Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 182 - A Family

Adel Parry stood in the middle of the floor with a spotlight shining one her like a hallow. Her white gown shined under the light, completing the picture of an angel. Holding a microphone in her other hand, she called out,"Sister Yeye.."

Ye Heng looked surprised and was even more startled when a second spotlight shone on her. "Sister Ye, Am I cute?"

Another wait staff came to hand over her a microphone so that she answered, "Of course you are."

Ye Heng had no idea what Adel was up to but she decided to play along with the little girl. 

The girl was satisfied with her answer and asked once again," So, my papa says that no one can say no to me? Do you think that is true?"

"Yes, that is true.."

"Good, then I want to give you a present.. Will you a accept it?"

Laughing Ye Heng answered," But it is Felix and I.M's big day. So they should get a present right?"

"They don't want the present that I offered. They are being mean to me."

I.M coughed at that while Felix grabbed the microphone and snapped," We won't be taking that present for all the money in the world, little Adel! And your father lies, I can certainly say no to you!"

"That is why your lapel flower is in my hands, right now, Uncle Felix? Anyways I am not worried about you saying no. Uncle I.M had only to look at you and you will agree and Uncle I.M cannot refuse me! And now, I am in the middle of something important.."

"Sister Ye Ye.. " Slowly, Adel walked towards her and extended her hand to take the two roses.

"So? Sister Ye Ye, will you accept my present?"

Curious about this present that the bossy Adel was trying to get off her hands, Ye Heng nodded and extended her hand. The next minute, a big box complete with  gift packing was rolled into the spotlight. Ye Heng was too surprised this time to even think of what to say! She tried to guess what it was but had no clue. Could it be some kind of a pet? But what animal could be in such a big box?

"Go ahead, open it! But let me tell you if you open it you cannot return it."

Ye Heng's curiosity had now soared and she could not help but glance in the box. What was going on.. She carefully pulled the red ribbon around the box. The next moment she jumped back in fright when a figure hopped out of the box, almost scaring her.

"Yu Gyeom!" Hadn't he been sitting right next to her just now?

Out of instinct, she turned back and he wasn't there. But when she turned back, he was kneeling in front of her with a small box in his hand.

Both her hands covered her mouth as finally the penny dropped. She was being proposed. To make sure she caught his intentions rightly, Gyeom said,"Ye Heng, you once said that you want your proposal to be out of the box? So, here I am, out of the box? Will you marry me and let me love you the way I want to? Forever?" When she stood there in shock, Yu Gyeom felt a moment of anxiety as he wondered if she did not appreciate that he had followed her words in the literal meaning. Thus he quickly mumbled," You have already accepted me as a gift, haven't you?"

He then turned to Adel and winked at her urgently. The little girl quickly tugged at Ye Heng's dress and placed the two roses in her hand, "This is the traditional 'bridal' bouquet! Since we had two grooms and all. So, as per tradition, you are going to get married soon! If you don't want him, I could look for another cute guy.."

Yu Gyeom glared at Adel for the last offer before he looked at Ye Heng again with his cute puppy eyes. She was still frozen in shock.. "Ye Heng? Baby?"

Just as Yu Gyeom was about to take back his extended hand, Ye Heng moved her hand from her mouth and placed it on his wrist with a big smile. The tears in her eyes were bigger than her smile and she quickly pulled the ribbon that was tied around his head and said, "I love this gift, Addie. I am going to love and treasure him forever.." The acceptance finally let everyone breathe a small sigh of relief and soon everyone started to clap and cheer. 

Quickly holding her fingers, Yu Gyeom pulled out the ring and placed it on her fingers as if fearful that she would change her mind. As everyone laughed at Gyeom 's eagerness, Adam hugged Alice and said, "So, now you don't have to worry about our kid not having a family, right? 

So what if she doesn't have a grandfather, she has loads of loving uncles and aunts and then in the distant future she will have 'babies' to play with also".. But Alice placed her head on Adam's shoulder and said,"Mmmm..No.."

Adam looked down at Alice with a frown as he asked, "No? What? you don't think that these people are our family?"

Alice looked up into her husband's face with a big smile and tapped his nose," I meant that for the last part of your statement. Our Ady getting to play with babies is not going to be in the distant future... It is going to be in seven months.. "

Instantly, Adam's eyes snapped to her stomach and he grinned widely. Today was really turning out to be a great day! Felix and I.M had a new beginning, Apollo had introduced his new and amazing  girlfriend while Gyeom had proposed to Ye Heng..After placing a big kiss on Alice to thank her for the happy news, Adam, for the first time felt a little superstitious.. After all it would be fate that this was also the date where all of them had come together for the first time.. to form SKY.

And from there, they had not formed a family. Soon, the photographers called for family pictures and right there in the middle sat Felix and I.M with Yu Gyeom and Ye Heng behind them Adam, Alica and Adel to the right with Apollo and his girlfriend to the left. 

As Adam looked at this picture, there was only one thought in his mind.. "Sometimes the family one found for themselves was even more precious than blood relations..

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