Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 101 - What Were You Thinking?

Alice and Adam sat in the private room with Apollo on the opposite side staring at the two men on the other side. Felix, who had finally reached the end of his patience had decided to leave SKY and approached K for the same. Though K had vowed to not interfere in whatever way the two people's relationship grew as long as their relationship did not affect their collective interests. At this time, he did not want to be made to choose between his two brothers. The only way to make them stay was to make them have a clear talk. If I.M's heart was not with Felix then the two people needed a clean break. He just prayed that they would not be forced to choose between these two and also be able to help them at the same time!

Felix sipped his drink as he waited silently for I.M to say whatever he wanted to. Felix had already given up on ever having this man's heart. He simply wanted to go away instead of waiting for I.M. That was the only way he would be able to preserve the precious memories he had made with him and cherish them for the rest of his life. If he continued to stay here then his love would one day turn into hate and resentment ultimately destroying everyone around them. The biggest example of the same being few days ago when they had almost been exposed in the worst possible way.

Finally after waiting for a while, Felix asked irritably, "Are you here to just sit and stare at the table. Just say what you want to say, I.M!"

But instead of saying I.M stood up and left the table leaving Felix stunned.

Walking to the other table he asked Alice," Can I talk to you?"

K wanted to protest! Why did I.M have to speak to Alice but keeping his jealousy in check he nodded to Apollo and the two people went to Felix and dragged the other man out as well. 

Sitting opposite Alice, I.M finally sighed and said," Can I ask you something?"

Alice nodded encouragingly. She actually wanted to protest. She was the last person to ask for help in relationship problems but how could she refuse? She just hoed that whatever he had to ask, she would be able to answer truthfully.

I.M looked at his hands and asked slowly," So, here goes, have you ever considered leaving K?"

The question was like a bomb in the silent room and Alice looked askance at this. How was she supposed to answer this? It would reveal the weakest part of her. 

But since he needed the truth, "Yes! And not just once!"

Hearing this, not just I.M but the three people who were listening sneakily were shocked and Apollo had to forcefully hold K to stop him from entering the room.

But this answer also gave I.M the courage to say what he had to," Why? Was it because you did not love him or because you wanted to protect him?"

I.M smiled a bit when he saw her stunned expression and explained," I do have some common sense you know. I know everyone believes that I am being a jerk to Felix. But I think you might understand. They think I am worried about my reputation or not sure of my feelings for Felix. But I can never be more sure! I love that man. But I also know that I cannot be with him. Tell me Miss Alice, if knowing that Adam will be subjected to hell being with you, would you be willing to let him take that path with you? Would you not want to protect him? My parents will never accept that I would love a man. Their way of thinking is much worse than you can imagine. Do you think that I was so clueless as to my sexual identity that I did not know I liked boys? It's just that I had understood early on what would happen if I came out to my parents. It is why I pretended to be straight for so long and I would have pretended for life, if Felix had not made me fall for him! For Felix, I would have been willing to go against my parents also. But they are under the belief that I am straight! If I come out to them now, they might blame Felix and then do something unreasonable like blaming Felix for everything! My mother is not above going to the media to make a hue and cry to force me to marry a good girl! And my little brother will be the one to suffer! It is why I have been unable to do anything!"

Felix felt his heart ache as he finally understood I.M's reasons! The idiot had been so quiet because of this! But his silence had made Felix more and more insecure in their relationship! It had been why he had been pressurizing him to accept him in front of the boys at least. He wanted to rush inside and already console I.M when he realized something. Even though I.M had these worries, he was not willing to fight for them! And this changed nothing. About to walk away with slumped shoulders, he then heard Alice, "So to make sure that other lives are not ruined, you are going to go back home and marry a woman and ruin her life. you asked me if I had considered leaving K? When I came to you all last time, it was supposed to be my goodbye to K. I had already given up the dream of a relationship with him but I wanted to be selfish before I let him go! I knew that I would hurt him but I paid attention to the bigger picture that was protecting SKY and Faye Group. But once you have sacrificed so much, then what? The sacrifice will only break you. But the love that Felix has for you will give you strength! Once you have given him up for your parents what will you do? Follow your parent's plan and then get married? And then your parents will expect you to start a family and you will put a bag on the woman's head and imagine it is Felix so that you can make a family? Have you thought of the innocent woman's life you might end up ruining?"

(Felix: Hey! does she think I am the bottom? Oh please I am the top!" Apollo and K: "Hey! Felix! Shut up that is too much information for us! We are going to have to bleach our ears! Dam* It! What is wrong with you?")

"Then what am I supposed to do? Stick To Felix and drag everyone down with us! Our love is not even allowed by the law of this country!"

"What you have been doing until now. Stay with Felix and love him to your heart's content. And let him love you. You just need to remember that all of us, Apollo, K and Gyeom and me, have your back. There are other countries in the world and the people are more accepting these days! We are not judging your love. And if and when the time comes to tell your parents everything, we will make sure that things do not get out of hand! Alright I.M? But until then do not torture yourself and him."

I.M nodded thoughtfully and looked away. Seeing that he had finally gotten things off his heart, Alice got up and walked to exit the room. But she did not expect that these people were standing there with their ears stuck to the door ad would fall at her feet since she opened the door silently. The loud crash shocked I.M and his eyes widened at the spectacle in front of him. He realized that Felix had already heard everything! While Alice realized that K had also heard everything.. This was worrisome. As the two couples stared at each other, Apollo finally broke the silence, " Love relationships are really weird sh**! Like what kind of people are you that instead of wanting to be with the person you love, you want to push them away! This is some real twisted logic. I need to remember to never fall in love! And I will warn Gyeom also to never fall in love!"

And someone needs to talk so we will leave here.. Apollo finally nudged K and Alice who were staring at each other but at least decently while Felix and I.M were looking at each other like they wanted to eat each other up. Nodding K turned and left the room followed by Alice running after him. Apollo was the only one left so he cleared his throat once again ( at this rate, he would lose his voice) and said, "There are rooms here you know. You can use them..."

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