Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 176 - Welcome Kieran And Zirui

As Ye Heng and Gyeom drove to the venue, Ye Heng decided that she needed to clarify a few things with Gyeom. They had been extremely careful in public when interacting with each other because letting the press know about a relationship that did not exist would only harm them more. But even as their thoughts were in sync, she had a feeling that this would not apply here. She sighed. She did not want to expose their relationship to their friends also.. her eyes sting as she used the word relationship loosely. She would have been the first one to announce to the world about their relationship if that is what it had been. But what they were having was a simple torrid affair. 

Looking away, she tried to clear her thoughts before she spoke with Gyeom. It would be too embarrassing if she started to cry in front in him.

Just then, Gyeom he'd put his hand towards hers and caught her hand, trying to be hands but Ye Heng pulled away.

Throwing a glance her way, Gyeom questioned,"What? I am just holding your hand ok? I promise to not do anything else... Until we get home that is."

"Gyeom.." Ye Heng'a voice came out a but shakily so she paused for a minute making Gyeom throw another worried glance at her as he asked,"What is it, Ye Heng?"

"Gyeom, I want you to behave normally when we get there."

" Well, I do behave normally over there. In fact, K an Alice's house is one of the few places I am most normal at."

"No.. I mean normally as in don't hold my hand or look at me like that.."

Gyeom frowned at this sudden condition that Ye Heng placed. He had not really planned to show off their new relationship but he was not going to hide it either. Scowling, he asked a bit harshly,"Why?"

Ye Heng stared at Gyeom in surprise. She had assumed that he would be relieved in hearing this. But why did he sound so angry?

"Just that.. Like you I treasure them as friends as well. I don't want there to be any speculation or awkwardness when we stop sleeping with each other. They are friends to both of us and should not be made to choose sides when we eventually drift apart and end things. This would lead to future awkwardness until finally I would have to avoid them. And I don't want to lose precious friends because we succumbed to our libido.."

"Hey! It's have barely been a week since we have started and you are already thinking of an end?"

Gyeom felt.inexplicable anger course through him at this. And he almost explained when Ye Heng added fuel to the fire when she said nonchalantly,"Lust is like that, Gyeom. It combists from a small spark, bright and got fit a while before everything fizzes out eventually."

He should have been happy that she wanted to his everything but he could feel his blood boil with rage and opposition to this idea.

Suddenly he wanted to behave like Tarzan and thump his chest as he announced to everyone that she belonged to him! As if that would work. He should actually be happy about this that Ye Heng was thinking so far ahead. It meant less worry for him. But why did it feel like she was already trying to get rid of him.

His frown did not ease all the way to K's home and even then as he parked, he objected one last time,"Won't they guess we are together considering the fact that we have come together?"

Ye Heng looked at him as if he had lost his mind before she pointed out, "We have come together multiple times in the past, Gyeom.."

Gyeom: "oh"

Following her out of the car, he then said, "Fine then, I won't even talk to you."

As Gyeom said this, Ye Heng stopped mid stride and turned back to him, "That would make it only more awkward Gyeom. Behave naturally! That means talk naturally and joke around and tease me naturally the way you do.."

Gyeom frowned and walked behind Ye Heng. This idea was not sitting very nicely with him. If Ye Heng had said this earlier, then he would have argued his way out but she had been smart and told him only when they were halfway there!

Sulking, he walked at a slower pace, could it be that Ye Heng was ashamed of him? No no.. That couldn't be it, right? He was soon distracted from his thoughts as he entered the home and watched Ye Heng being hugged by Felix, I.M and Apollo. Did Apollo linger in the hug a little too long. He had not forgotten the interview last month where he had been one of the idols who had said that she was his ideal type of girl!

Apollo felt the Gyeom's gaze from far away and looked up with a frown. Had he somehow offended the kid that he was staring at him so angrily? As Ye Heng moved to hug and greet Alice, Apollo noticed Gyeom's eyes follow.. Ohh.. The guests had not even all arrived and already Apollo had found someone to prank.. This was going to be fun!

Finally Gyeom was spotted by the others and pulled into the melee. He looked around with interest as Alice and Adam had hung up a big banner Welcoming Kieran and Zirui back. Curiously, he felt nothing when just last week he had been worried about surviving this time. Before he could think too deeply, a pair of small stubby arms hugged his legs and he looked down at the little imp that had stuck herself to him. Picking her up, he blew butterflies onto her neck, making her giggle loudly. 

Soon, Felix and I.M were complaining of partiality treatment by the little baby at having ignored her other uncles when a car stopped outside the house..

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