Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 107 - A Fight

A Few Hours Before the Press Conference:

"Dad! I thought that we had decided to use this trump card later? Then why did you do this now? Couldn't you have had a little bit of patience? Could you not have waited a little more? I told you let me do this my way!" Samual Faye growled at his father in the hotel's room! 

James Faye had long ago planned to have Alice declared insane but after waiting for so long, there was only one thing that he had waited for! The extra shares! But now that he had realized that he would not be getting those extra shares and also seeing the way Alice was growing stronger day by day, he was getting impatient! She was the green hat 1that was glaringly placed on his head! And he was done with her. But now that his son was scolding him , he could not hold back and roared back,"I have done my waiting! That is all I have been doing all this while! First I had to wait for the woman to die to marry your mother !Then I had to wait for the old man to die to get the shares of a company that I have worked all my life for! And then I had to wait for that bi*** to succumb to one of our plans! I cannot wait any longer!" 

Usually at this time Samual would have backed off to soothe his father but this time, he too was angry and thus answered back," Then you could have asked me at least! You just ruined my plan! I told you to not be so impatient! Because of your impatience, now we have revealed two of our aces blindly!"

"I don't care anymore! I just want to see that bi*** behind the bars in a mental institution! And then I will make sure that she really turns mad under my watch!"

Samual rubbed his forehead at this unforeseen circumstance. He had planned to take all the money in the Ponzi scheme threaten Lady Ye and let Alice take the blame. And once Alice was behind the bars, he would  have used this chance to get a hold of the other things in Lady Ye's hands also . But now, if Alice was declared mentally unstable and she even took the blame for the scheme on her head then Lad Ye would suspect the truth! But on the other hand, "Father? You have Alice's medical power of attorney, don't you?"

At this, the man smiled and said, "Of course I do! I am her father! It is natural for me to have a say in my child's mental health!"

Samual smiled at this and agreed with his father's plans. He would just need to make a few quick changes... 

On the other side, Alice and Adam were driving quietly towards the press conference. They had already suspected and made preparations for the same. But the atmosphere that should have been peaceful was full of tense nerves.

Finally unable to control himself or pacify himself that she will listen later, he asked, "Do you not want to know why I did what I did Alice?"

Alice had kep her eyes closed throughout the drive after explaining the circumstances regarding Samual and was now pretending to be asleep. Without opening her eyes, she said," I do, K. I really want to know. In fact when that man was spouting all this, my first instinct was to cover my ears and run from there straight to you and listen to everything you had to say. I know what Adken intended when he spouted all that to me.."

As Alice turned quiet, Adam felt a quiet hope unfurling in his heart but it was quashed the next moment when she continued," But I won't listen to you, K. I am scared to. My heart is not ready for it! Give me some time! Please!"

Adam cut off the words that were in his mouth and clenched the steering wheel and said, "Alice.." He wanted to reassure her but he was cut off when she called to him, "K.. everyone tells me that your music brings comfort. Will you play something for me? I need some comfort."

He wanted to tell her that he would do anything for her. But knew that she really was not ready to listen. Stopping for a minute, he picked up his phone and chose the playlist that he had created specially for her. They were songs that he had sung/ written for her over the years. He hoped that she would know that when she heard them and maybe feel a bot comforted as he started to drive once again. 

Alice closed her eyes and tried to block out the sounds from Adken and lost herself in the soothing music. She imagined herself in that far away place when her and Adam had really been together. Those memories that seemed to have faded due to the medicines seemed to be getting clearer and clearer. Not that she remembered the events of that time, just that the dreams she used to have now had more clarity. She turned her head away as tears escaped her eyes. 

The Press Conference:

Rows and rows of cameras were lined at the back of the room that had been arranged for the purpose. James Faye had made sure that not just people from the entertainment news section but also the financial section would cover the conference. After all, it was not everyday that the Chairwoman of a national firm was declared insane!

Soon a man dressed in a formal checked brown shirt and same colored pants walked to the podium. His spectacles were a bit askew and his hair a little out of place but overall he looked like some trusted next door uncle. Introducing himself he announced," Good morning everyone, I am Doctor Phil! It was my clinic that was burned to the ground late last night."

The next person to walk onto the podium was James Faye who did not look for a moment that he was here to fight with Doctor Phil. Seeing that the two most important people for the press conference were here, the reporters first directed their questions to Doctor Phil, "Sir, it it true that Chairwoman Alice Faye was your patient? And can you tell us what she was getting treated for?" 

Doctor Phil nodded and answered, "Yes! She is my patient. But I cannot tell you the ailment as it concerns the agreement between a doctor and patient privacy."

"But the details have already been leaked onto the internet! Can you confirm if they are true or not? And if Chairwoman Alice has recovered yet?"

This time before the doctor could answer, James Faye interrupted, "See, here everyone! Yes my daughter was suffering from hallucinations in the past! But it was a result of depression! Do you think it is easy for a young girl to cope with her mother's death? So what if she created an imaginary boyfriend! She had stayed in isolation in her grandparent's home a few days before she received the dreadful news! As a coping mechanism ,she started to imagine that she had found a boy for herself. When we tried to tell her that it was not the case, she imagined herself to have gone with her friends. We let her believe that she had spent those holidays with her friends because that was the best solution! And once she knew that she was not alone when she received her mother's news, she recovered on her own. And needed no medication! It is because of this that my daughter started to hate me! She started to believe that I was her enemy! It is also why I agreed to step down as the chairman!"

And just like he had expected, the reporters burst out with questions! Was Alice Faye in a state to handle a big empire like Faye Group! Who could trust a person that was prone to hallucinations? But there was someone in the crowd that asked a question that stunned everyone and made them wonder,"Mr. Faye? You claim that Miss Alice is prone to hallucinations. But why have we seen no sign of this in the past? It is also a known fact that you and Alice Faye do not see eyes to eye. Then is it possible that this is a conspiracy of yours? We have heard that Faye group has recently signed an important deal. Is it possible that this is your plan to sabotage her to gain the upper hand?"

Angered at being pointed out, James Faye banged his hand on the table and said, "How dare you accuse me of doing something like this! I would never have said anything if this accident had not happened! I simply don't want the doctor to be accused of lying!"

But the reported simply asked, "Then where is Alice Faye? Can she not clear up everything?"

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