Chapter 53



Riv opened her eyes and looked around.


For a moment, she was confused about where she was.


Then a smile of relief spread across Riv’s face when she saw Lionel.


“Oh, Lionel. Did I fall asleep?”


“Yes. We’re here.”


“We’re home?”


“Our home. That sounds sweet.”


Riv, who was not yet fully awake, smiled bashfully. Lionel’s heart pounded at the slightly bashful look. Riv pulled open the curtains covering the carriage window and looked at the Duke’s property.


“We’re really here. I think I made it this far because I was with Lionel.”






“Are you hiding anything from me?”


Riv’s expression hardened slightly. She was unable to lie.


“No. If I do, I will tell you.”


After seeing her serious expression, he took her lips quietly.


There was a sweet taste on her lips. He felt the urge to taste more of her flesh. As he grabbed her waist, their bodies drew closer. Riv whispered as she pushed him away.


“Not here.”




“Let’s go inside. To our room.”




Lionel licked Riv’s lips.


Riv felt his tongue and whispered.


“I will do my best as your wife.”


“You don’t have to do your best.”


As Lionel stroked Riv’s hair, he agonized over what his feelings for this woman might be.


Possessiveness? Craving? Thirst? It was difficult to describe this feeling with words.


The carriage stopped in front of the Duke’s mansion.


Lionel took Riv’s hand and got off the carriage.


He exchanged gazes with the butler, Karl, who had been waiting for him, and sent Riv up first.


“Go up first and rest, Riv.”




Lionel moved to the drawing room and sat alone with Karl.


In his hands were reports from the Duke’s agents.


“Do you have anything to report?”


“Yes. A message has come from the Bishops’ Church.”


“What is it?”


“At the time of the Duke’s wedding, Philip Katana returned to the royal capital, and it appears that he was also present at the Duke’s wedding.”


“Was it intentional? Or was it a coincidence?”


“I think we need to look into that a little more.”


Lionel was deep in thought. Philip Katana was the brother of Riv but they were not related by blood. He was skeptical to hear about him at this point.


“He must have been bribed.”


“Yes. It was reported that he also spread information about the Duke’s secret wedding.


Lionel had many enemies.


In particular, someone from the Royal Family or a bishop who had a connection with the Royal Family might have bribed Philip.


“What are his credentials?”


“It is believed that he has been practicing for more than ten years, but no one knows the exact details. We’ll continue to keep an eye on him. What about Madame?”


Lionel thought about Riv.


“She’s had no problems yet. Any other reports?”


Karl unfolded another report.




A few days later, Riv accompanied Sophia to a salon.


Sophia had a reading event with several ladies.


It was a nominal gathering, but it was also a meeting where people chatted rather than read, ate delicious food, and exchanged rumors. They met at 3 in the afternoon on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


Today’s meeting location was Madame Pereno’s mansion.


The ladies of the reading group and their chaperones gathered together in Madame Pereno’s drawing room to talk about current affairs and unravel the biggest rumors in the royal capital.


“Now the topic of discussion is the Duchess of Sentoren.”


“Those who bet on how long the Duke’s marriage would last have suffered huge losses.”


“Did Madame Katana really turn into a beauty?”


“They say that the Duke and Duchess get along so well.”


Most of the rumors involved Madame Katana and the Royal family.


Madame Dolores, who came as her granddaughter’s chaperone, pricked her ears.


She squeezed between the women and interrupted the conversation.


“Has anyone here ever met Madame Katana?”


At Dolores’ question, the women looked at each other.


“N-No I haven’t.”


“I saw Madame Katana from afar, but I didn’t see her face properly.”


“I only saw her big figure from afar.”


Few came close to Madame Katana as they heard rumors that she brought misfortune.


“Then I must be the only one who’s seen Madame Katana up close.”


Madame Dolores naturally boasted.


She was her granddaughter’s chaperone, but she always talked about how she was once part of Queen Selina’s entourage.


Dolores opened her mouth as she recalled Madame Katana.


“It was a few years ago, but the Madame Katana I saw was hideous-looking. It was absurd to have such a human being serve the Royal Family.”


