Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 146 - Breaking News

"A Fake Orphan"

The celebrity gossip magazine 'Pop Life' had printed a special cover with SKY's K posing with a penetrating look on the cover and the headline pointed to a sensational news story. Alice looked down at the article and could only read it in amusement.. No wonder Adken Parry had never revealed that he and Adam were related. He wanted to use this opportunity at a desperate time. Adken Parry had finally launched a direct attack on his son. So he was now desperate. Just where he wanted him. She considered whether she should read the trash article before waiting for Adam's agency to reply or if she should simply let things be. But finally decided to read the article. To attack back, they needed to know what the opposition was saying or rather accusing. 

She opened the page to the article and read through it," The pop singer K from SKY has been found to be cheating and it brings us great sadness to out the lie that he has told his fans over the years. It is a known fact that idols sometimes lie to gain sympathy from their fans so that they can use that to gain fame but this is something beyond belief. The band SKY has brought our country great recognition from around the world as well as great financial gains. But the thought that the leader of such a band would lie about something like this would also bring us great shame. 

Sky had maintained a clean image from the beginning of their debut with very minor scandals that were easily handled by the cunning K. But now we would like to reveal what we are talking about. Before that we would like to present a few quotes from over the years that were made by K. " My grandmother was the only living family I had." The quote is from the time when Adam Parry's grandmother passed away and he had to miss a concert because of that. The second is from a live stream that he did from some time where he said, " I do not have parents."

Well these and several other similar quotes would make anyone hesitant to ask him about his family for fear that they would hurt the singer even more as he was an orphan. As a result of these, Adam Parry has never been questioned much about his other family relationships. Even his fans have not tried to look into the matter and stopped anyone from searching much. But this magazine has discovered a shocking truth. Adam Parry is not an orphan. His father is well and alive. But the man is not just alive. He is one of the biggest supporters of Adam Parry.

Anyone who has lived in this country has heard the name of Adken Parry and his company AP and Sons. The company is not just a giant in the Entertainment sector but also in may FMCG companies. AP and Sons also happens to be the mother company of BP Entertainment which as we all know is SKY's agency. If you were to visit the website information page, you will see that the company was only run by the ex chairman Lucas Ivy and from inside information, we have discovered that Adken Parry specifically started this company for his son. Any other orphans out there who have such strong financial backing?

So, the group who claims to have risen from the soil has a financial giant behind them. The readers cannot help but wonder what the purpose of such a lie was and why no one tried to discover it until now. Or was it suppressed by the power of Adken Parry? We don't know the reasons for such a lie but we can only hand our heads in shame for having been fooled for so long.."

Alice read the comments underneath the magazine article on the internet and was amused to see the water army that the magazine had hired to smear Adam's name. From calling him unfilial and threatening to boycott him, the hired netizens had done well to bring Adam and the headline to the hot topic search on various digital platforms and the article had already been shared thousands of times. 

The few people who tried to defend Adam were drowned out in the outrageous comments and even had to suffer abuse. Alice was not worried, however. Adam had already predicted this. The magazine had tried to twist his words when anyone who had followed SKY knew that Adam had never once said that he was an orphan. In fact there were times that a few agencies had reached out to him so that he would come forward and talk to orphaned children but he had refused. As a result she decided that she would just sit back and watch the show.

Lucas Ivy had just stepped down from the chairman's post and the person sitting in his position was now being stared at by the public relations time who were continuously trying to control the situation from spiraling out of control. With the media presence of SKY, it wouldn't take a long time for such a sensational news to reach the international media. And once it did, the haters would leave no stone unturned to jab at the boys. This would mean the ruin of all the boys and the staff that had worked hard over the years. And to make things worst, the person at the helm was the inexperienced Ben Parry. The public relations team had tried to speak to AP and Sons public relations team to come up with a clarification but they had refused to co operate citing that it was not their problem. On the other hand, Adam Parry who was the root cause of this problem had also refused to cooperate and issue an apology and explanation.

At present the two people whom they had just discovered were half brothers were staring at each other as they argued over something. It seemed that their new chief had found a way to get them out of the crisis but this was also a problem to Adam Parry who suddenly growled," Dam* it! I don't want pity! You can release anything else but not these newspaper clippings."

Ben Perry who was almost a mirror image of his half brother but for his hair which was different shades of pink and blonde while Adam Parry's was the restrained chocolate brown. The public relations man wanted to weep as he watched the brother's having a standoff. It had already been an hour since this had been released and they were arguing over trivial things. He wanted to peep over and see what clippings were those. 

While the director was lost in his thoughts, Ben was replying angrily," This is not for you to gain pity! This is the truth! And it was already printed so it's not like no one knows. They just need to connect this article to what you have said over the years and no one can blame you. Also Adken Parry would never think that you would do this. It is why he thinks that you are going to be easy prey.. Bro! Please let me do this!"

The other people who continued to observe this interaction understood two things. These two people had pretended to be strangers whenever they met in the company but their bond was deeper than it seemed on the surface. And second that they both had a bone to pick with Adken Parry. 

Finally Adam gave in and left his seat with a hum of agreement. Ben turned his laptop towards the other people and said," Use this material and publish it on behalf of the agency. Add a warning at the end that people who spread malicious gossip as truth are really useless at their job.

The other people were already dying of curiosity but dare not scramble from their seats before the two people left. Adam was a well respected guy and had never thrown his wait around so he was also well liked. Naturally anyone who knew him personally would not be willing to accept the fact that he would lie like this. Once the door closed behind the new chairman, they all jumped out of their seats and crowded the screen to read what was there.

Their hair stood on end as they read the news paper clippings from over two decades ago. Adam had watched his mother die slowly in front of his eyes! A small child whose brain was not even fully developed to understand what death was. They could hardly imagine. And it seemed it had been a big scandal as the father had not even discovered this for a long time.. And then instead of comforting the child the inhuman father had simply taken the child away and thrown him in the village, away from everything the child had known. As the articles came to an end, the public relations team slowly created a video with everything that was given to them and then in the end typed in only one question," Who could blame K for not acknowledging a father like that?"

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