Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 180 - Please Say Yes

The girl sat on the chair with her arms crossed in front of her as she stared at the man who was at present kneeling in front of her. "How could you be such a cheat, Gyeom? I never expected something like this from you! The world is right, all men are dogs!"

Gyeom bowed his head and begged for forgiveness sincerely saying," Baby! I did not mean to cheat on you! But I genuinely fell in love. I know she doesn't compare to you in terms of looks and talent, but my heart does not listen. K am really sorry baby! Can you forgive me now?"

"I can forgive you but forgiving is not enough for you is it? You want me to say Yes to your marriage proposal!"

Gyeom gave her a big smile and nodded his head expecting the girl to agree. He even joined his hands in supplication and begged,"Yes please say yes.."

The girl shook her head and sighed,"What has the world come to? No, Gyeom, I am not going to agree.."

Gyeom looked at the girl who was stubbornly pouting and finally decided to take out the big guns. After all, his life's happiness depended on this affirmative answer.

"How about I promise give you your favorite double chocolate cheesecake?"

"Hey! Do you think I am so cheap that I will say yes to you if you bribe me? I am not someone who can be bribed. What do you take me for Yu Gyeom?"

"Fine then! How about I add the big automated doll house that your mum has been refusing to get you, to this offer? Oh and also there is a pretty butterfly diamond pin that I got for you when I went on that concert... It's not a bribe. It's more of a gift to erase the sourness in our relationship. Yes? What do you think?"

A big smile encased the small face as she nodded and agreed,"Fine. We have a deal. You can send the cheesecake and pin to me as an advance token of appreciation and the doll house later."

"Adel Parry! How could you? Am I only worth so much? I'm your first boyfriend! How can you agree to helping me propose to another woman? Am I not worth fighting over?"

Adel Parry rolled her small eyes and scrunched up her button nose as she said disdainfully," Ha! I am a young girl, only six years old! How can I have such an old boyfriend? If I had to fight, I would rather fight you for Sister Ye Ye. And also, I would have let you go for the cheesecake but then you would have felt guilty forever. I don't want that so I am letting you buy me the dollhouse and the pin to ease that. Now, you better have a beautiful ring for me to take to sister Ye Ye or I will not help you."

Having clarified her position, Adel raised her arms and Gyeom obediently helped her down from the chair before turning to her father and commenting,"She's taken after her mother not just in looks, but attitude also."

Adam smiled and said,"Well, you should not have promised to be her boyfriend and stuck to being her uncle."

"Hey! I don't regret this. Luckily for me she is cute and has not yet honed her skills under her mother's tutelage or else I would have been minced meat."

Adam smiled and fondly looked at his daughter. She was six years now. Time had flown by in a blink.

"Gyeom, have you asked I.M and Felix? I mean it is their wedding and you are going to propose to Ye Heng. They might not like you stealing the lime light."

"Those two are so happy that they don't have to hide anymore that they don't even care. But don't worry, they are really excited to have me propose to Ye Heng. If I had gone ahead and ruined their day Felix would have killed me before I could have taken the ring out! Anyways, where is sister in law?"

"She's art he office. Some difficult deal, that is keeping her. Why do you want to see my wife?"

"I need to thank her for the doll house idea."

"I can't believe you and Alice conspired to fool my poor Adel. Wait till I tell her.."

"Hey!Shut up! And go get ready! We need to go to the wedding and then I have my plans. Also, do you know Apollo is bringing a date?"

"Hmm. He said so. They are getting pretty serious. She is a doctor from the army and he says that she has a vision problem because she is your fan."

"Hey! He didn't tell me that! But he did warn me to stay away from her. Now I know why.."

With a mischievous smile, Gyeom was already planning to play a prank on Apollo and get his sweet revenge but Adam burst his bubble when he said,"Don't even think it. Or you might just find your bride missing on your marriage day. Apollo has gotten more vicious ever since he went into the service."

Shuddering, Apollo said,"You are right about that..Fine fine, I will let him go this time since I am very happy but I will prank him next time to get back for all the previous times!"

"I've been hearing that for a few years now. Gyeom, revenge is a dish best served cold but you've frozen it. The fact remains that you do not dare to prank Apollo the master prankster!

" Adam Parry! I know exactly what you are doing. Do you think I am going to be instigated and act on your words impulsively. You wish. Gone are the days where you could easily manipulate us. I am not going to prank Apollo. I am only going to work on proposing to Ye Heng."

But Gyeom failed to realize that he had been smoothly manipulated into giving up his malfeasance notion.

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