Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 152 - Heavy Losses

Adken Parry felt he was out of his mind! He had meticulously prepared everything over the years, expending so much time, energy and resources to bring Adam under his control but now everything had been lost! If only the boy had been a little less talented and a little less smart, everything would have been great! 

But the boy had been playing Tai Chi with him for so long that at present Adken Parry felt that he had been too gentle with the boy! He had thrown him into the village so that he would grow up to be a slow witted country bumpkin like his mother when they first came to the city. But he had forgotten that in spite of being an illiterate woman from the countryside, his mother had done well by him and she would expend similar energy on her only grandson!

Instead of handing the boy to his own mother, Adken should have hired a few nannies to take care of the kid! And now the kid that should have been malleable like clay had turned out to be a thorn on his side. And to add to that, the woman he had chosen was also too shrewd and cold for her own good! He would have to take extreme measures now to bring Adam to his side.

Picking up his phone, he dialed a number. After the third ring the phone was answered and the man on the other side said, "Who is calling? And Why?" There were no pleasantries or even a simple hello. Grimacing with distaste at having to talk to a lowlife, Adken Parry growled," I want to talk to Blade. I am Parry."

"Wait a minute."

A few minutes later, a low voice growled," Parry! It's been a while! What made you think of me?"

The distaste on Adken Parry's face deepened even more as the other man spoke so informally as if they were friends. But he needed to use this man and for that he would have to cover his revulsion.

"I need you to do something for me.." As he outlined his plan the other man's grin widened.

Finally a little while later, Blade grinned a bit and said in a friendly way," Parry, my old friend. Age has not mellowed you down. You are the same as ever! Or maybe you have become even more crueler. Attacking your own son's wife.. Even we low lives don't touch our families.. Hundred million in advance and hundred million after the work is done. Understood?"

"Fine." Adken Parry immediately wired the money into the account and decided to wait for the good... actually bad news..

On the other end, the smiling face of the man hardened as he stared at even more loathing after the call was disconnected. The man who had answered the phone had actually assumed that the caller was an old friend of the boss who had made the boss too happy after connecting for a long time. But the boss had even charged the man so much and his expression now," Boss Blade? Did you know that man? Parry? Was he your friend at one time?"

The older man looked at his subordinate. The boy was simple minded and it was why he was only made to sit here and answer the phone. There was no need to explain much to the boy but still he said," Let me tell you boy. It is better to rear a thousand snakes than to have a friend like that man. He thinks he is high and mighty because he has money and servants. He looks down on us for being the scum of society.. But the truth is that people like him are the scum of society and they are the low lives. Knowing him, he hates it that a person like me would be so friendly to him. It is beneath him. I imaging that man's expression of revulsion when I talk to him like that and it gives me great pleasure. We do this work because we were forced into it by our circumstances and our situations but people like him use us to accomplish their own greedy wishes. Anyway, call little Yen. We are going to need his help. Tell him the pay is good."

Unknown to the horror coming their way, Alice stood at the airport waiting for Adam's return. A single move had taken down the entire fort that Adken Parry had created out of thin air. Instead of waiting in the lounge like other people, Alice had used her power and was waiting near the tarmac. She was going to hug her husband and console him for enduring so much! 

She finally was able to see his handsome face when he alighted from the airplane. There were a few girls excitedly chatting with him, making Alice frown! This was the down side of having a good looking celebrity for a husband. As if sensing her displeasure, Adam's head whipped towards her and he said something to the girls who then all looked in her direction.

Immediately schooling her features or she would be labelled a jealous shrew in the next day's newspapers, Alice smiled and waved back at the girls who hooted loudly after spotting her. At least the girls did not have any bad intentions towards her husband since they were equally happy to see her..  Breaking away from the group with good byes, Adam returned to Alice and immediately hugged his wife to his chest. But he did not let go before teasing her," You look so cute when you are jealous and trying to control you violent streak!"

Narrowing her eyes, she decided to tease him back, "Who said anything about jealousy? I was just thinking it is nice to have a trophy husband.."

Adam stopped in his tracks and narrowed his eyes," A trophy husband.."

He was about to show her about being a trophy husband when she continued, "Of course the better part is that you will still be shiny and new for a few years. It will be difficult to find a better looking trophy husband when you have grown older and lost your charms and looks.."

The teasing grin on Adam's face was wiped off as he glared at his wife and pouted. It was no fun to tease her these days. She always teased him back ten fold! This was the draw back of having a smart woman for a wife! She always caught on to the tricks rather quickly!

"Hey! Hey! Wifey! How can you talk so casually of getting a new trophy! Let me tell you, your husband is no cold trophy! I am a full bodied wine whose taste only improves over time! I am not even in my prime yet and already a few million women are after me!"

Alice glanced at the man was was walking beside her full of confidence and shook her head. Sometimes she had trouble believing the words coming from his mouth.. 

Seeing her expression, Adam brought out the actor in him and complained," Hey! I see your expression! You are looking down on me! But let me tell you something, you may like me for my golden looks, but I like you for your violent ways! So even if you plan to leave me in the future, I will not leave you."

Even though, Adam had said everything casually, Alice stopped and held his hand, entwining their fingers, "The day I leave you will be the day I breathe my last.."

Adam placed a finger on her lips not wanting her to continue. "Don't even think of saying things like these! Do you understand? I would rather you leave me for a trophy man than talk nonsense like this.."

Alice looked down at the finger on her lips and gently bit it before saying, "Ha! You just want me to leave you when you are in your prime so that you can have another woman! Let me tell you Adam Parry, you will be old and wrinkly with a bald head and ugly as a duck before I let another woman have you.."

Laughing, the two people walked out of the airport hand in hand using the VIP gateway. But just as the two people were about to get in the car, two people drove forward suddenly rear ending into the still car. Both Alice and Adam were jolted as they had been about to get into the car and before the two people could even straighten up, a gun was aimed at Alice and a bullet fired silently hitting her in the shoulder. While Adam had lost his balance and bent down too much, the bullet coming his way missed him a few inches and shot through the car's window.

Jumping in reflex, Adam turned back to look at the perpetrators, but the other car had already reversed and was racing towards the exit..Adam frowned.. They could have shot another bullet since no one had been alerted yet but they had run away! Worriedly, he threw a glance and saw in horror as Alice collapsed to the ground...

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