Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 137 - A Shock

"Our Baby? Al?

Seeing the shock and slight happiness in Adam's eyes, Alice felt even worse. They could have shared the moment of happiness over the arrival of their baby but she had lost the baby because of her own carelessness. Hating herself and wanting to punish herself unconsciously, she pushed Adam and stepped out of his arms. A slight chill took over her body after losing his warmth but rubbing her arms, she turned away and said coldly, "Don't be too happy, K. You haven't heard what I said. I am not telling you that we are having a baby. I said that we lost our baby. As in yesterday, I had a miscarriage. The child was somewhere between 6-8 weeks.."

In a clinical tone of voice, devoid of all emptions, Alice explained about her belief that he period had been late and was unaware of the pregnancy to the time on that night when she had waited for him and drank wine on an empty stomach and then being sick over it.. With every word, Alice loathed herself more and more as all the thoughts and self blame that had been rushing through her head was put into words. After she had explained everything, there was nothing but silence in the large washroom.

Agonizing over the fact that she would have to look Adam and see the revulsion in his eyes for having failed to protect their child, Alice stopped talking and went to the bedroom hurriedly. She wanted to pack her bags and run away. She had almost done that this morning also. But only her promise to Adam to talk things out and not run away had kept her here. All day long, she had tried to think of what to tell Adam even if she had secretly hoped that she wouldn't have to be one to share the news. 

She had hoped of telling him about having a baby, somewhere in the distant future. But now she had to tell him about the death of their baby. Alice sat on the bed slowly and continued to stare at the closed door. Finally, the tears that she had forcefully stopped when tying to tell Adam the truth came back and slowly started to fall down her eyes.

The ringing in his ears refused to fade away. Never in his wildest dreams he had assumed that something like this could happen to them. They had not even had the time to rejoice the arrival of their baby and they would have to mourn. He wanted to tell Alice that it was not her fault. He wanted to assure her that he believed that if she had known she would never have been careless. More than anything he wanted to tell her to not blame herself. But his feet refused to listen to his brain. He seemed to be rooted tot he spot. 

Gradually as he accepted this another thought came to him. Alice had been facing this alone since yesterday. She must have been so scared and worried. No wonder everyone was so worried. They were there with her when he should have been the one. No wonder she was behaving so coldly. She was hurt beyond measure.. 

Walking out of the washroom, his moist eyes met hers for a moment before she looked away. Walking to her, without giving her a chance to move away, Adam picked her up in his arms and walked straight to the large couch in the bedroom. Alice wanted to apologize again and tell him that she was sorry but Adam placed his palm over her lips and shook his head, without saying a single word. He simple sat on the couch, placed his wife in his lap, hugged her close and let his own tears fall.

Slowly, Alice who had been sitting woodenly, let go of all the strength that she had gathered and burrowed herself in his arms.. letting her grief break free. Her sobs and his own grief seemed to overwhelm him, making him feel at a loss so that all he could do was shed tears with her. He had always prided himself in being observant but this time, he too had made such an error. He felt at a loss. 

Helplessness like never before seemed to surround him and Adam had no idea how to console him. Just as Alice's sobs started to subside to small whimpers, the telephone in the room started to ring loudly jolting Alice and Adam both. Alice tried to turn away from him and get up to answer the phone but Adam did not let go and simple said, "Let it ring."

But the noise did not subside. And the moment the phone stopped ringing, it would start again until finally Alice stood up and answered the phone. Before she could say a "Hello" however, Adam turned on the speaker and immediately wished that he had not as Lucas Ivy's voice echoed in the room. "Adam! There's just forty five minutes to the show and you have to be here or I will cancel the show. The audiences have paid to witness all members singing and you are a member of SKY. If you are not here and on the stage within the stipulated time, I will forcefully cancel the show and evacuate the audiences. After which I will make known that you and Apollo faked an injury so that you could skip tonight's show. You have forty three minutes now to make your decision.. I can understand that you must be in pain but the show must go on. Understood? This is the life you signed up for when you decided to become a pop star."

Adam wanted to punch the bas****! Taking the phone's receiver that was still clenched in her hands, he placed it down with a snap and turned to Alice. Lucas was not even willing to give him time to grieve. He went to take Alice back in his arms, until he knew what to say to her but she shook he head and stepped back. Instead of him being the one to console him, she was the one who said, "You have received a shock. But you cannot let that Lucas Ivy win.. We will talk later.." Placing a finger on his lips, Alice said with trembling lips, "We will talk. I will not close my self off. I tried doing that just now and all it took was a look from you for my resolve to crumble. I know you are blaming yourself. But it is not your fault it is mine.. Don't shake your head, Adam! I know where the fault lies. And we will discuss this later. I will arrange a car and you go and put on the stage make up."

Adam was amazed to see the strength in his girl. He could still see the self blame that she had for herself but other than that there was also an inane strength. Instead of him consoling her, she was the one consoling him. But, she was right. They would talk. He was not going to let her blame herself. On the way, the driver drove in silence while the two people in the back also were lost in their own thoughts. They reached the venue at the last minute and without a word, Adam placed a hard kiss on Alice's mouth and walked inside surrounded by guards.

The four boys had already taken their places under the stage when Adam rushed in while buttoning up his shirt. The boys all looked at him in concern but he simple extended his arm for a group hug before extending his hand, palm up for their cheer," Let the SKY rock tonight!"

The next ninety minutes were full of rocking music, of dancing and energy and laughter. Alice stood among the crowd letting their happiness surround her. Even though her heart seemed to be frozen in ice, the happiness around her soothed her as she thought, "This is what her baby would have felt if he was here.." One by one, all the members thanked the audience for their encouragement. They could see that K's emotions were now taking a toll on his composure and he would not be able to keep up. Soon everyone finished speaking and they hoped to bring down the curtain but the audience started to scream his name. Looking at the sea of faces in front of him, Adam brought the microphone to his mouth before pulling it away. For the first time, he did not know what to say so he said," Tonight, I'd like to sing a few lines from a senior band's song.. I hope you will all sing along.. 

One day the world stopped

Without warning

Spring didn't know to wait

Showed up not even a minute late

Streets erased of footprints

I lie here, fallen to the ground,

Time goes by on its own..

As the audiences sang along, unaware of K's pain, the curtains started to drop and the rest of the members of SKY waved in goodbye. Their microphones turned off as the song tapered off..

It was as they reached down that Adam looked at them, whispering and letting them be a part of his pain," An angel wrote in the book of life, my baby's date of birth, then whispered as she closed the book, Too beautiful For Earth."

Unknown to him, his microphone had not been turned off at the moment and the silent whisper echoed through the stadium...

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