Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 116 - Meet Me?

After a short honeymoon, Alice returned to work while Adam and the members of SKY set up their meetings to discuss their upcoming album and songs for it. As people who essentially thought of only music as their hobby, each of them had worked hard and were now energized and engaged in the process of shortlisting and finalizing songs. 

Alice was also now busy with handling work. With the news of James Faye and Alice Faye being involved in tax evasion and other frauds, everyone felt as if they were on pins and needles waiting for IRS to finish their investigation. The share prices of Faye Group that had stabilized after the announcement of Alice's marriage were once again in doldrums so that Alice was forced to have an emergency meeting with their own public relations. 

At this moment, Alice was glaring at their current PR head as the other woman tried to explain her reason for wanting to hire a 'celebrity' face to improve this. Finally after the presentation was over, Alice could not help but burst out, "Miss Lim! Do you think we are having an advertisement campaign? By now you should know that this is not a matter of Faye Group's reputation but protecting the company's shares. We are not trying to sell out products so that we have to hire a face! Do you think that the people who have to invest with us are here to buy their favorite celebrity's products! I will give you one hour in which to present a decent plan to highlight the fact that we have never been involved in any fraudulent activities and the benefits of investing in us. Only then can we think of having a successful IPO. If you are not able to do that then I am willing to accept your and your entire teams resignation. Do you.."

Just as Alice Faye was about to continue, the knock interrupted them and Ximin walked in. With a straight face she interrupted," Chairwoman Faye...there is someone here to see you."

Displeased at the interruption, she growled, "Let them wait..."

Ximin shook her head and answered,"Uh Huh.. It is the IRS officer. Also there is media gathered outside."

Nodding, Alice thought for a moment and warned,"All of you have an hour.".

Soon Kieran Rowe, knocked on the door of the room and was guided inside. Surprised, Alice smiled when she saw him and said,"I thought it was going to be some stuffy officer."

"Hey! I am glad that you don't think I am a sturdy officer. But let me assure you I am stuffy with other people. But before I get to business let me catch up with my friend without her husband listening in."

Smiling widely, Alice left her seat and directly hugged Kieran before stepping back rapidly. This was because she did not feel like rejecting her friend. But at the same time she did not want a certain someone to soak in vinegar. 

Looking around, Kieran sat back on the opposite chair and asked with interest,"Little Al. J never expected you to become a CEO. I thought you would end up being an English Professor with an aspiration to publish a book or something."

"And I thought you would become an actor or singer!"

"I should have then maybe you would have fallen for me instead of that pretty boy!"

Laughing, Alice shook her head and answered,"As if Inwould ever fall for the boy who scared me periodically with threats to send ghosts after me and tried to almost lock me in the basement using a red light and maniacal laugh!"

"Hey! That one eyed monster was a master stroke! You were so scared! Let me tell you the one eyed monster still likes to drink young girl's tasty blood."

Alice forcefully suppressed the shudder inside her and threatened," Kieran Rowe! I will throw you out of this office if you try to scare me!"

"I believe you will! But let me tell you if you do that, then everyone will think that you have refused to co operate with IRS."

"As if I could really throw you out!"

"Now are you going to tell me why you are here or is this going to be a suspense."

"I will tell you...eventually. But Alice Faye, where is your hospitality? Your old friend is here and you did not even offer me a cup of tea!"

"I wouldn't dare to lest you accuser of trying to bribe you. And where was this hospitality when I was in your office?"

"Well you had your husband with you. I would have offered you tea but why should I offer him?"

"As stingy as ever, you are, Kieran!"

A sudden silence then descended on the office until Alice shook her head and asked,"What are you thinking of?"

"You really live him, don't you?"

"Love who?" Even though Aloce knew who Kieran was talking about she tried to pretend to be unaware but could not meet his eyes and looked away.

"Everytime I address him as your husband there is a secret sparkly in your eyes. I never expected the little girl I had known to have fallen so hard for a man."

Smiling, Alice did not deny her feelings in front of Kieran whom she had looked up to as a big brother since childhood and said," He is someone easy to fall for."

The words and the direct admission was like a piece of ice being lodged into his heart for Kieran. The little hope he had also seemed to be too far fetched

Looking away, he nodded and then placed a recorder on the table. "From now I am on official business." And then pressed the record button,"Chairwoman Faye, k am here to ask that you so operate with us in the investigation of Mr.James Faye regarding his fraudulent activities."

Alice was stunned for a moment but immediately reacting, she protested,"Officer Rowe. We have no problem with providing out books for perusal after you have showed us the proper order, but let me tell you, Mr. Faye has long been disassociated with Faye group. And he also holds a grudge against us. So when you investigate please do so thoroughly and we will do our best to help you out."

"Very well then, Faye Group will cease operations for the next three days as IRS conducts their checks. We ask all employees to be available for any questions as well as all accounts be provided without hiding anything. The officers will be confiscating the books right now.."

Just then the phone started to ring again and Ximin's voice echoed in the room,"Mr Faye is here to meet you."

Alice was about to refuse to meet the man but Kieran knocked on the table once and shook his head. How odd. The moment Faye's are able to get a bail and leave the prison, they reach the office of Alice Faye. It was a good thing he was here, he thought. Pointing to the recorder on the table, he asked for a hiding place in the office and encouraged Alice to let the up.

"Fine, let him come up."

Seeing that Alice had agreed, Kieran slowly wrote "Try to make him confess" and then stood behind a small door on the off side, waiting for the man who had dared to come here after suffering so much. Kieran had made sure to keep the men in a holding call that was full of hot-tempered criminals who would be irritated at even the sound of you breathing and punish you for that. These white collared criminals were never a match to them and always came out looking blue and green.

Crossing his arms in front of him, he waited slowly and soon heard the sound of things crashing as James Faye entered the office and started to throw things,"You bi***! I will kill you! It is because of you that I have to suffer so much!"

Listening to the anger and deadly intent in the voice, Kieran had a feeling of foreboding and immediately opened the door to run out of the hiding place only to see with horror, James Faye picking up the heavy vase towards Alice. 

Moving as fast as he could, he tried to stop Aloce from being hurt but the vase hit her directly on the head with a loud thud before crashing onto the floor. 

Racing to the man who was now picking up another vase,, Kieran subdued the man and was about to scream for security when a few guards barged in. Ximin and Kieran both watched in horror as Alice swayed while clutching her forehead and trying to keep her balance. Picking up Alice, Kieran ordered, "Hold him and inform the police. I will take her to the hospital."

Xinin watched in horror as Kieran carried A heavily bleeding Alice out of the office and only snapped out of her stupor as James Fate continued to scream.. It was a long time later she was able to inform Adam of the incident that his wife had suffered.

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