Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 122 - An Old Couple!

"Sir. The band SKY reached city F at 8.00 pm in the evening and proceeded to their pre booked hotel from there. After having dinner together in their leader K's room they all went to their rooms and slept for the night. At 6.00 am, they were driven to the stadium and from there in they rehearsed till 4.00 pm with snacks and lunch breaks. Mr. K had muesli for breakfast and Steak for lunch. He then went back to the hotel and did a live chat session for his fans. After that he had an early dinner in the hotel's dining room and returned to his room. Using the pre installed devices in the room, we then heard him talking on the phone. First with the coordinators regarding their fan meetings and then his wife for the next two hours before he finally fell asleep at 10.00 pm.

The next day, Mr. K had a late breakfast and continued to talk with his wife on the phone till the time they were driven to the stadium for the final rehearsal in the afternoon. After a sound check rehearsal, everyone went to make up room and was ready to perform. After performing on the stage for the next two hours, quite energetically, K and the rest of the SKY members hosted a photography session and team dinner before going back to their rooms, where Mr. K again spent the time talking with his wife and fell asleep. The next morning, K and Apollo went shopping and bought all sorts of things. K bought a few bookmarks, and book holders, a bracelet of sea shells and a few ice maiden sculptures. Apollo bought a t shirt and a men's purse. On returning they participated in the fan meeting where they answered questions and signed albums and after that they returned to their rooms. Once again, Mr. K then spent his evening on the phone with his wife before falling asleep and then leaving for their next destination.. His plane is now in transit to city S and will be landing soon. Our people have already been installed and will be reporting from there as soon as the plane lands! Oh! And I forgot to tell you!"

The two men who had been listening to this mundane routine leaned forward hoping to find something interesting only to move back when the investigator continued," He bought a set of rare tea leaves from the airport!"

Adken Parry and Lucas Ivy glanced at each other as they heard this routine. Did the man have a life or not? Shaking his head, Adken Parry asked,"Well! I told you to bribe an airhostess to try and seduce Adam! What about that?"

"Sir! The woman literally threw herself over his lap but the man simply pushed her off making her fall on her bu** and then apologized for being clumsy! We tried to find a chance to spike his drink but he just does not drink anything that has not been opened in front of his eyes! And sir! He even has a little silver point in a ring on his index finger and I have seen him casually insert it into the food to check for poison! I am so sorry to say Sir but I think that Mr. K believes himself to be some king from the old days! We have also sent many po** actresses and escorts to pretend to be his fans and come onto him but everyone in the band maintains a respectful distance. One of them eve tried to force herself K when he was leaving the concert but she too was pushed away ruthlessly!"

Adken Parry and Lucas Ivy once again glanced at each other and shook their heads! SKY had travelled through three cities now and this was Adam's routine for everyone of them! He would rehears, perform, hold meetings regarding the performance and in his free time., he would simply go and buy a few knick knacks that Adken was sure were for Alice Faye! It seemed to him there was nothing in his son's world except work and his wife! 

"What about the woman.. his friend's sister, Kiera Rowan?"

"K has handed over her responsibility to Apollo who checks in with her everyday! But none of them had made any unprofessional overtures!"

With a sweep of his hand, Adken Parry shook his head in despair, not expecting much different for next time as well and asked the investigator to leave. And then another man was brought in and as the man bowed, Adken Parry rudely ordered," Report."

"Sir, Mrs. Alice wakes up in the morning and after a morning run and after preparing a light breakfast she tends to talk to her husband on the phone for an hour or two. She then leaves for the office where she works through out the day with a lunch break in the afternoon. After leaving the office, she shops for a bit of grocery and then prepares a light dinner for herself which she then finished off while watching the reruns of Sky's variety show and then she spends the rest of the time on the phone with her K before falling asleep!" 

Once again the two men could only look at each other in sadness. Weren't young people these days supposed to have independent lives and go out clubbing, drinking and dancing? Why then were these two behaving like n old couple! He was bored just listening to this and his son was living such a life! Eve Alice Faye was the same! "What about that childhood friend of hers? He seemed to have a liking for her. Is he not using this chance with Adam being away to woo her?"

"No Sir! Mr Kieran Rowe has not tried to contact Mrs. Alice in recent days!"

Once again, after shaking his head in disappointment, Adken Parry waved away his informer and turned to look at Lucas. " At this rate, out plan is not going to succeed! What are we going to do Lucas?"

Lucas Ivy stared at his uncle thoughtfully. The man was desperate to hand over his business to his only son while making him work as a replacement for so many years! Did Adken Parry really think that he was going to let the power slip from his hands so easily? But naturally he was not going to let his uncle know that. Slowly he had let his uncle know that as long as K had someone by his side he would not be willing to return. Which had resulted in Adken Parry doing his best to separate SKY as well as do his best to keep Alice away from him. And now, Adam Parry believed Adken Parry to be his biggest enemy ,making the rift between father and son wider and wider ultimately benefitting himself.

Lucas smiled at his uncle and laid out his next card. "Uncle, these boys and hired actresses are no good. Targeting Adam and SKY is also no good. Those people have already established themselves and they will not be harmed much. The best way to isolate Adam and force him back is to use his only weakness Alice. Until now we were hoping that Kieran Rowe will  make a move. But he has not. Both Adam and Alice do not socialize much so exposing them to member of the opposite sex they would be attracted to is even more rare. But there is someone who can entice her to cheat and leave Adam."

Adken Parry inclined forward at this and asked, "Really? You have someone in mind? Who?" 

A sinister smile on his face, Lucas Ivy answered, "Me."


"Yes. Uncle Adken. You paved the way by introducing us. And I will carry this forward. On the other hand you can also try and approach Alice. She knows that you are Adam's father and you have not done anything to overtly harm them. Even the contract you made her sign can be construed as making a backup plan. You play the regretful and repentant father and I will play the evil and flirty cousin."

Even though the plan was good, Adken Parry could not help but laugh, "Lucas, I trust your charm with other girls. But do you think that after loving my son, a girl will fall for you."

Eve though the words were said jokingly, Lucas Ivy felt the pinch of humiliation and even as his face remained the same, his hands under the table clenched in anger. But soon, he consoled himself. It was only a matter of time until he brought Adken Parry to his knees. 

"I never said I will make her fall for me uncle! I just need to pretend to have gotten closer to her so that Adam will lose his focus and make a mistake. A simple photograph of me and Alice having an intimate dinner behind his back should be enough to shake the man. But for precautionary purposed, we will do a bit more...."

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