Sect Leader's Rise to the top!

Chapter 30 - New Manuals! (2)

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Kai looked around a 3Km radius and couldn't find a single [Slime-Vine] in the area, however, he did run into a lot more Hunters. Kai avoided them and they too avoided him. Most people in this world had enough sense to not willingly mess with a mysterious stranger out in the wilds, so whenever he encountered a group, at most they would nod to him before moving along.

"All I could find were some mutilated [Slime-Vine] husks. These guys have sure cleaned this place out".

The cool-down time passed quickly without Kai being able to find any [Slime-Vine], so he decided to go back to the hidden [Fungus-Ape] carcass. On his way back, Kai expertly avoided the large groups of [Fungus-Ape] that seemed to be growing in number and roaming around aimlessly.

Luckily for Kai, he could hear them coming from a mile away using his Qi enhanced hearing so he could hide within the tall reeds. They would only go out of their way to attack targets within their sights, so Kai wasn't too worried about them anymore.

Kai went back to the shrubs where he hid the body and found that it was still there. He immediately initiated the manual creation process. As usual, the body turned into lights, however, this time something different slightly different happened.

One of the lights flashed with a golden light. The other lights seemed to be affected by this slight change and also emitted the same glow, quickly causing a chain reaction. After a brief moment, all of the lights were pulsating with gold light, giving the surroundings a golden hue.

Finally, the lights all came together and began to take form. They twisted and combined into the shape of an ancient-looking scroll.

The scroll floated in the air for a while before it landed gently in Kai's hands. Kai could only look at the scroll in astonishment. Just as he was wondering what was going on, a system notification appeared before his eyes.

=[Congratulations to host for creating your first D-Rank Manual]=

"Oh, so that's what that was...wait...D-Rank?!"

Kai looked down at the scroll with shaky hands.

This was the first time he had received a manual in the form of a scroll. Kai remembered that F-Rank manuals were just single pieces of paper and E-Rank manuals were small booklet with 3-4 pages. Did this mean D-Rank manuals would come out as scrolls?.

Kai was excited. He quickly unrolled the scroll and saw intricate words along with the image of a martial artist meditating at the center. The images in the scroll almost seemed to be moving which intrigued Kai.

He couldn't read it, so he just willed the information into his mind. It broke up into regular non-golden lights this time which shot into his mind.

==[New Entry Recorded]==

=[Body Cultivation Manual]=

[Shi Kong, First of the Nature-Beast amalgamations was the first to leave the Primordial Chaos. His brethren stayed within the Chaos and grew more powerful than Shi Kong. To keep his title as the first and most powerful, Shi Kong hunted his own brethren and absorbed their sources of power, their Primordial Essence. Thus Shi Kong the Devourer was born ]> Unnamed Body Cultivation Manual [D-Rank] based on [Grade-2] [Fungus-Ape]

[Limit]: Mortal Grade-6

[Action]: Consume the Life Essence of defeated foes to increase your Body cultivation]

[Life Essence is stored within the heart or gallbladder][Passive]: The body automatically produces parasites that boost metabolism, detoxification, and physical recovery by 100%]

[Body Cultivation Progress: [Mortal Grade-2]

[Life Essences required for next promotion]: 0/200 [Grade-1 Essences].

==[System Warning: Host's Body Cultivation slots are full. Would you like to replace; [10,000 Year Immortal Summit Law]?==

Kai read the information over and over again but still couldn't believe it.

"Has my luck really improved this much?. I got a Body Cultivation manual on my second try, and a D-Rank one at that!"

Kai was over the moon. With a body cultivation manual, he could continue to improve his physical prowess and not be so heavily reliant on Qi.

Kai also noticed that the limit had jumped from [Mortal Grade-2] all the way to [Mortal Grade-6]. As far as Kai knew, the strongest body cultivators in Huang City were at most [Mortal Grade-4]. These were either leaders or vice-leaders of Hunter teams. The only people more powerful than them in Huang City would be Internal Cultivators.

Considering the difference between [Mortal Grade-3] and [Mortal Grade-4], Kai knew that [Mortal Grade-6] had to be substantially more powerful.

"Replace [10,000-year Immortal Summit Law] " Kai said decisively within his mind. It was no longer useful to him so he decided to get rid of it.

"Also let's name this new Body Cultivation Manual... How about [Primordial Dragon Physique]!". Kai only kept the Primordial part from the flavor text and inserted 'Dragon' to keep up with his 'Dragon' naming series.

There were a few things that Kai was worried about with this new Body Cultivation Manual, namely the supposed parasites that his body would start creating. This as well as having to eat hearts and gallbladders to cultivate build his body.

Would the system allow him to at least cook them? Also, it mentioned foes and not beasts, so did that mean beast hearts and gallbladders would not have an effect?..."

Kai stopped his train of thought right there. Shi Kong from the flavor text cannibalized his own brethren for power. Power was important to Kai, but he didn't know if he was willing to lose his humanity to achieve it, but he would see this problem when he got to it.

As Kai was thinking, he got another notification.

==[10,000-year immortal summit law] has been replaced with [Primordial Dragon Physique]==

Kai immediately felt the drastic physical changes. His body stayed at [Mortal Grade-2] but a new sudden bout of vitality fell over him. Kai felt his damaged muscles repairing themselves at a visible rate even without the help of Qi.

