Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 104 - Another Hurdle

Clutching the papers in her hand, Alice sat in her car in shock. She had kept an eye on every account and transaction of Samual and James Faye but she had failed to keep an eye on her grandmother! And Samual had used this opportunity to target her grandmother. She naturally knew grandmother would know nothing of this. How could she guess that the money that she had given Samual to make him feel that he was equal would be one day used against herself. 

For the first time in her life, she felt blank. She had no idea how she was going to handle this. As she wondered if Adam would be able to help her with this, she could only cross her fingers that he would. Because otherwise she would have no option but to relinquish everything they had worked for.

At this time, her phone rang again and she answered eagerly without looking. "Hello? Adam?"

But the voice that answered was not the same, "No, Alice Faye. It is not Adam. But Adken. I must say I am pretty disappointed with you as well as a bit impressed! It is not so easy to maneuver yourself after signing a contract with me. I wonder if Miss Alice would have a moment to see me?"

She really really did not want to see the man! One a**hole for the day was enough! She did not want to meet more! "I don't want to, Mr. Adken! Our transaction is done! I chose to not make use of your offer and thus am not bound by your terms. So please do not try to contact me again."

Adken Perry simply laughed and said, "It is not so east to get rid of me Alice Faye. I must tell you that you will regret if you don't come here soon. It has something to do with your boyfriend!"

Alice felt like pulling her hair out after Adken Perry had disconnected the call! What did these people take her for! One after another, they were calling her and talking about making her regret!

Calling the old man back, she barked, "Where?"

A little while later, she parked the car in front of another hotel and walked inside, ready to get another threat. This time pertaining to Adam! She wondered what would next be! It really was too much!

Seeing the man sitting there, she sat opposite him and directly asked, "What?"

Adken smiled and said," There is no need to be so aggressive, little child. I am not going to harm your precious boyfriend. I just wanted to tell you a few things about him that he has hidden. Just so you know him better."

Alice snorted at this and shot back, "So, you want to sow discord between Adam and me because you realized that he would be of help to me. But the thing is, do you think that there is anything about Adam Perry that I don't know? And for that matter, if there is something tat he hasn't told me, then if you think you can reveal it and it will make a difference, then go ahead. I am not so foolish as to fall for an enemy's words over the man I trust the most so go ahead and give it a try." 

Adken smiled at her over confident look but instead of saying anything, he asked, "Well, then how about I tell you about my self? Instead of him. You know me as Mr. Adken. But do you know my full name? My full name is Adken Perry."

Seeing the shocked look that she concealed immediately, Adken Perry's smile widened and he continued, "He didn't tell you, did he?"

"Did he say that his parents were dead? Can you guess what else he would have hidden from you?"

"Let me tell you. Did he tell you he has a younger brother? No? Then he most have told you about how his mother died? Still no? Then did he tell you that he knew about your contract with me because when he saw me there in your office, he came and confronted me? He didn't tell you any of these things? Then what did he tell you? About his live for music? About his grandmother? Then Chairwoman Alice, what is the difference between his girlfriend and his fangirl? All his fangirls know all these things about him. In fact I am pretty sure that they must know even more than you do."

Even as Adken was gloating, Alice had already composed herself and answered nonchalantly,"Mr. Adken. Adam has not told me any of these things but I can guess his reasons for a few of them. I mean look at my father. Of he did not make such a fuss, I am pretty sure that I would have told the world that he was dead as well. With a father like yourself and James Faye, no one would need an enemy. As for the rest of the things that he has 'hidden from me, I am sure he would have told me in his time. Relationships are not built in a day, you know.. So now, if you are done, I have had a really long and tiring day and would like to excuse myself."

Just as Alice would have left, Adken Perry continued,"Not so fast, Alice. Hmm, I can understand that these things do not affect your relationship so you are less bothered by them. But what if I told you things that would have an effect on your relationship. A secret your dear boyfriend has that he has yet to reveal to you?"

This time Alice was fed up and banged her hand on the table as she said,"Mr. Adken, I am too busy to play these silly guessing games with you. Either just say what you want to or leave me alone!"

"Calm down, Alice. What I am about to say next will anyway shake you."

"Do you know that before you, Adam had been in love with a girl? So much so that he refused to even touch the many females who tried to throw themselves at him. He was so stubborn that he even made people doubt that he was interested in the same sex people. Most of his fans knew and they have repeatedly asked him who the girl was. Specially after you came into his life, he has not acknowledged you as a girlfriend, just good friend right? Because of his career?"

This news actually did not come as a surprise to Alice because she was already aware of this. She had initially wondered if she should ask him but then had thought the better of it. His actions already showed how much he liked her and so if he did have someone he liked in the past then Alcie felt that she was really unlucky to have lost a precious gem like Adam. And that woma's loss was her gain. Shrugging her shoulders, she once agons asked,"Mr. Adken. As you said most of his fans are already aware of his past so how do you think I would remain ignorant. But as you said the girl was before me. So it really makes no difference. And your attempt at this is getting more pathetic by the minute. If you really do have something worth my time pleas say it."

Once again, Alice made a move t leave but this time what Adken said shocked her intonalmoat falling into her seat. 

"But you don't know that woman is no one but you. He has been in love with you for a long while. Did he tell you that? Or did he pretend to be a stranger when you met again? You must not remember because at the time you were quite shocked but you had met Adam in the past. Just before youeothr passed away. You two even stayed together for a few days. He didn't dare to tell you this, did he? How do you think he was able to touch your points so easily? How do you think he was able worm his way into your heart again?/His previous knowledge of you while your memory loss helped him get under your skin again. And you must have thought that he was perfect for you. But it was all an act. Because he already knew what you liked and was pretending to be someone you could fall in love with. Otherwise, why did he not tell you that he already knew you in the past? And why do you thing he did not approach you after you forgot him? He could have made himself known but he waited for the right moment and when you were at towards the peak of your power, but still approachable was the time he made his way to you. Easily.. And using the fact that you did not remember him, he made a place in your heart."

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