Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 161 - Hospital

Dressed in a white suit, Gyeom had race straight from his shooting venue when he heard Adam. Even though Zirui was not his friend anymore, he would not be able to stand back and do nothing. 

His first glimpse of her after so long had already shaken his belief that he was over her.

Sitting there dressed in a soft pink dress, her eyes closed and an expression of pain on her face, she had looked like an angel who had been hurt.

He had planned to only look from far away and not go inside but seeing her there, he was helpless and went to the car. Hesitantly on the window, he knocked but she seemed not to hear it and keot her eyes closed. Maybe she heard it but did not want to look lr talk to anyone. She was like that. Someone who would nurse her wounds quietly.

Gyeom decided to try the handle and incidentally the door was opened. At least she had not locked herself inside.

A few minutes later, Zirui was weeping in his arms, shattering the rest of his heart. This was what he had feared having to see and face. He had never tried to interfere in her relationship with Kieran because he had believed that this is what she would have to suffer if he pursued her. But he had not expected this of Kieran. 

The guy was someone very stable and trustworthy. In fact anyone who knew Kieran would say that the guy was predictable to the point of being extremely boring. How could he do something that would hurt Zirui?

But this was not the time for Gyeom to say anything and he could only pat the girl. Suddenly the heartbreaking sobs stopped. 

Gyeom thought maybe she had fallen quiet but the next moment, her body turned limp against him.

Worried , Gyeom moved away from her for a minute and realized Zirui had fainted. There was a whiteness around her lips and her face under the make up had turned pale. 

In a panic, he looked around and noticing the car keys in the ignition, he slowly put Zirui in a lying position on the seat and jumped towards the drivrr's sear from the back, taking the car away from the church.

As they reached the emergency ward, the doctors conducted a routine check up while Gyeom waited outside until the doctor finally said,"There is nothing to worry about. Your bride is fine. She must have been nervous and Not eaten anything much. Combined with the stress, her blood sugar level dropped, causing her to faint. She just needs to take an intravenous glucose drip and then you can take her back and get married."

As the doctor and nurse walked away discussing about the children and their weddings these days, Gyeom walked into the ward.

The ward had been divided by blue curtains to accommodate multiple patients and Zirui was placed on the last bed. Her face looking a little better face Gyeom a measure of relief as he sat next to her without a word.

Finally Ziruiblooked at Gyeom and asked,"What are you doing here?"

"I was bored. So I thought that I should take a stroll through the hospital."

"Shut up Gyeom. You know what I mean."

"Well, my best friend who loves to eat by the say decided to faint from starving herself so I naturally had to do something."

Zirui finally turned her head to look at Gyeom and asked,"Can you not give me a straight answer?"

"Can you not talk and just take the drip? I have to go and inform everyone about this. Or they are going to think that you have been kidnapped or something. My phone's in my car so I have no other option.". Zirui nodded and turned away in no mood to talk anymore.

When Gyeom simply shuffled on his feet but did not move, Zirui gave him a small smile and said," Younknow it was just low blood sugar. I am not going to go crazy.."

Bobbing hi ahead, Gyeom left the hospital and drive straight back to the church. Only to hear Kieran talking such things. Enraged, Gyeom marched forward and punched the man in the face, causing him to fall. Before anyone could react, he then stared at Shantao and said,"Zirui is in the hospital. She fainted. Currently she is on a drip. Before Gyeom could have even completed the sentence, Shantao raced out of the church. And so did everyone else.

But Kieran did not move and neither did Gyeom. He glared keenly at the man on the floor and cocked his head.

There should have been anger on his face at being punched. Or even indifference at the way he had just speaking about Zirui. But there was concern. Gyeom's inquisitive gazeade Kieran look at the man before he looked away.

Kieran wanted to ask what had happened but he dare not show his concern. He had lot the right to.

Disappointed that Kieran would not even show his concern, Gyeom was about to turn and go when he heard Kieran say,"Take care of her. You are worthy of her, you know. It is why I always felt insecure of your friendship with her."

Gyeom whipped around at this and scowled harder. Narrowing his eyes, he snorted,"Whatever it is you are hiding, won't help you, you know. Everyone knows you would never do something like this. At present they are agitated but once they calm down, you will be exposed. Don't try and be a martyr and tell everyone the real reason for the stunt you pulled today and then apologize to Zirui and everyone else and marry the girl."

"I can't."

The next instant Kieran was held by the collar and Gyeom had leaned into his face as he said,"Do you think I don't know that I a worthy of her? But her heart had already chosen you. It was her being stubborn. If I'd had a moment's doubt that she would love me as much as she would love you, I would have fought you tooth and nail. Now, you better apologize and get married."

Repeating his previous words, Gyeom pushed Kieran away but once again the other man's words forced him to a stop.

"I can't marry her, Gyeom. In face you won't want me to marry her. Unless you want to see her widowed in under a year."

The words were like a punch to his gut. Just like the time when they had decided to disband and he had felt him self flailing on thin ground, Gyeom felt himself go back there. 

As if time had stopped, he turned around and asked slowly,"What are you talking about?"

Kieran looked away, trying to compose himself as he breathed deeply and said,"I had been feeling unwell for a while now. I chalked it up to stress from work and the wedding preparations. But last week I fainted at work and that is when the discovered the tumour.." 

Finally, Kieran broke down and confessed everything in front of Gyeom. He had received the reports last night that the tumour was malignant and possibly terminal.

The fear in his heart intensifying, Kieran had decided to call off the wedding. But he knew that Zirui would never agree to that. Which is why he had planned everything so that she would be able to move on from him. His future was going to be full of troubles. He couldn't let her get involved in all that and waste away her golden years.

Even as sympathy and pity surfaced inside Gyeom, he showed none of this for the man and asked with an expressionless face," The choice to stand by you or not depends on Zirui and not you. If you had discovered this tomorrow instead of yesterday, would you still expect Ziruibto leave you?"

Kieran shook his head and said,"The what ifs don't matter. The truth remains that I don't want Zirui to see me in my last moments. I want her to remember me as I am not. Even of she remembers me with hatred. But if I were to succumb to the tumour down the line, her last memories of me would be of a weak and helpless man. I don't want that. Please promise me that you will love her and take care of her once I am gone, Gyeom. Please."

"I could have fought for her, Kieran and won. And I am still willing to fight you, Kieran but I refuse to fight with the memories you leave behind. Zirui, you were right. He really did have something to hide. You have your answers now. He is all yours."

Kieran stared wide eyed as Gyeom stepped aside and Zirui, who was supposedly in the hospital walked in from behind, her eyes full of tears and accusations. Kieran gulped and looked away.. all the strength and fear that held him together breaking away at the sight of her.

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