"At this rate, I'll probably be fully healed with just a full night's rest. This must be the passive skill that improves my metabolism, detoxification, and physical recovery by 100%".

Kai's natural recovery speed had essentially doubled in one fell swoop. He would also be harder to poison which was great considering the problems he had with poisons before. The downside was he would now feel hungry a lot more often. In fact, Kai was already starting to feel hunger creep in since he only had breakfast.

He stuck his hand into his backpack and struggled to move the stuff around.

"This backpack is a little inconvenient. I wonder if this place has spacial rings or something similar..." Kai murmured to himself as he fiddled with the contents of his backpack.

He finally pulled out the sack he used to store the [Slime-Vine] gallbladders. Kai pulled one out and looked at it with half curiosity and the other half as utter disgust.

"It's so slimy...System do I really have to eat this?"


"Right, thanks for the answer..."

Kai eyed the gallbladder hesitantly. It was worth 20 copper , but at this point, Kai was more interested in testing his new Body Manual rather than the money.

Kai decided to try one raw gallbladder for science. He plugged his nose and shoved it into his mouth. The smell was retched so he wanted to avoid smelling it at least. However, to Kai's surprise, it didn't taste too bad.

Kai checked his Life Essence counter and saw that it had increased by one. He nodded his head with relief after confirming that it worked with beast gallbladders. He put away the bag filled with the rest of the gallbladders. He had looked high and low for [Slime-Vine] and couldn't find any more in this area, so he decided to just leave with what he had.

As Kai moved towards the outskirts of the swamp, he glanced at his status. A smile appeared across his face as he felt that he was finally making good progress on all fronts, worth of a future Sect Leader.


[Name]: Kai (No Last name)

[Age]: 14 [Life expectancy = 38 years]

[Internal Cultivation Level]: Fourth Level of Qi Condensation

[Body Grade]: Mortal Grade 2

[Health]: 40 /40

[Qi]: 39 /500

[Qi Gather Rate]: [1 Qi /day]

[Status]: Healthy


[External Strength]: 6+(0)

[External Defense]: 13+(8)

[Internal Strength]: 8+(0)

[Internal Defense]: 4+(0)


[Headpiece]: Wanderer's Head-band (Grade1: External Defense 1)

[Necklace]: Wanderer's Cloak (Grade1: External Defense 2)

[Body]: Wanderer's Robes (Grade1: External Defense:3)

[Feet]: Wanderer's boots (Grade 1: External Defense : 2)

[Ring]: None

==[Cultivation Manuals]==

=[Internal Cultivation Manuals]=

>[Dragon Subduing Law] [F-Rank based on [Grade-1] Fishing Rod]

[Limit]: Twelfth level Of Qi Condensation

[Qi Gather Rate]:1/ day

[Ability] You can absorb Qi from a beast you have caught yourself. Limited to 5 Qi per beast. Limits are increased based on cultivation level.

[Current level]: Level 3

[Qi Breakthrough Requirement]: 500 Qi

==[Body Cultivation Manuals]==

>[Primordial Dragon Physique] [D-Rank] based on [Grade-2] [Fungus-Ape]

[Limit]: Mortal Grade-6

[Action]: Consume the Life Essence of defeated foes to increase your Body cultivation]

[Life Essence is stored within the heart or gallbladder]

[Passive]: Body automatically produces parasites that boost metabolism, detoxification and physical recovery by 100%]

[Body Cultivation Progress: [Mortal Grade-2]

[Life Essences required for next promotion]: 1/200 [Grade-1 Essences].

==[Martial Arts Cultivation Manuals]==

>[Twig] [F-Rank] based on [Grade-1] Twig]

[Technique]: Passive Footwork. slightly increase balance when standing still]

>[Hare Leaps over Moon] [F-Rank] based on [Grade-1] Vicious Hare]

[Technique]: Active Footwork, Can perform a short leap at unprecedented speed in any direction

[Cost]: 1 Qi

[Cool down]: 1 minute

>[Corrosive Dragon Stance] [ E-Rank] based on [Grade-3][Roaming Spider Venom]

[Ability 1, Active]: Adds a corrosive attribute to physical attacks

[Cost]: 2 Qi per attack

[Ability 2, Active]: Infects any attacker with corrosive poison

[Cost]: 1 Qi, lasts 30 seconds

>[Primordial Dragon Stance] [E-Rank] based on [Grade-2] Fungus-Ape]

[Ability 1, Passive]: Steadily Increase physical defense when you are attacked.

[Cost]: 1 Qi per attack hit received

[Duration]: 10 seconds per stack, stacks up to 10 times.

[Active 2, Active]: Gain 'poise' , making you immovable for 1 second]

[Cost]: 2 Qi

[Cool-down]: 3 minutes

==[System Functions]==

>[Create Manual]

[Create a manual random manual from selected base material]

>[Qi Detection]

[Detect the value of Qi within an object. Detection limit is based on host's cultivation level]

>[Sub-Core Manual]

[Grants host ability to transfer manuals to Sub-Cores]

[Grants host ability to enhance or destroy Sub-Cores at the cost of Qi]

[Sub-Cores cannot be enhanced past the level of the Main-Core]

[Current Sub-Core Limit]: 1/5

>[Manual Customization]

[Manuals can be combined with a chance to create Manuals of a higher Rank depending on the Qi spent]

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