Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 124 - Cousins

"Of course I have something important to talk! It is about Adam and me, Alice Faye."

This gave Alice a pause and she leaned back in her chair with her arms crossed in front of her as she waited for him to continue. Sighing, Lucas Ivy shook his head and started, "Alice, Adam and I are cousins. Did you know that?"

Lucas Ivy watched in satisfaction as shock flitted in her eyes but Alice Faye but it so covered so instantly that had he not been sure that Adam had never told her, he would have assumed that she already knew. With a small smile, he asked, "You did not know that, did you? But I can understand that. Because Adam does not consider us his family. And I know enough that I don't blame him. But now that he has someone who can stand with him and help him sort his feelings, I cannot help but hope everything will be better soon." 

"Please hear me out! Have you never wondered that why Adam even signed up with BP Entertainment when he must have had his doubts. Or why did he not consider breaking the contract? It is because of his mother. Alice, Adam believes that his mother killed herself because of his father but it is not true! His mother was my aunt and I was older than Adam at the time so I remember. That year, my father had sent me to his sister so that I could finish my schooling from the city. Adam was a cute and adorable baby at the time, and I used to love to play with him. But Aunt? She was something else. She had bene slowly losing her mind while both of us boys remained unaware. Mr.Adken was busy with his work, that is true but he still loved his wife. But Aunt had started to imagine things, She used to mention how uncle was having an affair or how he was always at work. Little things would make her suspicious until she finally lost the stability of her mind. But it was not Adken Parry fault that my aunt lost her mind! The only thing I can blame him for is his ignorance in the matters of mental health and taking these things lightly.. 

Anyway, after Adam was sent back to the village, he slowly forgot all about his big brother. But I did not. And when he came back I was happy to have my little brother back! But slowly I realized that Adam had a madness inside him very similar to Aunt's. It was there in his eyes when he spoke about music and when he fought with his father. I was too young to help my Aunt but I did not want my cousin to suffer a similar fate! But on the other hand, I had seen Uncle also regretting the choices he made back then . I thought that by taking Adam and helping him achieve his dream, I would be able to heal the rift between father and son. And that is why I offered him a contract. He was suspicious at first. Paranoid like his mother. But I was prepared for it and had made arrangements until he finally signed the contract. Have you noticed his paranoia? The way he prepares for every little thing and every little flaw? It is as if he considers things going wrong from all angles. Take this tour for example. It is not his job to help you find a replacement so that you could join him on tour. You are a capable business woman who can choose personnel on her own a and decided things on your own. But he had already considered everything and hired Miss Mo for you. 

As I said, I contracted him so that he would have somewhere to channel his paranoia. And he did beautifully when he focused on music and making SKY number one. He made sure that the band was covered from every angle so that the reporters could not gain a single advantage over so many years. But throughout all this I only had two aims. To protect Adam and to bring Adken Parry and Adam close like father and son. I owe that man everything as I am what I am today because of that man. I thought that putting obstacles in Adam's path will make him ask his father for help and the two people will come close. But everything worked only to a disadvantage. And now he has you to be paranoid about. I am worried that the episodes will increase the way they did for his mother. Adam needs to know the truth about her parents and I cannot tell him. It is why I have sought you out. Can you help us? 

If Adam understands the nature of his mother's sickness then he will be able to get professional timely help or I am worried that you and your fledgling relationship is the one that will suffer the most. That is al I had to say Alice Faye; I have come here to beg on behalf of my uncle as well as a well meaning cousin. Please help them. Adam needs his father and Adam needs timely help!"

On the outside Lucas Ivy continued to maintain a pitiable face but inside he could taste his victory. Getting Alice to listen had been the firs step. the second will be to convince her. And the people sitting behind him will be the most useful to him. Mo Zirui. The girl had followed them here and now she would report that Alice had been with him. As long as Adam asked, slowly but surely the seeds of doubt will be planted in her head and that will be the end of Adam Parry. And once the relationship between Alice and Adam is ruined, he will make sure that Adam is driven to the brink. He had been truthful in what he had said about owing Adken Parry a lot. But in return of Adken Parry taking care of him Lucas Ivy had done a lot. He had worked like a donkey in hopes that Adken would acknowledge him. And he had believed to have succeeded until the day Adam came back. And that is when he knew his uncle had been using him. Like a knife, he had been sharpened so that he could be wielded against those who would try to take the throne from his dear son. He, Lucas Ivy, was nothing but a spare in the eyes of Adken Parry. But very soon, Adken Parry will know what happens when the knife that belonged to you is wielded against you!

When Lucas noticed that Alice was deep in thought, he gestured for the waiter to bring the bill. After paying, Lucas Ivy stood up and then turned around, " I know you will have trouble believing him, but you can check Adam's mom's records. She did visit the councilor a couple of times but stopped when she was diagnosed. She insisted that she was only depressed and the councilor knew nothing. And I won't ask you to take my word for it. I have asked my assistant to mail to you the details of the councilor as well as a few people who were close to Adam's parents at the time. They will definitely help you. Goodbye, Alice. And I hope next time when we meet, I will have the right to address you as my younger sister in law."

Having accomplished his mission, Lucas Ivy went out of the restaurant and his serious face hid the cunningness behind it. Slowly, he had laid a step by step plan to bring about the downfall of Adam over the years but that man was too careful and had side stepped everything as if playing a game of Tai Chi. But now Adam had a weakness. And with his habit of not talking much , Adam had dug himself a hole. Adam should have told his wife about his cousin and then she would have not been shocked.

Soon after, Alice too left the restaurant in a bit of a daze. Watching them leave, Zirui whipped out her cell phone to call Adam. Even though they had been unable to catch anything that had been discussed, she could see that it was something serious. But before she could even dial the number, the phone was snatched from her hand by Kieran.

Scowling at the man, she asked, "What are you doing? I need to tell K about this!"

But as she tried to take back her phone, Kieran held it away from her and asked, "Miss Mo! Did Adam ask you to spy on his wife and report everything?"

"Of course not!"

"Then why would you interfere like this. Telling Adam about meeting Lucas Ivy or not is Alice's right and we have no right to interfere! Our job was to make sure that Alice remains safe and we have accomplished that.. Please let us return."

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