Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 109 - Look At Her Like That

Alice slowly chewed on the chocolate straw in her mouth as she stared at the press conference absently. However, she received a shock when she saw the sudden change on the screen and could only helplessly stare at the screen as she saw him sitting there and then he fell on top of her! What was wrong with her teenage self! Had she really tried to catch him? He had been a head taller than her! 

Little tears escaped her eyes, this was the first time they had met. The time she did not remember. Taking another bite of the straw she finally accepted the fact that he really had been there. Even after having heard of this from Adken Perry, from K himself, somewhere in her heart there had been denial. A little hope that it was not him.

And yet, on the other hand, she had always attributed the reason for her survival to the existence of this man. When she had discovered that the man of her dreams could be real, she had held a faint hope of being able to thank him some day. At the same time, when her feelings for Adam had started to grow, she had felt a pinch of sadness of not being able to thank that boy. So she tried to ask her heart why was she not happy now. Wasn't it better if Adam was that some person? She could just thank him and be done with it. 

After all, until she had discovered this fact, she had been overlook every secret that Adam might have. In her heart she knew that her feelings for Adam had no where changed. And surprisingly she had no resentment for him. Then why was she in this emotional state? Why did she want to not talk to him?

Because it felt like betrayal. It did not matter to her heart and mind that he would have told her. It didn't matter that she had already fallen for him and he had hidden such a thing. What mattered was the fear now. What if he deceived her again in the future? What if she really had misjudged him? Her heart already belonged to him.. Her biggest fear had been following her mother's path. Falling in love with a man who was incapable of loving her back. With every fiber of her being she believed that Adam was not like that, but then again her mother had also believed that her father would love her some day. Would she also follow the same path of delusions?

Turning off the television, she started to browse her social network profile absently. She had actually never been active on social media in the past, but as she had slowly started to follow SKY and their activities, she used to spend the little time she had looking at old fan cameras of K and their old interviews. As she logged in, the first update on her own time line was the recent announcement that K had made! Irritated, she was about to log out, she had no interest in anyone supporting them or cursing them when the post caught her eye. It read, "K's most trying time." And there was a picture of him in the clothes that were like the ones he was wearing in the video she had just seen.

As she read the article she also realized that K must have been really vulnerable at the time. So he had fainted in exhaustion. She had heard him talk of his grandmother. She had even hoped that she had been the one to bring him comfort. Taking the last bite of the straw, she realized that probably had made him comfortable. From that article she moved onto another article where they discussed the times, members of SKY had lost their family members and their reactions and coping mechanisms. From there, she moved to a host of other articles, until she felt her eyes aching. Picking up a cushion, she hugged it to herself. 

She could be wrong. But no one could pretend for so many years. Most of his fans slowly had come forward to support her and K's relationship because they had known that she was in K's heart from the very beginning. She watched another video where K was watching a fan dance to their song and clapping encouragingly. The follower had hoped that she he would some day look at her like that. But in the latter part of the video, Alice was amazed to see herself and this time the follower pointed at the way K was looking at her. The gaze was hundred times more powerful! And she realized that he had always looked at her like that. While in interviews or interacting with people he maintained a poker face, with her, his eyes would always look at her as if she was something special. She was the one he gazed at like that while thousands of other girls could only covet him. 

She was fearful of trusting her judgement but could she not trust so many people's judgement as well? Of course she knew that it was not rational for her to trust the word of some strange people who followed idols but at this point this was like a source of re affirmation to her which gave her the strength to try and trust Adam. Could she really let herself be irrational in love?"

Just then, her personal phone started to ring and it was Ximin.. Before she could say anything, Ximin's scream sounded in her ears! "You are married? And you married Mr. Sexy Brains and Hot Voice? How is this fair? I though you would invite me to become the brides maid but you never did! Heck, you could have made me a witness at least but you did not even inform me! Just because you now have Mr. Sexy Brains bringing you your favorite cheesecake, you will ignore your friend?"

After Ximin had finished her screaming, Alice asked with a smile,"Mr. Sexy Brains? Really?"

"Well, since he has a good IQ, it is natural to call him that.. Anyway don't try to change the subject! You and that hottie are married! And you did not even tell me?"

"I would have told you if I had known.."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I just signed a form for registration of marriage but how Adam had the marriage registered, I have no idea."


Alice could also only shake her head. Adam had given her the forms to sign on the morning when she had confessed her plan to let her father declare her mentally unstable. Even though he had made her promise to not do anything rash, he had asked her to sign the papers so that if on the off chance they did succeed, Adam would have her medical power of attorney and be able to take these decisions.. As Ximin continued to ramble, Alice paused in her thoughts. That day when she had signed the papers, she had been unaware of Adam and her past connection. But, she wondered, what would have happened if she had known. If today, he had brought the papers for her to sign, would she have still trusted him?

She would have! Her fears still existed but the fact that she was married to Adam, the aspect that he must have pulled some strings to have them declared married did not scare her. Finally, to shut Ximin up, she said," You be the bridesmaid when we hold a wedding. I have some more important work to do!"

"Hey..hey! What about the lawyers and the pre nuptial agreement and the public relations?..." But the phone was already disconnected. 

Alice stood up with a firm resolve. This time she had stepped back so that K would be able to take the lead. She realized that just as he had wanted to prove that he was capable of protecting her, she too had wanted him to prove that he was worth of standing by her side. And another thought struck her... He had been hurting when he had met her. Then, he must have hurt as well. Since she had forgotten him.. He, too, must have suffered so much. How did he find the heart to forgive her and pursue her again? Did he really have such a big heart. 

Picking up her cell phone, she tried to call him. The line was busy. She thought to call him again but then realized that it would be better that they had a face to face conversation with each other. After much thinking she typed out a message, "K, I am sorry for not giving you a chance earlier. Please come and talk to me."

Finally, she had cleared her thoughts. But... it was too late. Because the next minute the phone rang and it brought the news that K had been in an accident...

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