Dolores was shocked to hear that the ugly Madame Katana had turned into a beautiful woman.


“No matter how thin she becomes or how beautiful a dress she wears, she won’t be a beauty. No way.”


The women were interested in Dolores’ story.


“Madam Dolores, what did Madame Katana look like?”


“Was she as ugly as the rumors?”


“It was so distracting. How could she have reduced her size? What about that gloomy face?”


“How is her personality?”


“It’s dismal!”


Dolores’ voice resounded all around her.


Dolores’ story continued, but it was the same thing over and over again.


The ladies soon lost interest.


Around that time, Countess Murden’s carriage arrived.


“Countess Murden said she was bringing her new friend.”






They belatedly remembered that Sophia’s husband, the Earl of Murden, was best friends with the Duke of Sentoren.


Some of the members of this group had tried to use Sophia to approach the Duke of Sentoren.


Since the Duke of Sentoren had married, their plans were in vain.


“But did you hear? They said that the Earl of Murden was the only witness on the groom’s side who attended the Duke of Sentoren’s wedding.”


“There is also a rumor that the Duke and Duchess went to visit the Earl of Murden.”


“Could Sophia’s new friend be Madame Katana?”


“No way….”


Those who looked down upon the Countess of Murden were silent.


Sophia was from the Vincent family. They were nobles from the royal capital, but there were many who looked down on her.


There were many ladies who thought Sophia was rustic and uncultured just because she was casual and informal.


“What if Countess Murden and Madame Katana are friends?”


“I think it’s a perfect fit.”


Some made sarcastic comments. Just then, Countess Murden appeared.


“You are here!”


Everyone looked back at Sophia’s cheerful voice.


Behind Sophia was a tall woman. She was tall enough to overwhelm everyone. The woman was slender and elegant, but she had a cold impression.


Unlike Sophia, who looked happy and cheerful, the atmosphere around her made her appear unapproachable.


“I brought my friend today.”




Sophia was excited and introduced Riv.


“My name is Olivia, daughter of Count Katana and now Duchess of Sentoren.”


The woman called the Duchess of Sentoren greeted everyone with perfect court manners.


Her understated behavior seemed perfect, and she seemed to be full of grace.


The woman’s fair face, dark hair, and red lips were full of charm. She was not flashy, but her slender and voluptuous body caught their attention.


But the ladies chewed on Sophia’s words.


“Madame Katana?”


“The Duchess of Sentoren?”


Those who recalled Madame Katana’s notoriety were skeptical, and Madame Dolores also glared at Riv.


Those who were dubious about the identity of the new face encouraged Madame Dolores.


“Madame, can you confirm that this lady is Madame Katana?”


The ladies from the reading group had never met nor talked to Madame Katana, and even though they entered the Royal Palace, they did not know Madame Katana’s face.


Riv pretended to be calm and smiled as she saw those who couldn’t take their eyes off her.


The thoughts in the heads of those ladies were obvious.


Sophia turned to Riv.


“Madame Dolores told me she has met Madame Katana before. She has been telling us that she was a close associate of Queen Selina.”


Madame Dolores flinched when she became the center of attention.


Riv looked at the bitter and gloomy old woman, and remembered her only after a long while.


A few years ago, there was an old lady who followed Queen Selina, clinging to her and trying to flatter her. She hated her so much that even the queen’s maids were appalled by her.


She had heard that the Queen had subsequently confiscated Madame Dolores’s royal palace pass and refused her request for an audience.


“If it’s Madame Dolores, she’s the one who came to see Queen Selina frequently until three years ago.”


Dolores flinched at Riv’s voice.


Riv stared at Dolores with a clear gaze.


“Is your youngest son doing well?”




Dolores panicked and looked around.


Riv laughed.


“You begged me to meet the Queen because of a problem with your youngest son.”




Dolores stared intently at Riv’s face.


“D-Definitely Madame Ka-Katana and y-you look alike.”


As Riv whispered a few more words into the old lady’s ear, she paled and sat down quietly.


Dolores pointed at Riv.


“M-Madame Katana! Why, why is Madame Katana here!”


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