Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 167 - A True Star

As Gyeom headed to the kitchen, Ye Heng let go of her curiosity and instead of sitting she looked at the pictures. There were so many of them.. From early days of SKY, that even the most dedicated fans like her had never seen to the recent ones. There were even few with Chairwoman Alice Faye with the entire group. And she spotted a few with what she presumed was his family.. Finally, her eyes rested on a picture of Gyeom with another girl. 

They wore almost matching clothes of track suits and carried back packs as if they had gone on a trek. Ye Heng caused for a second as she tried to recognize who the person was.. She had a familiar face but she couldn't place a name.

As Ye Heng stood staring at the picture, Yu Gyeom returned with a two bowls and placed them on the table in the living room. He shook his head and commented,"You really are a true journalist, Miss Ye. I can almost see the question marks floating on your head as you try to guess who that person is.. Please come and sit here to eat. I don't know about you but I am really hungry. I've made some instant noodles. We can have that and then talk."

Ye Heng had stiffened at the first sentence and turned around ready to apologize as she had realized how rude she was being. And how nosy. But when he did not even look at her and went back into the kitchen, she slumped and sat down on the couch gingerly feeling a little guilty again. Naturally he had not eaten anything since he had fainted thanks to her..

As he carried the big bowl of noodles out, Ye Heng felt her mouth water at the fragrance. Even her stomach gave a big growl at the impression of food much to her embarrassment. Luckily, Yu Gyeom did not notice and simply continued the task of serving the noodles into the bowl before passing it to her.

"I hope you don't mind these. Usually K tends to leave some food and fruits in the refrigerator but he has been busy these days so this is all I have. I am quite absent minded when it comes to things like these. I usually eat something from restaurants or just tend to forget the food. 

If you want you can have something else when K comes. He is a food Santa these days.."

Since most of the people knew that he was a foodie, he did not need to mention that the reason K had started delivering food to him since last month was because he was worried about him over Zirui.

Feeling a bit ashamed of herself, Ye Heng said,"It's alright. I don't eat that much. Even though I look like I do eat enough for two people.."

Yu Gyeom had only taken a bite of his noodles when he heard this self deprecating sentence and instantly rebuked," I am not judging you by your looks Miss Ye. That girl who's picture you were just seeing, every time she eats it's as though she has been starved for months. And even sister in law, I mean Alice Faye would have scoffed at me if I only served her noodles. And just so you know you don't look like you eat for two."


This time Ye Heng did not know anything. She reminded herself that she needed to stop being so sensitive about her weight and not everyone was judging her for being fat. Usually she convinced herself that it was fine and a little more of her only meant that there was more to love but after today's episode where every netizens was calling her a fatty, she was a little more emotional.

Quietly she ate the slightly spicy noodles. She needed to enjoy this moment. Who else could claim that they had a chance to eat food cooked by their favorite idol?

Busy with her noodles, she failed to notice the sound of the door opening and almost jumped out of her seat when Gyeom clicked his fingers in front of her and said,"See her? Now she looks like she eats for two!"

Getting up from his seat, he walked to Alice Faye, kissed her cheek as he asked,"How is my niece doing?"

Alice smiled a bit and answered,"Lively and kicking these days."

But then she ignored Gyeom as she went to see who it was that had made Adam ready to leave in the middle of the night. In a glance she recognise the woman who was the hot topic today. She was still wearing the same clothes from the video.

Meanwhile Gyeom had already talked to Adam and was taking the lunch boxes from his hand as he sniffed at them,"Is this spaghetti? Yum! I knew I could trust you, K. See, Miss Ye. I told you K would not let us starve..Do you guys want any.."

"No! But I will have some of those noodles that you are having..after you introduce me to Miss Ye." Alice answered.

But before Gyeom could make the introductions K frowned and inserted,"You can't have them. They are spicy. They will cause you heartburn.."

"Well let them! Little baby here wants to taste what her uncle is having."

Ye Heng smiled when he heard all this. At times when she had watched the re runs of SKY's reality show, a cynical side of her often wonders of it was all really a show and whether these people who had such different personalities really got along so well. But now it seemed to be true. 

A little while after then introductions, Yu Gyeom and Adam finally picked the topic that had all brought him here. K looked at Ye Heng and slowly said,"Ye Heng. You have already heard the rumors about us coming together for a special venture. So let me explain this to you. The venture is called A True Star. As you know our fans were called STARS so this show is a tribute to them. We are going to gather talented musicians and dancers from all over the country and give them opportunities to perform directly in from of the audiences in stead of training for years with individual agencies and yet losing the chance to even debut. We will focus on one person every month and they will be training with all of us for the first initial week and then.. It's not going to be a competition. It's not going to invade your privacy. It's just going to hone your talent. Consider it a finishing school of sorts..I have also spoken to a few agencies who are willing to offer contracts to those who are interested. We were in the middle of announcing the auditions but your voice is just as beautiful and if you are interested we can sign you up for the pilot project. Even though the channel that we want has agreed to give us a prime slot, it never harms to be more prepared.

Ye Heng was pretty sure that she had entered a parallel universe of some sort. First she had a chance to meet Yu Gyeom then she botched it. But then she got an even better chance to visit his home! And now this God like man was offering her a chance that she had not even dated to dream of. Did she die from the fall and was somehow in some dreamlike state right now?

Adam could not have imagined what was going on in the young girl's head and neither could Gyeom. But he had a faint idea and pointed out what Ye Heng could be thinking. "K, she had weight issues. She thinks she is over weight."

Adam, Alice and Gyeom all started at her as Gyeom said this making Ye Henf turn red. She had no idea that she had actually shown so much of herself.

Before Ye Heng could say anything to defend herself, since what he had said was technically true, Alice intervened,"Which woman does not suffer from weight issues? But I don't thing Miss Heng needs to worry about that. You are at most a little full. Also what matters is your talent. For the looks, they will have professional stylists who can make even the most ugly looking people beautiful. You on the other hand are really very pretty so won't require any work. They will only need to highlight your big and beautiful eyes and your voice will do the rest."

Ye Heng blinked at the compliment that was stated as a fact. She had definitely gone crazy and somehow entered a dream world. And since she was in a dream world, she could agree to everything...right?

So she nodded and said,"Fine..I can be your True Star whatever it is. Anyway none of this is real..."

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