Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 13 - Stars? What Do I Do?

Present Night:

K stared at the little sleeping beauty thoughtfully. She even slept the same way. Like a doll. With her hands joined under her cheek and her slightly plump lips set in a pout, she looked like the little youthful girl he knew. She had even pulled up the hoodie of the sweatshirt, her beautiful hair hidden under the cap. Kneeling next to the bed, he placed an elbow on the edge of the bed and his chin on his palm as he wondered at her angelic beauty.

He really wanted to ask her why she did not recognize him but his pride and self respect stopped him. Her awkward sweetness was something he had cherished and been thankful for when he thought of the dark days when his grandmother passed away. And if she disregarded their time together then he would feel really shattered.

Just then, her brows scrunched together and she frowned in her sleep. She looked even more adorable. And naturally as per K's rules, if someone looked so adorable, then they needed to have a picture clicked! Bringing out his phone, K carefully placed his head near hers and tried to copy her pout, and snapped a picture. As a naughty idea struck him. Getting up, he walked back to his room and opened his bag. Right there on the top was his make up bag... the perks of being in the public eye all the time were that he knew the basics of make up! Walking back into the room, he noticed that she had turned the side and was now lying on her back. This was even perfect... Ever so slowly, he took out the eye shadow and brush... Within a few minutes, his work was done and he stepped back satisfied with his art. He then clicked a few more pictures, brought up the blanket to her chin, watched her as she cuddled into it and then walked out with a satisfied smile.

It had been so long since he had pranked someone like this!! K wondered just what had gotten into him! He had actually sneaked into her room to prank her! Walking to the small study desk on the side, he sat there, tilted his head and with a finger on the side of his forehead clicked a picture of himself. He then posted it on his social media account with the caption," Stars? Your K is very happy today! I found an old friend who I had wished to talk to for a long while but had lost touch with! I hope all of you have many such happy days in the coming year as well! Wishing you all a happy new year!"

The moment the post was sent, the picture started to go viral as many fans shared and liked the picture. Many more netizens were curious about the pop star being alone on new year and could only comment while some congratulated him for having found the friend and soon a debate was sparked as everyone wondered if K had gone back to his hometown for the holidays. Most of the fans knew nothing about his immediate family other than the fact that he had been close to his late grandmother and K wanted to keep it like that. K replied to a few fans who wished him new year and then closed his phone before turning it on again. Opening the search engine on his phone, he typed in the name, Alice Faye but hesitated before pressing the search icon. He knew that she was a public figure just like him and it would be easy to know what she had been up to all these years. But he did not want to invade her privacy even more.

Sighing, he turned off the phone and leaned back in his chair. However before he could think of something to soothe his nerves so that he could sleep, his phone started to ring. Opening one eye, he glanced at the caller id and asked, " Why are you calling me in the middle of the night, you bast***? Are you missing me already?"

"It's because you are posting in the middle of the night. Are we not on holiday? That means a break from social media also! But you are adding one picture a day! K why are you not doing your stuff! Have you already reached the Rocky mountains? And if you have found her then why are you still on the internet?"

K sighed and walked to the bed, before throwing himself on the mattress and whining," Apollo? I did not go to the Rocky Mountains! The mountains came to me! And the reason I am here posting on the internet instead of talking to her is because she has forgotten me!"

When Apollo heard what K had to say, he could only shut his mouth and felt at a loss on what to say. Lee Chan also known as Apollo was had chosen to travel the world on a cruise with his parents to celebrate his holidays. He had wanted them to enjoy after they had worked all their lives to make him strong. Though all five members were close, Apollo was closest to K and could only guess how he was feeling at the moment. K had talked about nothing but his friend since he had come back from his grandmother's funeral. Though everyone else assumed that K had met the girl in his hometown, Apollo was the only one who knew what had really happened. And he was the one who had encouraged K to look for his friend. It was because he had seen K change slowly from the extrovert and prankster he was in the past to how he had quietened down slowly, turning serious. K was the lifeline of their band and also the one who was having the most difficult time dealing with the public. While all of them had their families, he had no one. And now it seemed that the only person who had given K unknowing strength had also forgotten him. Apollo felt a loss of words. This would be really demotivating for him. All of them had worked hard these years but for K these had been the hardest as he handled the performances as well as the pressure of being their leader.

Finally after thinking Apollo could only advise," K, so what if she has forgotten! Isn't that a good thing? The two of you can reconnect. Just start afresh! No one can be a stranger to you for long."

Incredibly cheered up at this, K agreed with Apollo and the two friends chatted up for a while. It was almost two am when K finally fell asleep with plans to reinstate their friendship. However his plans would be bound to fail because, when he did wake up, Alice Faye would be long gone.

Meanwhile, Samuel Faye paced the floor of his own room located on the second floor. He had lost sight of Alice and that man so suddenly. He had assumed that the man was some guest but he turned out to be associated with that Alice. He punched the wall in frustration that his plan had failed. The escorts he had arranged had been arrested by that damnable Ximin! Just how had that Alice Faye outsmarted him and escaped his clutches. He had mixed the drug in that drink himself! How had the waiter succeeded in replacing it? And where did Alice Faye escape to with that man?

Just then his phone rang," Sir, the police has arrested the escorts and all of them have blamed the person you had arranged. He has also confessed to the crime so there is nothing they can connect to you. However, Alice Faye is nowhere to be found. And also they have played really smart. The surveillance footage is also missing from the time the party began. Sir, this was all preplanned and they were actually hoping to catch you! You need to lie low for a while! And until now Miss Alice has been working with no outside help but this time she used someone as a cover so it is possible that she is ready to trap you. You need to be really careful. We are working on Miss Alice and will let you know as soon as she is back!"

The call was then disconnected with the phone being thrown against the wall!

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