rearranging themselves in his hand. Once completed, he had in his hand a single brown parchment paper covered with mysterious writing.

[System]: "Congratulations, host has created his first F-Rank Body Cultivation Manual. Please give it a name"

When the message appeared, Kai looked at the parchment with glee and quickly asked the system "How do I learn this?"


"Oh come on, why do you randomly ignore me like this, I just need to know how I can learn this"...As his thoughts went to wanting to learn the information, the parchment glowed then dispersed into lights again.

The lights entered his mind and he immediately knew everything there was to know about the Cultivation Manual.

"Wow, so I just needed to think about it huh...but this Body manual is a little...strange".

Kai brought up his menu again so he could see the details to make sure that he didn't misunderstand it.

==[Body Cultivation Manuals]==

>Unnamed [ F-Rank Body Cultivation Manual based on Grade 1 Rock]

[Practitioners of this manual can be as sturdy as a mountain within ten thousand years]

[Limit]: Mortal Grade-2

[Action]: Lift rocks of varying weights daily during set intervals to increase strength.

"Just as I feared, this is just a normal weight lifting workout routine!!". Kai felt cheated. After the details of the manual were beamed into his mind, he thought he had misunderstood something,but it turned out to be true. This was just a normal workout routine. Granted it was very detailed and would result in a stronger body, but it was not going to grant him any special skills like skin as hard as stone.

Kai sighed. "System, what materials do I need to put in to get a good cultivation manual?"

[System]: "Input materials have a Grade depending on the amount of Qi the object possesses. More powerful items will result in the chance to produce powerful Manuals" The system explained.

"So you actually answered me this time, let's keep it going like this please, you're more likable when you give answers".


"Ok I'll how do I find items with high levels of Qi?"

[System]; "Host will need to unlock the [Qi Detection] function. Using the function will allow the host to identify the Grades of objects, as well as any Qi contained within the object relative to the host's cultivation level. For reference, the rock used to create the host's manual was [Grade-1] containing [5 Qi]"

"Ahh, so 5 Qi isn't much then. Can you tell me how much Qi I would need to get the best manuals?"

[System]:....Approval received, releasing data...

"Approval? is someone watching me?" Kai started freaking out. He hadn't actually thought too much about this system, but now that he thought about it more, this whole thing was too strange. There was probably a mastermind out there somewhere watching him. But he really couldn't do anything about it so he decided to just let them watch for now.

[System]: Grades, as well as the manual chances are as follows...

[Grade 1]: Contains between 1 and 100 Qi. 99% for [F-Rank] and 1% chance of [E-Rank]

[Grade 2]: Contain between 101 and 1000 Qi. 99% for [E-Rank] and 1% chance of [D-Rank]

[Grade 3]: Contain between 1001 and 10,000 Qi. 99% for [D-Rank] and 1% chance of [C-Rank]

[Grade 4]: Contain between 10,001 and 100,000 Qi. 99% for[C-Rank] and 1% chance of [B-Rank]

[Grade 5]: Contain between 100,001 and 1 Million Qi. 99% for [B-Rank] and 1% chance of [A-Rank]

Beyond [Grade-5] is currently not within your scope of understanding. Host is urged to get stronger.

"So the more Qi an item has the higher the chances of getting a more powerful manual. The drop rates of higher Ranks are dismally low. I'd have to find items at the peak or beyond these Qi thresholds if I want to Guarantee a decent manual". Kai was already thinking three to four steps ahead of himself before he remembered that he was still in a dirt patch hiding for his life.

"Ok let's calm down Kai, one step at a time...System, you mentioned that you had a Qi identification function before, how do I get it?"

[System]: "Host will need to create an internal cultiva...."

"....Hello?... System?...Why did you stop?... don't go silent on me again!".

[System]: "Host's tutorial period has ended, sleep mode initiated. Good luck to the host".

"Wait, what are you talking about. I thought we were just getting along. You can't just go to sleep!. At least finish your sentence!"


Kai sighed while shaking his head "this system is too weird, but at least I got some information while it was being cooperative. It seems I need to create an Internal cultivation manual. I hope any rank will do"

"Well, let's go back to this unnamed, rock-based body manual. The flavor text is so awesome for such a lame manual...lets name just name it something cool to match the system's flavor text. How about... 10,000 year immortal summit Law!". Kai was pleased with himself and his awesome naming sense.

=Record entered=

[Body Cultivation Manual]

>[10,000 Year immortal Summit Law] [F-Rank based on Grade-1 Rock]

[Practitioners of this manual can be as sturdy as a mountain within ten thousand years]

[Limit]: Mortal Grade-2

[Action]:Lift rocks of varying weights daily during set intervals to increase strength.

"Such a cool name for this lame manual. But there is a 1% chance to get an E-Rank manual, so I just need to keep trying". Kai immediately picked up a twig next to him and tried thinking about turning it into a manual as well, however all he got was a notice.

=[System Notice]=

[Create Manual]: Cool-down; remaining :1 hours 24 minutes, 16 seconds.

He had been fooling around with the system for about half an hour so he would have to wait two hours in between creating manuals.

I'll be able to create 12 manuals a day if I don't sleep. At least one of those should become an Internal cultivation manual...I hope".

Time slowly ticked away as Kai regained some strength. He had found a berry bush in the bushes he was hiding in and ate them to regain some strength. He could now move around without a problem but he still needed some meat on his bones. "I desperately need a hearty meal, preferably one with lots of meat."

An hour quickly passed and Kai could finally create another manual. He used the twig he had picked up earlier as he hoped and prayed that it would become an internal manual.

==[Create manual]==

>[base material [Grade-1 twig] selected. This will cost [0 Qi] Would you like to proceed?]=

This time it wasn't the system's voice, but a cold and lifeless text box that appeared. He thought "Yes" and the twig immediately turned into motes of light.

It rearranged itself and turned into a single brown parchment similar to the first one.

=Congratulations to host for creating his first [Martial Arts Cultivation Manual]=

Kai quickly thought about learning the new manual in his hands and it beamed straight into his mind.

=[New Record Entered]=

[Martial Arts Manual]

>[Unnamed Martial Arts Manual] [F-Rank based on Grade 1 Twig]

[Practitioners of this manual can perhaps glimpse at the roots of the World Tree within a million years]

[Technique]: Passive Footwork, Slightly increase balance when standing still

"Not an internal manual but this is the first skill I've learned. Seems all I need to do is stand still and it'll improve my balance...could come be handy on ships maybe?"

While Kai was trying to make himself feel better, he heard a sudden commotion coming from the death pit and all his heart immediately froze

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