Chapter 56




Claudel was dissatisfied with Riv’s dresses.


Her accumulated complaints burst out all at once.


“Since they are not what the Madame chose herself, the sizes do not fit and new ones need to be made. If she wants to go to a ball with as little effort as possible, it will be difficult to decide what to wear with what she has now.”


“Do you mean the dresses are terrible?”


“It’s not like that, but most of the dresses do not suit her at all.”


“How so?”


“Either the color doesn’t complement her, it’s too loose, too short, or they need a lot of repairs.”


“What about repairing them?”


“The designers said they will meet with the Madame and decide. But, the tailors…”


“Is there another problem?”


“They are the main business partners of the Royal Family. The Queen, princes, and the princess use them.”


Lionel snorted.


It looked like the Royal Family and the designers were trying to play a little prank on Riv.


“So bothersome. How annoying.”


“It is impossible not to meet with the Royal Family. The master tends to overprotect the Madame.”


Lionel raised his head.


“Am I overprotective of Riv?”


“The Madame is an adult. It doesn’t matter if she meets a designer or a member of the Royal Family. It’s hard to find a tailor that doesn’t do business with the Royal Family.”


Lionel thought for a moment. Claudel added.


“She said that she is good with her hands and has a knack for repairing dresses, but these ball dresses would be difficult to fix.”




“The fabric is too delicate and the decorations are numerous. In my opinion, the dresses look terrible on the Madame.”


“Are you saying that the designers sent such dresses on purpose?”


“Well, I’m not sure.”


Lionel recalled the handkerchief that Riv had embroidered his initials on.


She was definitely good with her hands. Riv had always personally tailored her dresses. If Riv was unable to fix a dress, then it would fit her terribly.


“Duke, is the Royal Family still aiming for you?”


“Maybe. The Queen and the Princess’ resentment against Riv is deep.”


“What did the Duchess do wrong?”


Lionel chuckled.


“I don’t know either.”


Claudel was lost in thought.


“It can be dangerous to bring in designers or to visit them in person.”


She quickly made a suggestion.


“There’s a woman named Madame Ezerca. She does not deal with the Royal Family.”


“What about Ezerca?”


“She’s a designer who was also close to the late Duchess. Why don’t you take your wife to her salon?”


“Me myself?”


“The Duke has a good eye for choosing clothes. With the Duke there, even Madame Ezerca won’t be able to play a prank easily.”


Lionel pondered for a moment, then opened his mouth.


“Then make an appointment for tomorrow morning.”


Claudel nodded her head.


“I understand.”




The next day, Lionel informed Riv of their outing.


“Whatever you were going to do today, do it later.”


The maids sympathized.


Having picked out Riv’s outfit in advance, the girls busily decorated Riv, giggling freely.


“Madame, you will be going on a date.”


“A date?”


“It’s your first date after getting married.”


Riv wore a slender silver dress chosen by her maids and her long black hair was gathered behind her back and adorned with a hairpin.


She wore light makeup and a matching hat, gloves, shawl and a lace parasol.


“Is this enough?”


It took a lot of work for ladies to go out.


Riv was amazed at how they had transformed her into a completely different person.


“Oh my, you are beautiful, Madame.”


“I think the Master will fall for you again once he sees you.”


After hearing the maids’ praise, Riv left the Duchess’ room.


Lionel whistled as he watched her emerge from her room. Lionel, dressed as well as Riv, gently tousled his short blonde hair and brushed it back.


“Shall we go, Duchess?”


Riv took his hand, and they went downstairs together.


“Lionel, where are we going?”


“We’re going to prepare for the ball.”


“I already have a lot of clothes. I haven’t even tried on all the clothes I have.”


“Can the Duchess of Sentoren just wear anything?”


Lionel led Riv with an evil smile. Their carriage moved towards the central city of the Royal Capital.


Riv had been to this street, where luxurious shops were gathered a few times, but she had never been able to look around properly.


“Come this way.”


On a street lined with expensive salons, Lionel ushered Riv to Madame Ezerca’s salon, which had the most ornate sign.


Madame Ezerca was waiting for them and greeted them.


