Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 159 - Abandoned

Alice tried to find a way to break the news to Zirui was was now striding their way. There was not even an inkling of foreboding on her face and the girl had no idea what she was about to hear. Slipping the letter into her purse, Alice stood in front of Aunt Nyra and the old man before going to Zirui.

Just then Adam came running, his face full of panic. When he noticed that Alice was walking fine, but there was a troubled expression on her face, he immediately understood that something was wrong, though not with the baby but he had no idea what it could be.

Zirui and Shantao reached Alice at the same time and using thks, Alice immediately smiled and said," I can't believe that you are still so worried that you followed me here." Saying this she held Adam's hand and then turned to Zirui and said,"Zi ai. You need to go sit in the car. It seems everyone is late and people have still not been seated inside. It is too stuffy."

Zirui nodded on concern as she asked," is everything not well organized? Do I need to look for the wedding planner?"

Alice shook her head and answered,"No need. Just go sit in the car. Everything will be delayed by just a bit."

Zirui nodded and went to go sit back in the car but Mou Shantao was not fooled. He looked at the people there with narrowed eyes and decided to come back later and check. He had to report their arrival to their father first and let him keep Zizi company.

Alice held Adam's hand tightly before they turned a corner and then she took out her phone and started to make a call. There was no way Kieran could have already left the country. If he was here two hours ago, at most he should be in flight. Aunt Nyra would not lie. But that old man.. she had a nighling suspicion that the man was trying to delay everything so that Kieran could escape. 

As soon as the phone connected, Alice questioned the other person,"It there a man named Kieran Rowen on any of the kit bound flights for this evening?"

As soon as the other party answered with the details, Alice glanced at the time and knew that she was right. The flight that Kieran was booked on was scheduled to leave at 5 30 and there were still 20 minutes left for the jerk to leave. That question informed Adam of what was going on and he narrowed his eyes in anger. So Kieran had run away. The first thought in Alice's mind was getting Kieran back, but to Adam, he was worried about Zirui. What had just happened?

He felt even more confused when Alice made the second fall,"Hello? Uncle Liu? This is Alice. There is a man at the airport who js planning to board the flight MNP234 at 5.30 pm today. Could you please do me a favor and detain him? He has stolen a few of the company's secret documents and is running away. I will officially file a report against him and then be there. Yes..thank you, uncle Liu."

As Alice spoke on the phone, Adam phone also started to ring. Answering on instinct, Adam muttered a 'Hello' into the phone and Gyeom's voice sounded.

"Thank you for the coffee truck. And the disgusting picture.". When Adam had heard that Gyeom would not be attending the wedding, he had sent over a coffee truck to where they were shooting and to remind their friend of his friends, he had even sent a standee picture of all of them having beer while he half a glass of milk. It was an old picture of them when he had been the only one underage to drink.

He had planned to tease Gyeom with it but right now, he could only say," Yes. You are working hard."

Gyeom frowned at Adam's distracted tone. He was not one to leave him without teasing and thus asked,"What's up? Why are you so distracted?" At this moment, he realised the time and questioned,"Are you at Zirui's wedding, K?"

Still reeling with the news of the missing groom, Adam answered absently,"I think we are going to have to cancel the wedding...Gyeom, I'll call you back later..Take care."

As Alice would have run off, Adam finally stopped her and asked,"What is going on, babe?"

Finally, Alice took a breather and and told everything to Adam before finally showing the letter to him and finishing off,"That jerk list have gotten cold feet but he will regret this day for the rest of his life if he goes away now. He will be back here with an escort in less than an hour. Come on Adam. We have to go and get him.."

But Adam did not budge. Instead he took the letter from Alice and asked strangely,"What's in the letter?"

Alice frowned at this, shrugging her shoulders,"I have no idea. It's addressed to Zirui so naturally I did not open it."

"Alice, Zirui also had cold feet but she did not write a note and run away. Getting the groom to the alter will not help Zirui. She needs to know what is happening instead of trying herself to a reluctant groom."

Shaking her head, Alice explained,"I am not getting Kieran here to get them married. I am bringing him here so that he can stand there on the altar and cancel the wedding himself instead of letting Zirui do this. He is the one who has come feet. Let him explain."

"Babe! Before that you need to give this letter to Zirui and let her decide what she wanted to do. You have already stopped Kieran.leave the rest in Zirui's hands."

Alice looked at Adam and sighed deeply. Truth was that she was scared for Zirui. Whatever the girl had confused to her this morning and combined with what she had seen, it would be really heartbreaking for Zirui.

Sighing, she clutched the letter and walked back to where Zirui was still sitting in the car. She was alone at this moment and Alice held her breath and with an encouraging nod from Adam, climbed in.

Zirui looked up with excitement as she expectedher father but still continued to smile at Alice as she commented,"I thought you were my father. Does Shantao think I am going to run away from he wedding that he sent you to keep an eye on me? Does he think this is a K drama where the bride will run away?"

Unable to say a word, Alice extended her palm and placed the white envelope in Zirui's lap. Zirui looked down at the simple envelope and finally the cloud of happiness seemed to dissipate a little. Still she tried to be brave as she said,"You need to give your blessings after the wedding in a red know.."

But Zirui had already seen her name and the handwriting on the envelope.

Taking out the letter, she read through it once in disbelief. Looking up, she laughed and asked,"Alice! What kind of a prank is this? How can you also be involved in this! It must be Shantao and Adam who have thought his hoax, right? And they even convinced Kieran to...".she tapered off when Alice did not agree that this was not the truth.

Finally, she looked down at the letter and re-read the contents loudly," Zirui, I promise that I have loved you with all my heart but as the time comes nearer for us to promise to live together, there are doubts in my heart which I am unable to suppress even as this day has arrived upon us. To the promises I have made to you and I am about to break, I can only hope that you will find in your heart to forgive me someday. Goodbye,


Zirui looked at Alice with many questions in her eyes but Alice had no answer for it. She could only shake her head and say,"Kieran is on his way back. For now, we have announced that there is an emergency and the wedding has been postponed. You can wait to talk this out with him and wait for an explanation or we can go in whenever you want and announce that the wedding is cancelled."

The letter in her hand was crushed tightly and Zirui looked out of the window, turning her head away from Alice. Finally, she sighed and looked away,"Give me some time Alice. I am having difficulty even believing that Kieran would do something like this..."

Meanwhile, Kieran had already been pushed into the car and was being brought towards the wedding venue. His face was set in stone but he said nothing, simply starting out of the window.. There was no remorse or guilt on his face, only a firm determination that he was not going to get married today.

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