Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 155 - Kieran's Proposal

One Year Later:

Kieran held the woman in his arms carefully as they danced a set.  He found it hard to believe that the girl in his arms had been hos girlfriend for more than a year. After her initial rejections of him and his plans, he had finally had her agree to become his girlfriend. They had already met each other's parents and he was eager for them to take the next step. But he was not too sure of her answer. And the reason for that was her best friend. 

Over time, Zirui and Gyeom's friendship was something that he had come to accept rather unwillingly. In the initial days of their relationship, Zirui would spend a long time, chatting back and forth with the man. Even when they had just finished making love and the guy called, she would stop cuddling and speak to the man. But over time, he had observed that she had distanced herself from him.

Earlier, she used to call the other man to discuss every small thing but now she had started to lean on him. He was unsure if this was because of him or because of something else. He had tried to judge her feelings for a little while, in case she had fallen for Gyeom but that was not the case. He was sure of her feelings on the matter. But what he was not sure of was Gyeom's feelings. The guy was really good at hiding his true feelings. But from the few times, he had heard from Zirui, he had always encouraged her in advancing the relationship with Kieran. He took this as assurance that the guy really did consider her a friend. And he should. With the man's looks and status, there must be thousands of women throwing them at his feet, why would he cover his ZIrui?

Zirui looked up and stared at the man, who had a far away look in his eyes. Clicking her fingers in front of his face, she moved her head in question, asking without words what he was thinking. He looked at her and sighed before he decided to ask her directly," Zirui? If I and Gyeom were to fall into a river and you had to save one, who would you save?"

Zirui looked up in shock at the question before shaking her head, "You are two big men! You would expect a girl to jump into the river and save you?"

Kieran shook his head and slowly lead her off the dance floor. They needed to talk about something serious! However, Zirui was not the least bit serious as she asked, "Fine then! Kieran, do you know, how to swim?"

"Yes, Zirui! I do! And you do not have a low IQ! You understand exactly what I am trying to ask you! Don't pretend. Just give me a direct answer."

Zirui shook her head and said, "Kieran! I hate multiple choice questions! It is too difficult to choose! If both of you, who know how to swim, cannot swim out of a lake, then it probably means I can't too. So I don't need to jump in! I will simply call for help from the sides like a helpless woman! Of course I will also scream for you to please come back and not leave me and go." 

Instead of returning to their table, Kieran dragged Zirui out of the restaurant and straight towards the dark car park. Stunned, Zirui protested loudly that just because he had not received the answer he wanted, did not mean that he would starve her.

Kieran pushed her against the car, and kissed her passionately and a little aggressively! She liked to tease him, did she! He would show her the meaning of teasing today.. As always, when Kieran kissed her, Zirui tended to forget everything on her mind and she simply returned the kiss passionately. 

Sensing her response, Kieran was not satisfied and pushed his body closer to hers, almost trying to become one with her. Finally, when he had her surrender and when he knew that she would be in a daze, he moved back. He looked at the way her head was leaned back and her eyes were closed as she accepted and returned his kiss. Her small lips were a bit swollen and glistening red from his kisses.

Brushing a thumb over her tempting lips, he sked her again,"ZiZi... Look at me... Do you see me? Who is kissing you?"

It took Zirui a few minutes to listen to him and she opened her eyes and looked into his.."Zirui? Tell me, in this place, would you want me to kiss you or do you wish for Gyeom?" 

A haze from the earlier passion was already over her eyes but when Kieran mentioned Gyeom, the haze got deeper because of confusion. For a few moments, Zirui frowned as she tried to think what Gyeom had anything to do with kissing her. These few moments seemed to be the worst in Kieran's life as he worried that she would really choose Gyeom..

When Zirui's mind finally provided the answer and the connection, a black scowl graced her face and she really wished she was one of those women who carried big hand bags. She would have loved to hit this man a hundred times with that. Thousands of times, she had assured him that she only liked him but he just would not believe her. Yes she never did use the word love because she did not believe in it! But since they were a relationship, of course that would also be there."

Hitting him in the chest, Zirui pushed him back and then poked her finger in his chest. "Will, let me tell you something, Kieran! I don't know about kissing but if you were the one proposing to me or it was Gyeom, I would have definitely picked you before you pulled this stunt! How many times have I screamed your name when we have been together in bed? How many times have I looked you in the eye and told you that I am glad that you came into my life and declared yourself my fiance? What will it take for you to stop being so insecure? If I had chosen to be with Gyeom, then I would have already made my move on him! He is my friend and nothing more!"

Having said her piece, Zirui stalked away angrily! She had come here with him to celebrate their year of being together but he had gone ahead and ruined it! Somewhere inside, she had even hoped that he would propose to her so that they could take the next step together. In he rheart, she had already chosen him as her life partner.

Tears streamed down her face as she walked further and further. Why did he have to be so foolish! To pacify him, she had even stopped chatting with Gyeom. She could understand his jealousy in the beginning because she had intentionally used Gyeom to make him jealous but now, she barely messaged him once or twice a month. She had felt her best friend drifting apart from her but had let it go because she had been happy. The void that Gyeom had left had been filled by Kieran himself. And she had never missed Gyeom much! But in the process, she knew that she had ended up hurting Gyeom. But she had consoled herself that he would find new friends and be happy in his life while Kieran and her would be happy..

But Kieran was the one who was intent on bringing Gyeom between them! Just as she was about to take the next step, she almost fell tot he ground as her ridiculous heel broke into two. Bending down, she was about to take it off when a figure rushed by her and kneeled in front of her. Her eyes met his for a brief moment before she huffed and straightened, crossing her arms in front of her.

Tapping a foot against the floor, she asked rather rudely, "What?"

She expected him to apologize and she was already planning to forgive him if he groveled a bit. But what Kieran did shocked her. Taking a small velvet box out of his pocket, he brought it in front of her and opened it, revealing a beautiful heart shaped ring with a single beautiful diamond in the middle. 

Her hands flew to her mouth and she looked at Kieran intently as he said," Zirui, just now, you said that if I were to propose to you, you would say yes. So, here is my heart, just for you. Are you willing to hold it in your hands for life? I know you don't believe in the word 'love' but let me love you for all my life.."

When Zirui heard the words, all her anger was forgotten and she immediately nodded her head in agreement before she shouted, "Yes! Yes, yes.." The unhappy tears changing into happy ones.

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