“Welcome. Your Grace, Duke and Duchess of Sentoren.”


Riv grabbed Lionel’s arm tightly.


Somehow, she became very conscious of the eyes around her.


Not only Lionel, but Madame Ezerca also seemed to be paying too much attention to her. Her assistants stared at Riv and couldn’t hide their curiosity.


“You’ve probably heard that we were coming, Madame.”


“Indeed I have.”


The beautiful Madame Ezerca bobbed her head at Lionel and looked at Riv.


Madame Ezerca, who wore a gorgeous dress reminiscent of a peacock, was a woman whom Riv had seen a couple of times.


“Duchess of Sentoren, my name is Madame Ezerca, the designer. Please call me Ezerca.”


Ezerca was brought to the royal palace to make clothes for Queen Selina and Princess Marianne, and had a big fight with her maids. Afterwards, she said that she would refuse any order from the Royal Family. Ezerca smiled at Riv.


“Madame Katana, no, I should call you the Duchess of Sentoren. I never expected to see you like this again.”


“You remember me.”


“Duchess, there’s no way I cannot recognize someone in such a terrible dress.”


Ezerca remembered Riv in her Madame Katana costume and smiled again.


“Ah, I heard that you are ordering ball dresses for the Duchess of Sentoren, Your Grace.”




“Will one be for the Royal ball?”


As Lionel nodded his head, Ezerca burned with enthusiasm.


“The royal ball, that’s great. Please come this way.”


The assistants in the salon locked the door and guided Riv to the design studio on the second floor.


“I’m going to have to take your measurements first.”


Ezerca smiled brightly.


“I’ve heard a bit about the Duchess’ noble taste. If you have a design you like or a fabric you want, please let me know.”


“You’re too kind.”


“I liked the late Duchess of Sentoren. She was a very kind customer.”


Ezerca also had a reason.


“We need to make your dress more beautiful than Princess Marianne’s or Queen Selina’s dress.”


No one could stop Ezerca’s burning enthusiasm.


After taking her measurements, Riv discussed the fabric and design with her.


When Riv, who was not used to flashy things, hesitated, Lionel proceeded to talk with Ezerca.


“The Duchess of Sentoren is tall and slender, so how about something like this?”


Lionel, Ezerca, and her assistants put their heads together to modify the design.


Towards Riv, they seemed to only have curiosity and goodwill rather than any negative emotions.


Riv had judged Ezerca to be reliable. Ezerca whispered to her.


“The Duke of Sentoren is a good customer who spares no expense. He will spend a lot of money at our salon in the future.”




Ezerca greeted Lionel with a fresh smile.


“I wish you all the best in the future, Your Grace.”


It got to the point where Riv couldn’t even ask how many dresses he had ordered.


Every time she tried to stop him, she would be surrounded by a mountain of swatches and would be distracted.


Riv picked fabrics and designs that would suit her.


A couple of hours later, rumors had spread that Lionel and Riv were in Madame Ezerca’s dressing room.


A crowd began to gather around the salon.


“You have to leave through the back door. Your carriage is parked there.”


At Ezerca’s words, Lionel and Riv escaped in their carriage through the back door, just like she recommended.


The carriage carrying the Duke and Duchess of Sentoren drove for a long time out of the city. The carriage stopped just before the royal road.


“At this rate, we can’t go on a date within the city.”


Lionel’s grumbling intensified. The carriage ended up heading to Charlton Hill near the Royal Capital.


“We were supposed to have a comfortable meal downtown.”


The wind blew strongly down the hills of Charlton. Riv got off the carriage and hugged him.


“Is it cold?”


“It’s not that cold.”


Lionel took Riv’s hand and led her up the hill.


“Come this way.”


There were few buildings in the sparsely populated area, and Lionel led Riv to a red stone building among them.


“What’s here?”


“It’s a restaurant. It’s time for dinner, isn’t it?”


Riv was exhausted from all the dress fitting.


As Riv entered the restaurant’s beautiful garden, she wondered why he had brought her here.


“Sit here.”


“Why are we here?”


Lionel settled at an outdoor table and pulled her chair back.


He smiled happily.


“This is our date.”


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