Sect Leader's Rise to the top!

Chapter 86 - Hostile Takeover (2)

"Old Lee, has your new backer also abandoned you?. Why are you still struggling?. Accept my demands, and maybe I'll spare your family!". The man who had just spoken was Chen Dou. He, along with his entourage of guards from the order of the rose was harassing the Lee family.

Craftsmaster Lee stood in front of his family's new home. A large apartment complex that the family purchased. It was large enough to accommodate the entire Lee family. It was also close to the clothing store that would soon become their family's only lifeline.

"Chen Dou, you are shameless!", said Craftsmaster Lee in anger. He seemed weak and his previous middle-aged face had changed to that of an old man who seemed to have one foot in the grave. His illness had caused nullified whatever trick he had used to hide his age.

"We have abandoned our other businesses and even our Lee family's historic estates. Yet you still want to squeeze us for what little we have left?!". Craftsmaster Lee said as his wrinkled fists shook in anger.

"Haha, you're mistaken old Lee. I told you that those properties are being vied for by the other large families. I can't compete with them, not without my family's backing. But I can at least take this little store and apartment building from you. Now, bring out your champion... or will you be fighting us yourself? hahaha!".

Craftsmaster Lee clenched his fists in anger, but he knew that there wasn't anything he could do. If Kai refused to show up, then his family would truly become hopeless. He was confident in his ability, despite his illness, but he would not be able to face all the forces that Chen Duo had been able to put together.

Craftsmaster Lee looked over to the mysterious internal cultivator who was completely covered from head to toe. This person gave off an imposing feeling that made even a veteran internal cultivator like Craftsmaster Lee feel worried.

"At this rate, my Lee family will be forced to leave Huang City and brave the wilderness for themselves... This would signify the end of the Lee family of Huang City. Only the more powerful families like the Qin family would base themselves outside of the City walls where the Twin-Lion's sect's rules did not apply. There, they can fight whoever and whenever they wanted".

Craftsmaster Lee thought this as the fatigue from the last few months washed over his body. He had been holding on with sheer willpower alone.

Mei Lee stood at the entrance of the apartment building behind their few remaining family guards. These men were those who remained loyal to the very end. Their numbers were a measly 20, with the strongest of them being a [Mortal Grade-3] body cultivator. The fact that their family didn't even have a [Mortal Grade-4] body cultivator showed just how far the Lee family had fallen.

"Don't worry miss, we will defend the Lee family to our last breath!", said one of the guards which made Mei Lee choke up. These few were truly loyal to her family.

"Time is almost up Lee family. As mandated by the Twin Lion's sect, if you do not name your champions before the time limit, then you will forfeit your property and business rights", said the Twin Lions sect's liaison in a disinterested tone.

Mei Lee was enraged by this and almost jumped forward but then she noticed a group of shadows approaching them from a nearby alley. The shadows were moving towards them at an extremely fast speed and hardly made any sound.

Within the blink of an eye, a person arrived and stood in front of Craftsmaster Lee. He was quickly followed by three masked figures wearing the same black armored robes. They each stood behind the main figure and remained silent.

"Craftsmaster Lee, you'll have to forgive my late arrival... Now then, who has issued me the challenge?", Kai said in a friendly tone.

Both groups fell silent after Kai's arrival. To the surrounding people, the new arrivals wearing mysterious clothes embroidered with golden dragons caught their attention and had them speechless.

"Mr. Kai! I am glad that you were able to come!", Craftsmaster Lee said while giving Kai a deep bow. He was getting choked up but held back the tears. As he got back up, he gave the three figures behind Kai a curious glance.

"I see you have also brought some help. You all have my thanks!", said Craftsmaster Lee again while bowing to the three figures who still hadn't made a move. Kai patted Craftsmaster lee on the shoulder encouragingly, then walked towards Chen Dou and his allies.

"...I see, so the rude man from the auction had finally decided to show himself...Hou Zhou!". Chen Dou yelled while hurriedly taking a bunch of steps backward.

Hou Zhou, the leader of the order of the rose stepped forward. He had been quite nonchalant about the whole situation, looking as if he had more important things, however, his demeanor changed when Kai arrived.

He knew that none of these people were ordinary and that he couldn't take them lightly. His network of intelligence had already made him aware of a new hunter group that was demonstrating incredible feats over the last few weeks.

What made the information unbelievable was that it was a team of three individuals causing such a stir. How powerful would these three individuals have to be to hunt at such high efficiency?. This along with his weariness of Kai made Hou Zhou instantly because serious.

"Hou Zhou, representing lord Chen Dou. Greetings Mr. Kai...", he introduced himself with cupped hands.

"Kai...temporary backer of the Lee family", Kai said as he copied the man's greeting while slowly stepping forward. His introduction was strange, but true nevertheless.

"As per the edict set by the Twin-Lions sect, the challenged can now decide how many champions will participate in the upcoming battles. Name your champions...". This time, it was the Twin Lions Sect's liaison that spoke. The ordinary-looking man had finally started to show some interest in the events that were unfolding.

"Well in that case...", Kai said when he was suddenly interrupted.

"Please allow me to participate!"

The shout came from the back of the Lee family guards. Kai looked over with interest and saw a young man running up to him.

The young man was dressed in the Lee family attire and was the current strongest guard they had. He arrived before Kai and his companions then gave them a deep bow before he continued to speak. "I wish to help protect the Lee family, please allow me to participate!".

Kai inspected the boy and found that he was a [Mortal-Grade 3] body cultivator which was pretty bad. However, Kai wasn't too bothered by him and he really didn't mind having one extra person there. Craftsmaster Lee slowly nodded his head so Kai could only shrug.

"I can't guarantee your safety, so if you want to join this fight, you will have to take care of yourself. Do you agree?".

"I do!", said the young man confidently.

Kai turned back to the liaison and announced. "The six of us will participate!". He counted himself, as well as his three disciples and then Craftsmaster Lee and the Lee family teenager.

"...I see", Hou Zhou said as five people walked from behind him. The first was the mysterious cloaked figure that Kai had already identified as an internal cultivator. Kai had been keeping an eye on this person as soon as he had arrived.

Next to stand behind Hou Zhou was Xu Wei, vice leader for the order of the rose. She was a [Mortal Grade-4] body cultivator and a powerful one at that. The remaining three were [Mortal Grade-3] body cultivators from the order of the rose who gave off the aura of being battle-hardened veterans.

The stage was now set and the battle was about to begin.

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